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Serious Dangers of Synthetic & Unnatural Vitamins

Cornwall, UK.
I read this article and was compelled to post it.

Serious Dangers of Synthetic & Unnatural Vitamins

By Dr. Phil MaffetoneMay 3, 2015 Nutrition

Truly health-conscious consumers choose to avoid artificial, unnatural and synthetic chemicals, but often — and unknowingly — consume these in dietary supplements. Misleading information on supplement labels is the most common reason for confusion about these ingredients. Consuming these potentially dangerous chemicals is much more serious than once thought.

We should be concerned about taking synthetic vitamins and other unnatural nutrients because
published research in the last few years concludes two important things: First, synthetic and other unnatural nutrients are mostly ineffective in preventing disease. Second, these chemicals may be dangerous to your health — some have been shown to increase the risk of death! Most of the studies show an increased incidence of cancer and heart disease, the reason for the increased risk.
(Continue reading here: https://philmaffetone.com/serious-dangers-of-synthetic-unnatural-vitamins/)
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Senior Member
On a plan where I'm eating pounds of produce a day. Early into it, but today woke up and no one would know I have CFS. I'm fine. I think primarily what has happened is I balanced my blood sugar which in turn stopped my kidneys from urinating out all my Thiamine (B1) every five seconds (it's unreal how much I went to wee every single day) and without the loss of B1 which powers bodily energy - whoa, I'm okay! But I'm not supplementing B1, I'm just eating tons of produce and not having the glucose spikes and dips (I did have to limit starch, no white stuff in my diet really *cry*) (My Dad, however, who is mid-70's has been severe diabetic for awhile and has neuropathy, I sent that man a bottle of B1 this morning. Not even messing around -- but I think getting vitamins from food is the way to go.)

I'm still taking amino acids and Magnesium and I just have to or everything falls apart - but that's for now - I think I can see a future where I get enough insulin sensitivity back and my body working again to where I can ween off those too. (L-Tyrosine, L-Glutamine, L-Tryptophan, Magnesium).

My doctor told me about a connection between B1 and Fibro (but I did not test low on B1 full disclosure), and then I found it connected to Diabetes (people with diabetes urinate out 75% of their Thiamine!) -- and it just makes a lot of sense that has been my issue the entire time. I have had kidney issues additionally, but with the Vegan diet my Creatinine and all my blood work was beautiful this time around, which was a heck of a relief.

I do worry when I read about supplementation on this forum that's way over RDA and well beyond even what the bottle says to take. I never have seen it produce results and I think it's dangerous. It makes me worry for folks.

There are enough connections between serious adverse reactions and cancer between vitamins that I'm noping out.

What everyone should know is that these vitamins on the shelves are mostly the same thing. They order in bulk from China, the powder comes in, and then the "American Made" or insert country of your choice here process starts, they put it in a pretty bottle, have a marketing team write up the label and push the product online -- but it's all the same things from the same place. I could start my own company tomorrow. These TV doctors with their 'special supplements' - same crap, different bottles. In the business we used to call them "selling legitimacy" and it works. So if you spend $60 to get a better quality xyz - it's probably the same crap that's in the $7.95 bottle at your grocery store.

I remember one protein powder mix drink place that was ordering in the whey protein and whatnot from China, but then having to package it themselves and it was a group of young people who weren't quite adept at it, they had rats, they had open containers they didn't seal back, they had roaches and no gloves -- you just don't know who is handling this stuff when it gets here or during the origin.

It's a dice roll I suppose. You do the best you can. :)
Cornwall, UK.
It's a dice roll I suppose. You do the best you can. :)

Well written and very true it never ceases to amaze me how little folk know about the vitamins they take and what they really are. I have found that some vitamin companies quote organic source vitamins and then add synthetic vitamins to bulk out.....it makes no sense other than to fool the customer and make £££. I do think the way forward is to eat organic foods only but you can no longer rely on the vitamins being present even organic foods the vegan society some years ago and took a random sample of 10 oranges from 10 different sources and surprise surprise 8 out of the 10 had NO vitamin C whatsoever. But as you say you just do the best you can.


Senior Member
We have a local farmers market but for the most part, people are buying wholesale from a fruit/veg broker in bulk and then passing it off as homegrown and 'organic' -- it's all a hustle.


Senior Member
The article seems like a good example of scare science: say something scary with some scientific terms, but don't back it up with actual evidence. "Synthetic is EVIL!!!!!!!" "Someone took some synthetic vitamins and DIED!!!! (Car accident, but ignore that bit)". Vitamin C is the same chemical--ascorbic acid--whether it's in fruit or made in a lab. Yes, the fruit will have other healthy chemicals (and possibly some naturally toxic ones). Some synthetic vitamins might require a bit more processing and cofactors, but I expect that most vitamins taken as supplements aren't accomplishing much, so it probably has little real effect. Are there some situations where a person might be measurably healthier from a natural supplement rather than a synthetic one? Probably, but probably not a significant number.

I think the article is simply part of a scam, either for the author to make money, or for the natural supplements industry to make more profit. I don't think anyone involved in the article is concerned about people's health.


Senior Member
I read this article and was compelled to post it.

Serious Dangers of Synthetic & Unnatural Vitamins

By Dr. Phil MaffetoneMay 3, 2015 Nutrition

I read this article by Phil Maffetone, and it is a poor and misleading article.

First of all apart from the case of vitamin E, there is no difference between synthetic and natural vitamins.

Secondly, Phil Maffetone presents a confused argument. What he is trying to say is that very high doses of certain vitamins can produce some adverse effects (although what he does not mention is that very high doses can also be beneficial).

However, he gives the (erroneous) impression that because these vitamins are synthetic, that is is the cause of the problem. But whether vitamins are of natural or synthetic origin, they usually have the same molecular structure, or can be converted by the body into the same molecular structure.

So a vitamin is a vitamin, whether the vitamin molecule comes from a plant or a pharmaceutical laboratory. There is nothing at all wrong with vitamins synthesized under the stringent purity controls of pharmaceutical companies, and they are just as nutritious as any other source of the same vitamin.

There simply is no evidence whatsoever that synthetic vitamins are less nutritious that natural vitamins.

Thus this is a misleading article that misinforms.
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Senior Member
Totally agree that's worse than that. Got a 60% walking-disability from a 80% blockage at my abdominal aorta bifurcation 10 years ago. Since conventional medicine had nothing to prevent it's progression and really nothing more to loose I started high-dose orthomolecular vitamin therapy ala Linus Pauling. Too many are the unexpected side-benefits to report here, and had the walking-disability revoked after 6 years on it.

It's only reasonable to assume that the level of toxicity increases with the incidence of deathly poisoning. Take for example the 2007 annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers (I still had on my drive) for mortality as comparison:

Number   -   % of all exposures in category   -   Substance

377   -   0.250   -   Sedative/hypnotics/antipsychotics
331   -   0.990   -   Opioids
220   -   0.250   -   Antidepressants
208   -   0.270   -   Acetaminophen in combination
203   -   0.240   -   Cardiovascular drugs
188   -   0.410   -   Stimulants and street drugs
170   -   0.230   -   Alcohols
140   -   0.190   -   Acetaminophen only
99   -   0.230   -   Anticonvulsants
80   -   0.200   -   Fumes/gases/vapors
80   -   0.740   -   Cyclic antidepressants
70   -   0.270   -   Muscle relaxants
69   -   0.090   -   Antihistamines
63   -   0.350   -   Aspirin alone
45   -   0.120   -   Chemicals
44   -   0.230   -   Unknown drug
44   -   0.040   -   Other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
36   -   0.280   -   Oral hypoglycemics
28   -   0.200   -   Automotive/aircraft/boat products
21   -   0.080   -   Miscellaneous drugs
21   -   0.040   -   Antihistamine/decongestant, without phenylpropanolamine
20   -   0.050   -   Hormones and hormone antagonists
20   -   0.300   -   Anticoagulants
16   -   0.150   -   Diuretics
ZERO   -   0.000   -   Vitamins and Minerals

So many deaths from all too common pharmaceuticals each year! But harmless vitamins are singled out for their totally hypothetical harm (if one maintains that studies have shown higher mortality in some vitamin trials, then if one takes a closer look it's so small to become statistical insignificant. But overall their non-randomized nature which can't ever prove causation.)

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, February 27, 2007


(OMNS, Feb 27, 2007) Over a twenty-three year period, vitamins have been connected with the deaths of a total of ten people in the United States. Poison control statistics confirm that more Americans die each year from eating soap than from taking vitamins.

Where are the bodies?
A 23-year review of US poison control center annual reports (1) tells a remarkable and largely ignored story: vitamins are extraordinarily safe.

Annual deaths alleged from vitamins:

2005: zero
2004: two
2003: two
2002: one
2001: zero
2000: zero
1999: zero
1998: zero
1997: zero
1996: zero
1995: zero
1994: zero
1993: one
1992: zero
1991: two
1990: one
1989: zero
1988: zero
1987: one
1986: zero
1985: zero
1984: zero
1983: zero

The zeros are not due to a lack of reporting. The American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC), which maintains the USA’s national database of information from 61 poison control centers, has noted that vitamins are among the 16 most reported substances. Even including intentional and accidental misuse, the number of alleged vitamin fatalities is strikingly low, averaging less than one death per year for more than two decades. In 16 of those 23 years, AAPCC reports that there was not one single death due to vitamins.

These statistics specifically include vitamin A, niacin (B-3), pyridoxine (B-6), other B-complex, C, D, E, "other" vitamin(s), such as vitamin K, and multiple vitamins without iron. Minerals, which are chemically and nutritionally different from vitamins, have an excellent safety record as well, but not quite as good as vitamins. On the average, one or two fatalities per year are typically attributed to iron poisoning from gross overdosing on supplemental iron. Deaths attributed to other supplemental minerals are very rare. Even iron, although not as safe as vitamins, accounts for fewer deaths than do laundry and dishwashing detergents.


But boy, do I refrain from any of the pharmacological CVD drugs, Anti-coagulants, really any - prescribed for my condition for live - with no real-world benefits, like for example the walking-disability (except LDN :)).
Cornwall, UK.
Science has clearly demonstrated a need for humans to supplement with a few key nutrients if we want to live long, healthy lives. Unfortunately, science has also shown that synthetic forms of these nutrients are not only of little value, but can also be harmful to our well-being.

Synthetic vitamins are those which are not made by nature. They are chemical products created in a laboratory and have different biological structures than vitamins which occur naturally in food. These fake vitamins will mostly be found in cheap supplements, fortified and enriched foods like bread and cereal, and foods marketed as having “added vitamins” like calcium and Vitamin D.

Because synthetic vitamins are different from those found in nature, they also have a different biological effect.

Aren’t All Vitamins Created Equal?
You might think that Vitamin E on any nutrition label means Vitamin E, and that all Vitamin E is the same or it wouldn’t be called Vitamin E. But synthetic Vitamin E made in a lab is indeed different from the Vitamin E found in avocados.

Part of what makes the nutrients in food so beneficial is that they all work together, an effect which renders them exponentially more powerful than isolated (single) vitamins alone like tablets of Vitamin C or Vitamin B6.

Synthetic calcium taken by itself can be dangerous, but combine natural calcium with all the other co-factors and micronutrients in an orange, and it gets ushered into your cells and utilized with simplistic perfection.

For supplement use to truly be effective, most of us have to overcome a few mental road blocks.

1. First, we have to realize the need for supplementation.

2. Next, we have to understand that not all vitamin supplements are created equally.

3. Finally, proper amounts of the supplement have to be ingested in order for our cells to benefit.

I could add a fourth common obstacle here, and that is an unsupportive spouse who resists the financial requirements of using quality supplements. Effective, well-processed supplements do cost more than the cheap, mass-produced products on TV that depend on marketing for sales rather than quality.

You’re not doing your health any favors by buying cheap vitamins at the supermarket. This is indeed one instance where you get what you pay for.

Naturally Occurring Vitamins Provide a Health Benefit
The human body was designed to absorb nutrients from food, not synthetic chemicals. Man has never, and will never, replace or improve upon nutrition provided by nature. This is why nutritional supplements should be made from fruits, vegetables, animals, and herbs.

When we take a synthetic Vitamin C tablet, we’re giving the body a fake vitamin which does not occur in nature in that particular form. When we eat an apple, however, we not only get Vitamin C, but the hundreds of other healthy phytochemicals and micronutrients the entire fruit contains. This makes the Vitamin C in an apple much more effective and powerful.

These studies support the notion that real food nutrition is much more important for wellness than synthetic vitamins.

1. “Naturally occurring fruit and plant sourced micronutrients increase health and prevent illness.” Boyer, J and Liu, RH. Nutrition Journal 2004, 3:5

2. “Naturally occurring fruit and plant sourced essential micronutrients provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition and reduce the risk of chronic illness.” Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 78(3): 517S-520S

3. “Diets high in naturally occurring essential micronutrients sourced from fruits and plants help prevent heart disease and cancer, and also help protect against a variety of other illnesses including cataracts, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and asthma.” Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2003, 78: 414-421

4. One study done on lifestyle, genetics, and degenerative disease echoed the above (#3) sentiments (Science 2002, 296: 695-698), and so did this research on oxidants, antioxidants, and degenerative diseases of aging (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 1993, 90: 7915-7922).

5. “Dietary consumption of naturally occurring vitamins from fruits and vegetables lowers risk of lung cancer, heart disease, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration.” Free Radic. Biol. Med. 2009, Jan 15; 46(2): 299-304

It only stands to reason, since food is how we nourish the body and provide the building blocks for good function, that any vitamin supplements we take should be made from food or other natural sources.

Science Shows Synthetic Vitamins are Harmful

You’ll occasionally run across a media story reporting that vitamins are dangerous, but every study I’ve seen that showed supplements to be harmful was done using synthetic vitamins. Anything we consume that is not made by nature, and this includes synthetic vitamins, is seen by the body as a toxin and will result in a defensive biological reaction.

This toxic effect that many synthetic vitamins have on the human body has even caused some studies to be halted early.

1. In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, 22,000 pregnant women were given synthetic Vitamin A. The study was halted because birth defects increased by 400%. N. Eng. J. Med. 1995; 333: 1369-1373

2. Another study involving 29,000 male smokers who were given synthetic beta-carotene and synthetic Vitamin E was also stopped when rates of lung cancer, heart attacks, and death increased. N. Eng. J. Med. 1994: 330; 1029-1035

We have been taught to view nutrition in term of “recommended daily allowances,” as though we need so much of vitamin X every day for heart health and so much of vitamin Y for good digestion, but vitamins don’t work in isolation.

The Physicians Health Study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, reported no benefit of supplementation with isolated synthetic beta-carotene. N. Eng. J. Med. 1996; 334(18): 1145-1149

Vitamins in nature work in synergy with one another, and taking vitamin X and vitamin Y alone can actually disrupt the healthy nutrient ratios we need for good function, an effect which can result in harm.

1. “The Alpha-Tocopherol Beta-Carotene Trial observed a higher death rate in the isolated synthetic beta-carotene group and no treatment effect in the isolated alpha-tocopherol group.” Nutr. Rev. 1994; 52(7): 242-245

2. “The Heart Outcomes Prevention and Evaluation study reported greater all-cause death with isolated Vitamin E.” N. Eng. J. Med. 2,000; 342(3): 154-160

3. A research study conducted in March of 2009 showed that “taking synthetic Vitamin C and synthetic Vitamin E actually blocked the beneficial effects of exercise in terms of insulin sensitivity and antioxidant activity.” PNAS, published ahead of print May 11, 2009. “Subjects who received naturally occurring Vitamin C and Vitamin E from consuming fruits and plants did not have this problem.”

