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Dr David Tuller: May 12th-International ME Awareness Day


Senior Member

Trial By Error: May 12th-International ME Awareness Day
11 MAY 2018
By David Tuller, DrPH

Saturday, May 12th, is International ME Awareness Day. (It’s also International Fibromyalgia Awareness Day, and the same for Gulf War Illness and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. But here we’re mostly focused on the first.) This day in the calendar was adopted years ago as an opportunity to promote the visibility of neuro-immune diseases. It has more recently become known for the #MillionsMissing campaign, spearheaded by ME Action, with events planned in more than 100 cities around the world.

I’ll be stopping by an action in San Francisco. Here’s where you can find out what’s happening near you: https://my.meaction.net/calendars/millionsmissing

Here are some options for making your presence known virtually: