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AUA 2010 - Is Prostate Cancer an Infectious Disease? - Session Highlights


waitin' fer rabbits
South Texas
I have no ideal if the information here is inaccurate or if someone can't spell or what (scratch, scratch, scratch)

Link http://www.urotoday.com/61/browse_categories/prostate_cancer/aua_2010__is_prostate_cancer_an_infectious_disease__session_highlights06072010.html

Monday, 07 June 2010

SAN FRANCISCO, CA USA (UroToday.com) - In his state-of-the-art lecture, Dr. Eric Klein asked whether cancer, and in particular prostate cancer, is an infectious disease. He stated that numerous cancers are caused by infections and more cancers are caused by infections worldwide than occur in the US from all causes. There is epidemiological data that suggest there is increased risk of CaP with early sexual activity and increased number of partners, but decreased risk with frequent ejaculation. (good to know, grins) A prior history of any sexually transmitted disease or prostatitis is associated with increased risk of CaP. Variants in RNaseL and MSR1 are two examples of genetic links to CaP.

Xenotropic murine leukemia related virus (XMRV) was first described in 2006. It is a novel retrovirus and a mutation in this gene is associated with CaP. (huh, really??) It integrates into the host chromosomes and sits in cancer-associated fibroblasts. XMLV (head scratch) is not an oncogene, but likely integrates into the host to activate an oncogene. XMRV has been found in 23% of CAP tissue samples compared with only 6% of benign tissues. The antibody against XMRV is found in 30% of patients undergoing radical prostatectomy.

SMRV (more head scratching) is also found in 67% of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome compared with 3.7% of controls. It suggests it may be transmitted through blood contact. In a monkey model of transmission, it is found in white blood cells and lymphoid tissue. At day 7, it can be isolated in prostate tissue. If left longer, at 5 months it can be found in the epididymis and seminal vesicles. Androgens added to CaP cells in culture stimulate XMRV replication and it was found that there is an androgen response element in the virus. Prostate epithelium is an early target of XMRV, and stroma becomes infected later on. He pointed out that there have been some negative studies as well, due to technical aspects and viral variants, he said. Globally, there are different areas of viral penetration but causality between XMRV and human disease remains to be proven.

Presented by Eric A. Klein, MD at the American Urological Association (AUA) Annual Meeting - May 29 - June 3, 2010 - Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA USA


Senior Member
thanks for that George.
is that the same prof who is seeking two phd students to investigate hiv/xmrv and amyloids? Good to know 'they' are digging :)


Senior Member
Here is a link to the video (Is Prostate Cancer An Infectious Disease? ) midway down this page from the American Urological Assoc. (AUA) conference held May 29 - June 3: http://webcasts.prous.com/AUA2010/html/1-en/template.aspx?section=7&p=7,11872#

This is a fascinating lecture and it might be time to bring your thread up to date and renew discussion: http://www.forums.aboutmecfs.org/sh...ncer-an-Infectious-Disease-Session-Highlights.

Klein mentions brain infection in his presentation (it’s not on the slide) at approx. 11:00. "very shortly after infection, XMRV homes directly to the prostate and to the brain (in mice susceptible to XMRV – Emory Univ.).

This was brought to my attention by a post on CFScentral.com -

Thanks Mindy!


waitin' fer rabbits
South Texas
Nice and WOW (grins)

I really am looking forward to more information on XMRV in the brain. My brain obviously missed this in the Sarma lecture back in January! It seems kind of sensible to me that either brain or bone marrow would be a major tissue resovior. But then again Maybe I have XMRV on the brain. (grins)

Thanks for updating this CBS


Senior Member
I don't have the energy for it myself right now but this video deserves some serious review (references to unpublished data, comments about Cold Spring Harbor presentations, etc.).


waitin' fer rabbits
South Texas
I agree, he sound so excited in the presentation. Maybe it's just all those hot lights. While are community is so down right now waiting . . .waiting. . .waiting. It's good to see so many XMRV references to papers yet to be published just in this one presentation. Sadly my brain is going down shortly. I can feel it coming so I'm going to have to pass the ball too! Woof!


Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
Nice and WOW (grins)

I really am looking forward to more information on XMRV in the brain.

Recognition of the brain as a major reservoir of XMRV could be a deal breaker for us? It would get people scared enough to do something about viewing ME seriously. How can this be done ie would animal models be acceptable?

It would get people scared enough to do something about it.


waitin' fer rabbits
South Texas
Yes RustyJ

If future studies show that ME/CFS is a neuro - immune illness then yeah, it would be a deal breaker to the Global Public. Most people in the world will accept physical limitations long before mental one. It also would let all those nice psychiatrist off the hook. After all they were right it was a problem with our brain but it's not their fault that they never thought of a retrovirus as the cause. (grins)


Senior Member
Sth Australia
im sure that the XMRV has affected my brain.. i started getting SEVERE mood swings (which all the psychologists ive seen and psychriastrists say arent bipolar) after 10 yrs of having CFS/ME. During these im completely irrational, my thinking is completely screwed and cant control myself. im in trouble with the law over them.

These happened after i went throu a stage of CFS/ME in which i was getting severe neurological, like parkinsons disease tremors, spasms, leg drag etc and severe Alzheimer's disease kind of symptoms... (those symptoms all cleared up.. but after that the uncontrollable mood swings started happening).
hiv medication and non- bacteriological prostatitis

I hope you find the time to read my story = hiv medication and non- bacteriological prostatitis (total recovery of all my syptoms after hiv cocktail with intellence,prezista,norvirand and isentres)
Sorry for my English because i'm Dutch speaker

I have been living with non-bacteriological prostatitis for more than 20 years( painful urination, painful ejaculation,weak urinestream, erectile dysfunction, pelvic floor pain, pain in testes, prostate pain,loss of feeling in penis from nerve damage, loss of controle over some pelvic floormuscles etc.)

After many years of loads of antibiotics, and NSAID's medication without any result or change in my illness, I had a remarkabel almost 100% recovery with hiv medication !!! of my infected prostate.This was in july 2009 last year.
All my symptoms where gone!!! in less then a week after I started taking the hiv medication cocktail !! (symptoms I had for years and years and wich became worse and worse over the years) The medication was a cocktail of Isentress,Norvir,prezista and Intellence.
The reason of this treatment was an unsafe sexual contact, so I went to the University Clinic in Gent where they gave me this treatment for 1 month as a precaution/prevention of a possible hiv infection.
After this one month treatment was finished ,all of my symptoms came back.
I had some pills left, so I tried again, but in 4 times lesser dose, and yes again my symptoms disappeared.

I went to my dokter, my urologist and the doctor of the University Clinic with my story.
I told them there was a connection between the medication and my so called non-bacterial prostatitis.(virus, xmrv?)They where in disbelieve and dismised me!!!!????
Not having this medication anymore, turned my life back to a living hell !!
April the 1 th 2010 I read on the internet the article of Ila Singh, M.D. Ph.D. That they probably found connection between retro virus infection in prostate and possible treatment with hiv medication.
The medication worked for my horrible illness that destroys my life on all levels, and i really hope there will be a solution very soon. I would rather live my life with the medication, that make me symptom free and gave me back my life , than live in hell 24/7
Two weeks ago I took the xmrv -test that is brand new at http://www.redlabs.be/ in Zellik Belgium a lab connected with http://www.vipdx.com/ that does the European tests.I should get the results in 4-5 weeks.