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Endocrine-disrupting chemicals cost the EU €157 billion a year


Senior Member


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
This will be hotly denied I am sure. This is a massively under-researched area. Whatever money we make from such products, is it worth the ongoing cost? The companies don't pay, its society that pays. Tax em for full costs is one option.

Yet to do that in a legal sense may require a degree of research beyond anything we currently have. You have to nail the research down. Look how long that took with Tobacco. That doesn't mean we should not continue. It may take time, but they may one day have to pay if they are responsible.


Senior Member
This will be hotly denied I am sure. This is a massively under-researched area. Whatever money we make from such products, is it worth the ongoing cost? The companies don't pay, its society that pays. Tax em for full costs is one option.

A better solution would be to start using alternatives or just stop using some stuff that isn't absolutely necessary. I'm sure the paint on receipts doesn't absolutely need to contain endocrine disrupters. Glass bottles over plastic bottles. With some good will and perhaps some research into alternatives I'm sure all of the problematic substances can be addressed appropriately. This may cost more upfront but will reduce medical bills and human suffering. Maybe we will even save money.


Fine, thank you
Is there any good info from a trusted source about how to avoid this stuff, as far as reasonably possible?