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confused about my genes


I bought this but im not sure what to make of it? Any experts can help me understand this better? Does my body have problems with detoxification? I used my 23AndMe data and uploaded it and used that site, what site do you guys use to see your results?

What supplements should I take? I noticed all my genes are either yellow or red no green found , is this common? does this mean my body detoxify really bad?


Senior Member
I noticed all my genes are either yellow or red no green found , is this common? does this mean my body detoxify really bad?

They are only reporting genetic variants, not all the alleles where no variant is detected, so you wouldn't expect to see any green.

Note they look at only 195 polymorphisms in a total of many, many thousands. Of the 195 they look at they say you have variants in 41. Nothing at all unusual.

As for their claims about these variants, I would not take them too seriously.

Nutrahacker seems to just cut and paste from the internet regardless of the accuracy of some of the claims.

I've made some comments about 23andme analysis in this recent thread.
They are only reporting genetic variants, not all the alleles where no variant is detected, so you wouldn't expect to see any green.

Note they look at only 195 polymorphisms in a total of many, many thousands. Of the 195 they look at they say you have variants in 41. Nothing at all unusual.

As for their claims about these variants, I would not take them too seriously.

Nutrahacker seems to just cut and paste from the internet regardless of the accuracy of some of the claims.

I've made some comments about 23andme analysis in this recent thread.
thanks I will check out Xcode , Promethease and Enlis, too bad I already paid for nutrahacker, useless.
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