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BBC Radio 4 - Life Scientific on Gut and Illness


Senior Member
South East England, UK
I have just listened to a 30 minute Radio 4 programme from the BBC which I thoroughly recommend. The topic of Life Scientific was the gut and how it can affect the immune system and it's link with illness. I am sure it will be available through the BBC Player.

There was an excellent description of how the immune system works and how things might go wrong. The scientist spoke about how parasites can cause illness and this is what happened to her brother and brought her into scientific study.

Lastly they spoke briefly about fecal transplants as a possible way forward but she stressed it could be extremely dangerous if the donor hadn't been screened and that we should never do it ourselves.

Personally it seemed to me that there could be a massive connection between ME for some of us and our gut because of low diversity which would affect the barrier between our gut and our immune system. Of course they are still learning about this but I think if offers great hope for the future.

I hope that lots of you will be able to listen in to this because it was spoken in very easy to understand language on what is a complex topic.



Senior Member
South East England, UK
We listened to this one, but there seem to be a whole bunch. Which one exactly did you listen to?

No it wasn't part of that series but that one was interesting too. It was part of the series called "Life Scientific" and was broadcast twice yesterday, one in the morning and one in the evening I think.

Hope you can find it.