Vitamin companies are very aware of the growing desire of consumers for natural products. In response, many of them are deceptively feeding synthetic vitamins to either yeast or bacteria, extracting the vitamins back out again, and calling them “natural.” It’s important to question your supplement company about this practice, and ask whether yeast, bacteria, or synthetic vitamins are used at any stage during processing.


Senior Member
1. “The Alpha-Tocopherol Beta-Carotene Trial observed a higher death rate in the isolated synthetic beta-carotene group and no treatment effect in the isolated alpha-tocopherol group.” Nutr. Rev. 1994; 52(7): 242-245

2. “The Heart Outcomes Prevention and Evaluation study reported greater all-cause death with isolated Vitamin E.” N. Eng. J. Med. 2,000; 342(3): 154-160

Look at the actual numbers, for example of the ATBC trial quoted:

Treatment: 14 560 patients
Placebo: 14 573 patients

No. of lung cancers
Treatment: 474
Placebo: 402

Relative risk in this case is 18%, in absolute numbers smaller than 1%. And more about smoking than taking betacarotene (which at 20 mg/d betacarotene is an exceptional high dose, usually not found in any multivitamins).


Senior Member
When we take a synthetic Vitamin C tablet, we’re giving the body a fake vitamin which does not occur in nature in that particular form. When we eat an apple, however, we not only get Vitamin C, but the hundreds of other healthy phytochemicals and micronutrients the entire fruit contains. This makes the Vitamin C in an apple much more effective and powerful.

With my serious rhinitis every spring I have 2 options: either an anti-histamine or a teaspoonful of 'synthetic' vitamin C. They give relieve lasting about the same time, with the only difference of serious side-effects from the anti-histamine. (and note: 69 deaths from anti-histamines in 2007 in the US alone)

And no, an apple is not effective at all, as such pharmacological doses of vitamin C in the case of rhinitis. With which one can avoid anti-histamines.

However, I of course to get all the other synergistic phytochemicals from a very diverse plant-based diet on top of it too. It is just not possible to get therapeutic amounts, and sometimes even to replenish after a severe deficiency.

Science Shows Synthetic Vitamins are Harmful

Please stop this cherry picking of science without reading and verifying the actual studies and which benefits only one. The so much more unhealthy pharmaceutical industry.
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Cornwall, UK.
People react very strongly when they read something that will not sit well with them. There are many university and private studies on synthetic vitamins proving that they are either very good for you or very bad for you! some of the more negative studies have been paid for by huge corporations and then when they did not like the outcome they have suppressed and even destroyed evidence as they own it. At the end of the day people believe what they want regardless of studies and evidence. Basically if you trust Monsanto then you will trust Solgar will it take a genius to work out the rest. A little research will provide any doubters with all the evidence necessary.


Senior Member
People react very strongly when they read something that will not sit well with them. ... At the end of the day people believe what they want regardless of studies and evidence.

Good boy, how to portray it to make those opposing you look poor?

Again, I reversed a 60% walking-disability, allegedly non-reversible according to all my cardiologists, through orthomolecular medicine. It doesn't sits well with me that such unheard off benefits gets down-played or ignored with non-existing side-effects, or even harm. Since I feel there are so many on poly-pharmacy for live without hope for any improvement, which are missing out. If they only informed themselves of sensible comprehensive supplementation.

After 10 years of using high-dose vitamins and reaping multifaceted benefits it's not a question believe, but personal experience what helped me with PAD, COPD, T2D a fatty liver, rhinitis and a couple of minor things. Though no improvement with ME/CFS yet.
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Cornwall, UK.
Good girl, Do your own research! It's brilliant that you have got somewhat better by whatever means. I have worked with Homeopathy for 29 years and people still say that it placebo and can't work but I have had many patients that are 100 % cured some with incurable illness so I understand how frustrating it can be when medical professionals say it can't happen or it's incurable. I do understand your anger and I wish you well but it is important that you know I am only quoting evidenced truth as you feel you are.


