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Anyone been at Spenaugle institute?


Senior Member
Midwest USA
Their website made me want to pack up for a visit so their marketing is working anyway. I'm curious too!


Senior Member
Their website made me want to pack up for a visit so their marketing is working anyway. I'm curious too!

Yes, very appealing. A little too appealing maybe... too glossy. I'm always a little suspicious of people or organizations that claim to help a wide variety of illnesses for which there are no easy answers. It smacks of all those quack cures that cure whatever ails ya.

But who knows? Maybe these people (who we've never heard of in the ME/CFS world) have educated themselves in the best treatment modalities for these hard-to-treat illnesses and will be a wonderful resource for PWME. We'll just have to wait and see, I suppose.


Senior Member
Midwest USA
They also seem to run a rapid detox clinic.

But the most interesting factoid I found on the site was a statement about the relationship between estrogen and serotonin on their anxiety page. They state that estrogen levels below a certain threshold don't allow for proper serotonin receptor function which may explain some symptoms. But then the units are not standard so the whole thing makes little sense. I did call to ask for a clarification and left a message. No return call yet!


Senior Member
Ema, please, let us know, I am very curious, too. I found their pages very interesting, but I live in the opposite part of the world. Though their marketing is very good, everything written there makes perfect sense..