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Coriolus - safe?

Hi, has anyone taken this with success? And, any thoughts on what is a normal side effect and are there any that would be considered dangerous and it should be discontinued? Or is safe to take?

Just started this on my teen with moderate to severe ME and they are saying their throat is hurting. I know sore throat happens a lot in ME but for my teen, their throat used to hurt a lot for the first 5-6 years of ME but now is only mentioned if going above levels that are normally manageable so it seems the sore throat is linked to using the Coriolus vericola. Would appreciate reassurance... thank you!!

Just to update here in case it is of help to anyone in the future that he has been fine on the Coriolus Vericola for nearly 2 months now. The sore throat feeling after just swallowing went after a few days - thankfully!

tyson oberle

Senior Member
tampa, florida
Just to update here in case it is of help to anyone in the future that he has been fine on the Coriolus Vericola for nearly 2 months now. The sore throat feeling after just swallowing went after a few days - thankfully!
Thanks for the update. What were all the ME/CFS symptoms that he had before trying Coriolus and what has improved?