Senior Member
Good girl,

You see my avatar, why you call me girl?

It's brilliant that you have got somewhat better by whatever means.

Having revoked a 60% walking disability means I can walk longer distances as average Joe again.

Do your own research!.. I do understand your anger and I wish you well but it is important that you know I am only quoting evidenced truth as you feel you are.

Am not angry but opposing the propaganda you're spreading by labeling it 'evidenced truth'. You're so misleading.

When I read your introduction post I'm not sure you do research your own, by the gullibility you took undiscriminatingly prescriptions meds:

I came down with an enterovirus about 8 years ago and this has left me with M.E or P.V.F.S. Over the years I have tried a mixed bag of prescription meds which all made me more ill and have since discovered that I have multiple chemical and drug hypersensitivity syndrome.

I have worked with Homeopathy for 29 years and people still say that it placebo and can't work but I have had many patients that are 100 % cured some with incurable illness

A homeopath practitioner with many patients cured 100%, but himself taking refuge to a 'mixed bag of prescription meds' making himself more ill :bang-head: ?!?
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Cornwall, UK.
Am not angry but opposing the propaganda you're spreading by labeling it 'evidenced truth'. You're so misleading.

When I read your introduction post I'm not sure you do research your own, by the gullibility you took undiscriminatingly prescriptions meds:

A homeopath practitioner with many patients cured 100%, but himself taking refuge to a 'mixed bag of prescription meds' making himself more ill :bang-head: ?!?

Yes it's true I have taken prescription meds but never again as they made me so ill. But regarding the post there is plenty of evidence out there so do your own research as I can see your not going to believe anything I say with or without evidence. Valium, Librium, Tricyclics and the likes were considered miracle drugs once but not anymore but even with evidenced truth of how sick they made patients and how dangerous they are they are still prescribed freely today by Drs all over the world. Anyway I think we should agree to disagree and end this conversation as it is going nowhere.


Senior Member
Completely agree to disagree.

However, since you again and again advise everyone 'do your own research', which you obviously havn't done when it came to your own medications (which I did and therefore refused), I would advise to abide first by your own advises..


Senior Member
Unfortunately, science has also shown that synthetic forms of these nutrients are not only of little value, but can also be harmful to our well-being.

Can you provide links to the studies that found synthetic vitamins are of "little value"? Or any studies that found natural vitamins superior to synthetic vitamins (except in the case of vitamin E, because the synthetic form of the molecule is not the same as the natural form of the molecule, and in this case natural vitamin E is superior).

Man has never, and will never, replace or improve upon nutrition provided by nature.

Perhaps you have not heard of the anti-nutrients like phytic acid which are naturally found in grains, seeds, and legumes; anti-nutrients inhibit the bioavailability of the nutrients in food. By soaking the grains or legumes in water overnight, you can reduce the phytic acid. So this is one example of the intelligence of humans improving upon nutrition provided by nature.


Senior Member
South East England, UK
Examine.com also look at published research and post it on their site whether it is positive or not. Are you saying that all the studies quoted showing benefits of a supplement like Carnitine for example to help with the production of energy in the mitochondria, are made up and don't exist?

If you do believe this perhaps you should take it up with the owners of the site.

I do believe however that we have to be careful with supplements because undoubtedly too many of them can do us harm and there can be many reasons as to why we might not tolerate them. No way can they be simply regarded as harmless so your argument should be way more balanced in my view.

Cornwall, UK.
Are you saying that all the studies quoted showing benefits of a supplement like Carnitine for example to help with the production of energy in the mitochondria, are made up and don't exist?

No I am not saying that. Really it is very simple what I am saying is natural vitamins are better than synthetic vitamins.