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AllTrials launches in the US


Fine, thank you
Got this in my email this morning. AllTrials is a campaign group campaigning for the reporting of all clinical trial data.

Very important issue (PACE!).

AllTrials said:
Dear AllTrials friend

We’re excited to announce that 50 patient groups, consumer organisations and medical societies have come together to launch AllTrials USAtoday!These groups have said:

"We are calling on everyone in our sector to join us in supporting the AllTrials campaign. Hundreds of thousands of patients have taken part in clinical trials which have never reported results. For every day that passes, more information is at risk of being lost forever. We have to make every clinical trial count. Join us today."

Patient activist AnnaMarie Ciccarella said: “We provided our bodies, our tissue samples, our data. I’ve heard the same sentiment expressed many times from patients in clinical trials, ‘This may not help me, but it may help another person.’ It’s time to honor that sentiment.”

Read more inspiring words from the patients, researchers and groups launching the US campaign today at AllTrials.net.

We got an incredible response when we asked if any of you were able to volunteer sometime in July to help with this, thank you! Because so many of you hit the phones and reached out to hundreds of organisations across the US,the campaign is able to hit the ground running.

Look out for media coverage and editorials today and throughout this week, announcements of new organisations adding their support and calls for action in the US at #AllTrials on Twitter and Facebook.

Meet the team behind AllTrials USA here, get in touch and add your support!

Best wishes

P.S. If you haven’t already, do read this week’s Economist for great coverage of the campaign ahead of the US launch, and check out the Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal for coverage of our announcement last week that investors worth over €3.5 trillion in assets are supporting AllTrials, or read more about it on our site.