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Fight Lyme Now - Petition (UK)


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Please take a couple of minutes to sign the petition

Develop accurate NHS tests and effective treatment protocols for Lyme disease.

The incidence of Lyme disease is increasing dramatically across Europe. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people contract Lyme disease and because of inaccurate testing, many go undiagnosed and untreated. Allocate funds immediately for research into developing new tests and effective treatments.
More details
Make Lyme disease notifiable so we know the true incidence in Britain. Develop accurate tests because the ELISA and Western blot tests are known to be inaccurate and unreliable. Train NHS staff in diagnosis and treatment of tick-borne diseases. Open dedicated clinics and use effective treatment protocols, extended for as long as necessary. Research the possibility of sexual transmission and dangers to pregnant women. Make the general public aware of the potential risks from tick bites.

There are only 3,000 signatures so far, we need so many more!! please sign and share as widely as you can


Fight Lyme Now campaign page:

Signed. Thanks for posting the link Justy. I've had the Bullseye rash (erythema migrans) and still tested negative four times for Lyme through the NHS. I was given two weeks doxycycline and had to insist I was given another two weeks after doing my own reading. I may or may not have chronic Lyme disease, but the point is no-one seems too bothered either way. 15 years on and nothing has improved for NHS patients regarding Lyme. One NHS GP told me "you'll never get better". Things have to change....

sarah darwins

Senior Member
Cornwall, UK
Signed. Thanks for posting the link Justy. I've had the Bullseye rash (erythema migrans) and still tested negative four times for Lyme through the NHS. I was given two weeks doxycycline and had to insist I was given another two weeks after doing my own reading. I may or may not have chronic Lyme disease, but the point is no-one seems too bothered either way. 15 years on and nothing has improved for NHS patients regarding Lyme. One NHS GP told me "you'll never get better". Things have to change....

Frank (and others), you might be interested in serg1942's post added this morning to this thread: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?posts/681294/