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Parents of two children with ME take their lives and then commit suicide


Senior Member

On January 9th the parents of two young daughters with ME, indespair, decided to end their children's suffering and then took their own lives.

The article below is Google's attempt to translate the Swedish into English

The rescued parents left a resignation letter
The parents found dead with their daughters on January 9 in the family villa in Bjärred had left a resignation letter, according to the police. Both parents had signed the letter saying that they did not see any quality of life or future because of the daughters' daughters.

The family was found dead in Bjärredsvillan on January 9, and the preliminary investigation is still ongoing.

The police now have an idea of what has happened in the villa but still lacking answers to some analyzes to get a complete picture of what has happened and how the family died.

Parents agree
According to the police, there was a resignation letter from the parents.

- In the letter of resignation, they tell them that they have agreed on the decision to end their own and children's lives, "says Lina Isaksson, Press Officer at Police Region South, to SVT Nyheter Skåne.

- The reason they describe is that they did not see any quality of life or future because the children had a disease situation.

The letter was signed by both parents.

"We are currently awaiting results from the technical studies and from the autopsies. We have already held a fiftieth hearing with relatives and others in the family's vicinity. There is still some interrogation to get a picture of the course of events and knowledge about the situation that existed in the family, says Lina Isaksson.

Relatives underestimated
The police have made extensive technical investigations in the house that are still blocked and, according to the police, it will continue to be as long as the preliminary investigation is under way.

Can you say something about how they died?

"No, I do not want to do that, partly because of the relatives' concerns, partly because we have not yet received the results from the autopsies.

The family's relatives are informed of what has happened so far. The feasibility study is most likely to be completed when it is ready, because the suspects are no longer in life.

- The villa will be locked as long as the preliminary investigation is in progress. We will see what the results of the technical studies give and if we have reason to go in and do further investigations. We keep the barriers so that the crime scene is not affected.


free at last

Senior Member
My god when will the suffering and neglect ever come to a end. Such devastating news Those that have helped slow down biological research. Need to see what its done to people. Shame on so many.


Senior Member

In response to the above article, which provides more details of this tragic case, a BPS doctor tweets this ill-informed and disgraceful tweet:

Henrik Vogt‏@HenrikVogt 11h11 hours ago
CFS/ME: Swedish couple lost hope, kill their children, committ suicide. Why? In part because of the intense negativity spread by individuals/CFS groups/researchers, saying cause is bodily defect and nothing can be done. False. The children could get well!


Senior Member
@Countrygirl I read through the article and didn't see the part where it said that the children had ME/CFS? Where did it state that part (or was that in a different article)? I am NOT doubting it at all, I was just trying to find that part and can't figure out how I am missing it. It is a tragedy no matter what and really have no words.


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
@Countrygirl I read through the article and didn't see the part where it said that the children had ME/CFS? Where did it state that part (or was that in a different article)? I am NOT doubting it at all, I was just trying to find that part and can't figure out how I am missing it. It is a tragedy no matter what and really have no words.
The only evidence of ME I see is the Vogt tweet that refers to it.


Here’s a Google Translation of article: it’s not a very good translation, maybe if there are any Swedes in the forum who can clarify some of it, but it seems to say both kids were ill, not specifying with what, and the mother Or father were involved w advocating for an MECFS clinic.
(There is an odd sentence at start of 3rd paragraph that seems to be an oddity of google translate )


It is evident from the suicide letter found by the police in the house in Bjärred. The reason was the child's disease deteriorated. In March 2016 the first student health conference was held. It was about 14-year-old and present was the school's principal, a special educator, a mentor, school psychologist and one of the parents. What was exactly dealt with at the meeting is confidential, but only two months later a new conference was held to prepare school start in seventh grade at a new school.

Arranged restraint In front of the high school, the girl would like to go to school and discuss a solution with a restroom in readiness when the noise and disturbances became too much. It was decided that she would refrain from home education, sport, music and modern language in order to concentrate on the Swedish, math, SO, NO and English subjects as well as image because she burned for the aesthetic subjects. During the conference, she talked about how she would pass the admission requirements to high school. Her dad and school nurse would together inform her classmates about the situation.

The lilac sister was killed In May 2017, at the end of the school year, it was found that 14-year-old did not hurry with the school environment, despite the will and despite the school's adaptation. Instead, she had been taught at home at school and would continue in eighth grade with four occasions a week. If the hurricane existed, she would try to come to school to have laboratory work. Two weeks later, in June, a new student conference was held, but now about the lillasystern. The parents suspected that she suffered from the same disease even though the diagnosis had not been established yet. Now it was about preparing for her schooling in a similar way.

Should the 11-year-old not cope with, the choice of sport and student should be eliminated first. A room would be decorated to rest and would be forced into homeschooling if coordinated with the big sister's school. She is described in the minutes as a social and ambitious student who does not want to attend school work. In autumn 2017, a decision was made on a continued graduate study for both sisters. The mother, highly educated as his husband and also an expert in his field, was not very active in social media but engaged in a call for the preservation of Gottfries Clinic, a clinic specializing in patients with ME / CFS, often called " chronic fatigue syndrome ".

Knocked on the door Tuesday, January 9, the first school day after Christmas promise, the teacher who would have a lesson with the girls came to the house and knocked on. No opening, which was a bit surprising but not alarming. "We have had such regular contact so I felt no worries. The teachers were there at home and had instruction so I received feedback from them, "said Margareta Strand Karlsson, a rector in an earlier interview with Aftonbladet. She has also said that the school tried to support the family as "in a deep crisis and tormented by their circumstances". "It is very unusual for a family to have two children with this diagnosis as we also have medical certificates," she said in another interview with Aftonbladet.

