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Boric Acid/Pesticide Poisoning? Scared.


Senior Member
I poisoned my bedroom with boric acid by bringing in a new mattress using boric as a retardant. The mattress is gone, but I am still having symptoms in there. What do I need to focus on to bring the load down? I've had the windows open and fans running all weekend but it's stuck in there. What do I need to clean to remove the contamination? Do I need to clean the walls as well as the floor? Can I use just hot water or do I need a special substance?

Could it be the cotton fibers treated with boric acid that I'm reacting to?

Someone from Gold Bond talked with me and suggested I could be reacting to pesticide residue from the cotton. Whatever is going on, is pretty severe. I can smell and taste whatever it is constantly, and I feel exhausted and absolutely poisoned.



Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
No idea about how to clean the contamination Christopher, but maybe you could also work on yourself and take the stuff designed to lower toxins in your body. Thinking about cholestyramine for example, liver detox etc. Hope you'll get some good help.


Senior Member
There's also the possibility of flame retarding chemicals that may have been applied to the fabric covering the mattress, not boric acid, but other chemicals. They've found that those chemicals negatively affect children whose bedclothes have been doused with them.

I have used boric acid powder to kill ants and never noticed any odor nor had any problems with it. It's considered an organic pesticide.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I would be suspicious of the cotton. They use a s**tload of pesticide on that stuff. A lot of it is grown in countries where there a no or few laws regarding pesticide use.


Senior Member
I would be suspicious of the cotton. They use a s**tload of pesticide on that stuff. A lot of it is grown in countries where there a no or few laws regarding pesticide use.

Awesome. I really had no idea. Even though the mattress is gone, I'm still feeling dizzy and poisoned when I spend time in the house. I wonder if I'm now allergic to all cotton due to the massive exposure.