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$1.5 M Raised During Triple Tuesday OMF!!

Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent
Hi guys,

Some incredible news, thank you to everyone who supported, donated and advocated for OMF and TripleTuesday.


Thank You!
Triple Tuesday OMF

Dear Friends,

It is my pleasure to share with you the unprecedented successes of Triple Tuesday OMF. This Triple Tuesday was our most successful yet. We did more than meet our goals, we surpassed them — raising more than $1,500,000!

We're grateful for the groundswell of support from the global OMF family and our generous anonymous matching gift donors from the United States and Belgium. We received over 3,000 donations from 32 countries. Thank you so much for being a part of the OMF family, and supporting our critical research to find answers for ME/CFS. Together, we will end ME/CFS.

Click here to hear a special thank you message.

As always, we will continue to keep you updated on the progress of our research that your generosity is funding.

With hope for all,

Linda Tannenbaum
Founder & CEO/President


Thank you so much guys,


@Janet Dafoe (Rose49) @AshleyHalcyoneH @marilynbsg


senior member
Concord, NH
Seeing how my donation was going to be tripled, was hard not to give this time :) Was in a giving mood even with my meager income.

Hope we get some results that improve my quality of life, would like to go back to work and lift myself from living below the poverty line :(


Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent
Seeing how my donation was going to be tripled, was hard not to give this time :) Was in a giving mood even with my meager income.

Hope we get some results that improve my quality of life, would like to go back to work and lift myself from living below the poverty line :(


Thanks so much for your donation GG. I'm hopeful we can.


Tom Kindlon

Senior Member
Hey @Ben H, how does this compare to similar fundraising efforts in previous years? It would be nice to have some indication of how much funding is growing. My impression is that things are starting to accelerate, is that borne out by OMF data?
I remember trying to highlight around the Internet matching fundraisers for ME Research UK (known then as MERGE) and a Ben Natelson study in 2004 and 2005 (I think those were the years anyway?). They struggle to get a few thousand pounds/dollars. So a massive jump since then.

Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent
Hey @Ben H, how does this compare to similar fundraising efforts in previous years? It would be nice to have some indication of how much funding is growing. My impression is that things are starting to accelerate, is that borne out by OMF data?

Hi @used_to_race

So I can tell you that this year we raised more than 3 times what was raised during last year's TripleTuesday :)

So yes things are accelerating in that respect, and I believe that has been reflected in this years Community Symposium and the level of interaction and data sharing too, and perhaps most importantly the new collaborative centre that has been set up at Harvard.

So to answer you question quickly, I would say an emphatic 'yes'.

And we need it to continue, because of the significant lack of funding from NIH.



Senior Member
OMF working group has 60 researchers approx. right ? Even assuming an average salary of 10000 dollars per month per researcher (other than those who are doing it voluntarily without taking a salary like Robert Phair) it works out to 7.2 million dollars per year. This is just the salaries. You have to add the fixed overheads and lab equipment usage cost and reagents and all those chemical stuff, which are not cheap. This is just the scientific basic research part. Clinical trials are a different monster in themselves. Hats off to you Linda Tannenbaum ! I dont want to be in your shoes. :thumbsup:


Senior Member
OMF working group has 60 researchers approx. right ? Even assuming an average salary of 10000 dollars per month per researcher (other than those who are doing it voluntarily without taking a salary like Robert Phair) it works out to 7.2 million dollars per year. This is just the salaries. You have to add the fixed overheads and lab equipment usage cost and reagents and all those chemical stuff, which are not cheap. This is just the scientific basic research part. Clinical trials are a different monster in themselves. Hats off to you Linda Tannenbaum ! I dont want to be in your shoes. :thumbsup:
A lot of researchers would not be solely working on ME/CFS matters. Also Ron and his team did get a multi-million dollar grant and could apply for others.


Senior Member
A lot of researchers would not be solely working on ME/CFS matters. Also Ron and his team did get a multi-million dollar grant and could apply for others.
Ron Davis said 70% of the funds that OMF receives is spent on salaries alone. I think their total annual budget is 10-12 million USD.


Senior Member
Ron Davis said 70% of the funds that OMF receives is spent on salaries alone. I think their total annual budget is 10-12 million USD.
They got a $5,000,000 donation from a bitcoin investor in one year.
But generally their income isn't anything like $10-$12,000,000.

I very much doubt they are paying 70% of the salaries of 60 researchers. I'm not sure where you got the figure of 60 from; loads of people on their advisory group would receive little income from them.


Senior Member

The above link gives you the list of researchers working on ME CFS. The total head count is above 70 ! Ron Davis said in one of the videos that the main problem in recruiting these top quality researchers is they want a commitment of salary for at least a period of 3 years and that was difficult since their budget is low. And he said very explicitly that 70 % of OMF's expenditure is on salaries alone.

The OMF working group symposium for 3 days would have incurred a hefty sum. It involves the travel expenses and boarding and lodging expenses and local conveyance, breakfast, lunch and dinner for the 70 members. This requires a lot of money.

Janet Dafoe

Board Member
The Working Group includes all the scientists that Ron works with or collaborates with, all over the world. They come together during the Working Group meeting to share data, brainstorm, and form collaborations. OMF/Ron is not paying all these people. Ron uses OMF donations to fund certain researchers at the Genome Center who work on CFS and also decides who else in the world needs funding and funds those, like Jonas Bergquist and the ME/CFS Collaborative Research Center at Harvard. Ron and OMF are by no means funding all the people who come to that Working Group meeting. For example, Maureen Hanson has her own funding, as does Jarred Younger, etc.