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Correlation between H2S urine test and Epsom salt tolerance


Senior Member
Hi, stressman.

Thanks for resurrecting this old thread. Since suggesting the hypothesis I proposed at the beginning of this thread, I have learned a little more. When I suggested it, I was under the impression that H2S was produced in the gut only by sulfate-reducing bacteria. However, this is not the case. In fact, there are other bacteria that can ferment sulfur-containing amino acids and produce H2S in that way. Dr. de Meirleir has pointed the finger at Streptococcus and enterococcal bacteria. In fact, they may be the dominant producers of H2S in some people.

This being the case, I think it can explain why some people have high H2S, but tolerate Epsom salts very well.

However, it would seem that those who do not tolerate Epsom salts would have high H2S, because sulfate-reducing bacteria may be the H2S producers in their cases.

So now I'm wondering if there is anyone who does not tolerate Epsom salts, but has tested and not found high H2S. This would help to test this revised hypothesis.

Please give my regards to "Curly" and thank her for her input on this question.

Best regards,

London, England
Shall do Rich, thanks!

In addition to the strep and entero, prevotella (anaerobic?) is also a culprit. The recommended drug is Rifaximin, used for travellers' stomach. Unfortunately it is not available in the UK, where penicillin and metronidazole are used instead. These two wreak havoc with the normal gut flora, of course, whereas apparently the Rifaximin does not.

I like your conclusion per the above, that could prove useful to Curly in future.

I shall be reporting on her week 4 of Se 200g on the 3 P's thread next weekend. At that time we shall be introducing Mo (Moly-B).

All the best,
