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Chiropractors, can others share their experiences please?


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Hi, i have been seeing a Mctimony Chiropractor for about 8 months, with what i think have been good results- not a cure, but my central nervous system is very much calmed down, the pain is very minimal these days and i feel more able to go out and about. In general i just feel like i still have M.E but not as badly as before.

Mctimony is different to normal chiro in that it is very gentle and doesnt involve any large manipulations. I am interested in others thoughts and experiences as i always have a strong reaction to it for a few days afterwards and wonder what is causing this.
On the day i have the treatment i immediately feel very off my head but at the same time calmer and happier, then the pain ususally sets in for a few days and i feel very wiped out for a few days. Once this wears off i usually feel a lot better for a few weeks and then i feel the need to go again as it feels like the effects are wearing off.

Last week i went for a treatment 5 weeks after the last one and for once i didnt feel the need to go, but its been helping so much i thought i should go anyway. This time i had the usual reaction with pain etc but much worse, i woke up the next day feeling very fluish and with one eye very droopy and weird. 6 days later i still havent recovered back to my new improved level and feel more ill again, like ive taken a slide backward.

I wonder if it is mobilising toxins (my chiro has never claimed this, infact doesnt make grandiose claims at all) I know i have toxins stuck onto genes etc, but dont know yet what they are, could this explain the reaction? It seems to me that this could be working similarly to Perrin, what do you think? Also should i push through or give it a break for a bit?


iherb code TAK122
Justy I too had the very droopy eye last week???? haven't had it for a long time so was surprised and still don't know where it came from, have been going through a bad patch so maybe linked to that. I put my lymph massage sessions on hold a few weeks ago as I felt so rough after the last one, its like one step forward 10 back isn't it, sorry had no exp of the Mctimony but have heard good things in the past about it. Hope you feel better soon.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Hi justy.

Ive been helped some with my CFS/ME symptoms seeing a chiropractor too. This chiro told me there is around 160 different kinds of chiropractors (he'd gone throu a couple of different schools/methods so I dont know what kind he was).

The big symptom he helped me with was constant dizziness to the point in which I dont get "constant" dizziness anymore (just dizziness now in response to certain triggers). It turned out my neck was very slightly out and that really aggrevates my CFS/ME to the point where I can get certain symptoms a lot more or a lot worst.

I was completely unaware that my dizziness was due to my neck, till he made the dizziness go away by working on my neck. I was amazed to find it instantly suddenly gone when he worked on me, (but it came back a few weeks later.. to which I got rid of again then with another treatment. Three treatments all up and that constant dizziness has never came back and its been a few years now since last treament on neck for it.)

with one eye very droopy and weird.

Bell's Palsy I know can affect eye (thou I dont know if it can affect just an eye and not other parts of face too). I know when I got an attack of Bell's Palsy (not throu anything the chiropractor did.. Bell's Palsy is thought to be connected to viruses and other things) my eye was affected (along with my mouth).
