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David Tuller asks for survivors of the Royal Free outbreak to contact him.


Senior Member
Royal Free Hospital outbreak of ME in 1955 - were you there?

David Tuller, the American journalist, would like to talk to anyone who was involved in the Royal Free Hospital outbreak of M.E. back in 1955.

If you were a member of staff, or were hospitalised at the time, please send your details to: admin@meassociation.org.uk

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David Tuller is asking for anyone from the Royal Free outbreak of 1955 to contact him, please.

I suggest too that it would be worth his while contacting Dr Byron Hyde for information on the survivors from the LA outbreak back in the early 1930s. Dr Hyde recently had a patient doctor who contracted ME during that outbreak and he related the story that the medics where given massive sums in compensation providing they sign a gagging clause as to the alleged source of the outbreak which was considered to be the new Brodie vaccine for polio.

The institute that manufactured it and were expecting to make massive profits from it provided the funds for the compensation. I believe it was the Rockefeller Institute.

Dr Bodie who was only in his 30s I believe committed suicide shortly after, I read in Dr Hyde's article on this.

I hope David covers this aspect too.


Senior Member
Last night at the Leiden Uni showing of Unrest, David Tuller said how he has interviewed one of the later victims of the Royal Fee outbreak of 1955.

She is now an 82-year-old retired GP.

She said by the time she had become ill, they knew how to manage it: six months bedrest. She recovered and had no re-occurrence since.

If only this management had been maintained! Many of us would be well today.


f only this management had been maintained! Many of us would be well today.
If the other theory is truth (Oslers Web) then the thinking was, the firsts outbreaks was milder because they haven't perfected the disabling agent the military was developing (the vaccine was us to test human subjects) and why the people's from first outbreak was cured vs not the later ones.
I think the people that fell bed ridden immediately would be cured by now (since they had not choice but to rest in bed for years) but the later people are not cured. So I tend to believe not necessarily on the Osler's Web theory but I do tend to believe the virus is stronger this days (maybe mutation, or the host.....). Just thinking outloud here.


Senior Member
Last night at the Leiden Uni showing of Unrest, David Tuller said how he has interviewed one of the later victims of the Royal Fee outbreak of 1955.

She is now an 82-year-old retired GP.

She said by the time she had become ill, they knew how to manage it: six months bedrest. She recovered and had no re-occurrence since.

If only this management had been maintained! Many of us would be well today.

Ramsey was giving sensible management advice in the 80s and warning of the long- term harm if not followed. It was when the behaviouralists got involved harm really occurred, not just over promoting rehabilitation for all via GET but psychologising the illlness. GPs, uninformed and free to do what they liked pre NICE took it to another Level, as they were in literature discouraged from attaching a medical diagnosises and just casually dished out "push on" , "you're depressed ignore your symptoms" or " get thee to a gym" advice which might even make Wessely shudder so that a whole generation, if they weren't lucky enough to stumble across good advice early on, became to varying , sometimes catastrophic degrees, permanently disabled.

Whilst there's oodles of papers examining the consequences of patients own beliefs and blaming them, little recognition of the harm by Drs to patients has been made.

I'm long-term bedridden from getting ill in my teens years ago and told to just keep active etc even when I had a diagnosis. I had an acquaintance who got ill a Similar age a decade or More later, got an early diagnosis and great management from an informed GP and is living a 95% normal life. Where's the accountability for this avoidable harm?


So I was wondering, is there any ties ( specially financial) from Wesley or his group to Rockefeller or his industries ????