When the teacher knocked on the door of the house in Bjärred, the whole family was already dead. "Feeling worried" Just a couple of hours later, the police broke in after they were alerted by the father's head. The dutiful and proper man would have held an important conference but never showed up and did not answer either phone calls or text messages, an unusual deviation from his normal behavior, according to the boss. "I said I felt worried and wanted to call a whole family," said the boss. In the house, the police found four dead bodies and an explanatory letter: "The reason described in the letter was that they did not see any quality of life or future because of their daughters' disease situation. The letter was signed by both parents, "the police wrote on his website. When the preliminary investigation is completed, it will be added to the actions because the suspects are dead.
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Senior Member
The only evidence of ME I see is the Vogt tweet that refers to it.

but it seems to say both kids were ill, not specifying with what, and the mother Or father were involved w advocating for an MECFS clinic.

Thanks for clarifying and it makes me wonder if it is proven that both daughters had ME/CFS. I obviously do not know the answer but am wondering if the authorities who are already hostile to ME/CFS are trying to blame it for this horrible tragedy when they might not have had it (or there were other factors going on). Of course, I have no idea and do not know the answer.

Tom Kindlon

Senior Member

A rough translation from the newspaper:

"The life of a family in Bjärred before the murders

NEWS January 19, 2018 Aftonbladet, Sweden

The parents made a joint decision to kill their children.

It is evident from the suicide letter found by the police in the house in Bjärred.

The reason was the children had a disease which deteriorated their health.

In March 2016 the first student health conference was held.

It was about 14-year-old and present was the school's principal, a special educator, a mentor, school psychologist and one of the parents.

What was exactly dealt with at the meeting is confidential, but only two months later a new conference was held to prepare school start in seventh grade at a new school.

Arranged restraint

In front of the high school, the girl would like to go to school and discuss a solution with a restroom in readiness when the noise and disturbances became too much.

It was decided that she would refrain from home education, sports, music and modern language in order to concentrate on the Swedish, math, SO, NO and English subjects as well as art because she flunked the aesthetic subjects.

During the conference, she talked about how she would pass the admission requirements to high school.

Her dad and school nurse would together inform her classmates about the situation.

The little sister was killed

In May 2017, at the end of the school year, it was found that 14-year-old couldn’t cope with the school environment, despite the will and despite the school's adaptation. Instead, she had been taught at home school and would continue in eighth grade four times a week.

If she would have the energy, she would try to come to school to take exams.

Two weeks later, in June, a new student conference was held, but now about the little sister.

The parents suspected that she suffered from the same disease even though the diagnosis had not been established yet.

Now it was about preparing for her schooling in a similar way.

Should the 11-year-old not cope with, the choice of sport and student should be eliminated first. A room would be decorated to rest and would be forced into homeschooling if coordinated with the big sister's school.

She is described in the minutes as a social and ambitious student who does not want to attend school work.

In autumn 2017, a decision was made on a continued graduate study for both sisters.

The mother, highly educated as his husband and also an expert in his field, was not very active in social media but engaged in a call for the preservation of Gottfries Clinic, a clinic specializing in patients with ME / CFS, often called " chronic fatigue syndrome ".

Knocked on the door
Tuesday, January 9, the first school day after Christmas promise, the teacher who would have a lesson with the girls came to the house and knocked on. No one opened, which was a bit surprising but not alarming.

"We have had such regular contact so I felt no worries. The teachers were there at home and had instruction so I received feedback from them, "said Margareta Strand Karlsson, a rector in an earlier interview with Aftonbladet.

She has also said that the school tried to support the family as "in a deep crisis and tormented by their circumstances".

"It is very unusual for a family to have two children with this diagnosis as we also have medical certificates," she said in another interview with Aftonbladet.

When the teacher knocked on the door of the house in Bjärred, the whole family was already dead.
"Feeling worried"
Just a couple of hours later, the police broke in after they were alerted by the father's boss. The dutiful and proper man would have held an important conference but never showed up and did not answer either phone calls or text messages, an unusual deviation from his normal behavior, according to the boss.

"I said I felt worried and wanted to call a whole family," said the boss.

In the house, the police found four dead bodies and an explanatory letter:

"The reason described in the letter was that they did not see any quality of life or future because of their daughters' disease situation. The letter was signed by both parents, "the police wrote on his website.

When the preliminary investigation is completed, it will be added to the actions because the suspects are dead."


Senior Member
@Countrygirl I read through the article and didn't see the part where it said that the children had ME/CFS? Where did it state that part (or was that in a different article)? I am NOT doubting it at all, I was just trying to find that part and can't figure out how I am missing it. It is a tragedy no matter what and really have no words.

Hi @Gingergrrl . The information I posted came from a Swedish doctor who had read other reports that stated that the children had ME.

I was about to direct you to my post 6 and the article it contained which mentions the ME diagnosis but I see others have beaten me to it.
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Senior Member
The information I posted came from a Swedish doctor who had read other reports that stated that the children had ME. I was about to direct you to my post 6 and the article it contained which mentions the ME diagnosis but I see others have beaten me to it.

Thanks and sorry for my confusion and I think it was just with the Google translation of the article.