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Agaricus Blazei Murill - Anti viral, immune modulating fungi

Hi all,

Did a search on this fungus here, but came up empty. Have anyone tried these?

Here in my country Norway, there's just been a study using it successfully on patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease among other things.

Link: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/aps/2011/157015/

Who knows, might benefit in the case of CFS/ME as well..?

Just ordered a batch, will let you know how it goes :D


PS! First post here btw, after long time lurking.


Wanted to post in alternative therapies section, but somehow ended up in general treatment. Whoops, don't know how to fix, mod pls help. Like I said, first time poster.. :ashamed:


Senior Member
Very interesting Life - like all coming out of Oslo now - please let us know how it goes.


Senior Member
SF Bay Area
I have tried it as part of Paul Stamets' 17 mushroom blend. To be precise, it's called Royal Sun Blazeii in his blend but is the same species that is in the studies according to him (http://www.fungi.com/blazei.html) I have had a good response to the mushrooms- more energy, clearer sinuses, etc. I don't know if it's improved my NK cell function but I definitely recommend trying one of the blends or Agaricus blazeii alone if anyone is debating whether to try medicinal mushrooms.

kday had a good post on Stamets, his lectures, and his mushroom extracts at this link.
Hello all,
I have recently come across reports about Agarics Blazei Murill (initially with regard to treatment of Hashimoto's thyroiditis, which I have too). I spontaneously ordered some and have taken it for about a week now. I feel strangely well ... but of course this may be just a complete coincidence or placebo effect. So I am wondering about your experiences with taking this Mushroom. Are you still taking it? Any improvements on ME/CFS?


Senior Member
SF Bay Area
Hi @marypoppins - I still take medicinal mushrooms. They haven't been the magic bullet but still helps clear my head and sinuses a bit, which is more than almost every other treatment I have tried. I don't think I ever tried Agaricus blazeii on its own.