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Chocolate can stave off Alzheimers via improved cerebral blood flow


Near Cognac, France

me/cfs 27931

I consume CocoaVia daily and do think it helps mildly with age-related cognitive decline (I'm 54). Wish I had started earlier.

My major cognitive decline, however, has not been gradual. It has been episodic, coinciding with significant worsening of my ME/CFS symptoms. Roughly ages 16-17, 21-22, 25-26, 29-30, 38-39, 44-45, 50-51.

After each episode, some of my cognitive function comes back, but some remains permanently lost. It's rather distressing to think about how much of me is missing. I'll do whatever I can to preserve what is left.
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Senior Member
Not getting my hopes up but it sure beats fish oil capsules! I feel my biggest problem is poor blood supply to the brain. I hadn't heard of CocoaVia but am always interested in things that might help. I think you would have to eat an awful lot of chocolate to get any real results!


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
I only read the abstract but my take is this is a piece of a puzzle and we don't even know if its the right puzzle.

An example, a study found Vitamin K2 restores energy in an animal model of Parkinsons. Sounds promising, until you understand that its an example of the streetlight effect, the animal model is not identical to the human model hence the results are probably useless. The predominating theory is its caused by alpha synuclein buildup killing brain cells, possibly mediated by the ABL1 protein. Extra energy appears to have little effect on this, yet the animal model showed excellent results on a different mechanism.
Translated, if Alzheimers is caused by amyloid or tau proteins causing brain cell death then increasing blood flow probably has little effect on this. It would be like saying you cured a cold by taking cough medicine. Its your immune system that actually defeats the cold.
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Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
This was in people who were otherwise healthy, or at least did not have ME/CFS. I wonder if cocoa would overcome the additional problems with blood flow to the brain that we have? That doesn't keep me from eating a couple of squares of 85% dark chocolate/day.


Senior Member
This is the sort of thing it would really be nice to have a simple 'at-home-clinical trial' type thing.
There are several thousand supplements and 'generally recognised as safe' food ingredients.
Some subset of these have at least plausible effects on CFS.

100 people taking for a week and recording their fatigue level daily for pills that contain cocoa powder, or placebo, or ... would generate usable data if the effect was worthy of further investigation.