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Diet woes. B's, methy donors?


Senior Member
I only came to the conclusion I have histamine problems because a) kept seeing a friend talking about it b) intense reaction at beginning of each day just bed bounded me, started thinking it was 'all food' but its quite clearly, testably- histamine things.

I then saw, that there's a connection between methylation and histamine. And now with the histamine thing I am really, really having a hard time tolerating meat. I mean frankly, I've been trying to avoid the crazy raw vegan diet for about 4.5 years. But, due to all these really weird curve balls I'm sort of getting pushed away from Weston Price into just plant based diet.

And some people speculate that, like with GAPS and SCD, the brown rice and organic corn I eat might be feeding more unfavorable gut flora which promote more histamine and other systemic conditions that increase chronic fatigue. I have heavy metal issues namely (can't eat thiol rich food). I suspect treating this is flaring histamine too. I took too much huperzine (an AchE inhibitor) for too many weeks and too much black tea, and probably also aggravated SIBO, so now I'm getting this really pronounced surge in histamine sensitivity I've not experienced in years (didn't recognize what it was back then).

In my discussions at pheonixrising CFS forum, so far I've stuck to the fact that I basically don't seem to get any sort of good or bad feedback from the Freddd protocol methyl donors etc.

Freddd says its Adosyl b12 in particular that is anti-inflammatory, and that raising glutathione too much will lead to a greater need for his protocol and that the deficiencies in methylfolate and methylb12 are in fact something that worsens mast cell issues. Fredd said he was on anti-histamines for 50 years.

People also said that maybe activated niacin helps, or that activated B2 made a huge difference in histamine issues or benfotiamine B1. But Fredd also said B2 messed his histamine up really bad. (I think it was that way until he later titrated it up to an acceptable dose along with the protocol).

Am I doomed to veganism? Does it sound like I'm over looking a B vit?


Senior Member
But Fredd also said B2 messed his histamine up really bad.
That is because he was low in copper. Copper is a co-factor for DAO enzymes.
My next induced deficiency was SACD type problems with copper deficiency which I am trying to write up currently, what the distinguishing features are.

I recently corrected what was "in low range" copper that was causing deficiency symptoms
If you suspect this is the case, to get plenty dietary copper you could use fresh herbs to season your food like basil, parsley, sage etc


Senior Member
Southeastern United States
Nuts and chocolate are very high in copper, and low in zinc, which is the mineral that seems to counteract copper. A reason to eat chocolate... :D ...well, maybe, if you are really sure you want more copper (and can handle the sugar in chocolate, or can handle eating the unsweetened bitter kind)

Just think carefully about whether you really want more copper, it's a controversial subject with arguments on both sides all over the internet.

I wish I had something helpful to say about the histamine.