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Is Bartonella Eradication Worth it?


Senior Member
I want to start off saying I don't have CFS, but have had neurocognitive, sensory, and psychiatric issues for 20 years (and mild POTS), after an unknown infection that sent my liver enzymes through the roof (1200 SGOT - 800 SGPT), but tested negative for all hep viruses. I can exercise and don't get PEM and alcohol helps me.

It appears I just got tested positive for Bartonella, not by a specialized lab ordered by a naturopath, but an actual public health ordinary lab that ordinary doctors send you to.

I would like to know if you dramatically improved (or even was cured) by treating it, not 6 months of antibiotic therapy and you felt a little better at the end, and your left foot was a little less swollen, but are still sick and your gut got a bit worse. I don't see that as improvement because we all feel we improve a little as time goes by; its called adapting, nothing to do with any treatment.

I need some empirical data (which is hard to find on the internet on this matter, just a bunch of advocacy not substantiated by any clinical trials) before I let someone nuke my body with antibiotics for six bloody months or something.



Senior Member
My psychiatric symtpoms and neuropathies dramatically improved on bartonella treatment, but CFS absolutely not (i remember it happened only for a few days on bactrim but didt last) :(


Senior Member
My psychiatric symtpoms and neuropathies dramatically improved on bartonella treatment

Were these improvements permanent or did they return after a few months?

Also, did you have a "herx" reaction in the first week or two of antibiotic treatment where your psyche symptoms got worse?
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Senior Member
Were these improvements permanent or did they return after a few months?

Permanent. Mostly. I am not like on my best days after bactrim, mentally, but there were permanent gains. It goes gradually. I had very very long symptoms. PANS case from early childhood.

improved/resolved neuropathies were absolutely permanent gains...

Also, did you have a "herx" reaction in the first week or two of antibiotic treatment where your psyche symptoms got worse?

On rifampin - never. Just a bit better ADHD i remmeber but nothing drastic.
on bactrim -extreme herx, I was 3 days verbally violent and couldnt stop, nightmares etc. then it stopped (and i stopped bactrim) and i felt more calm than ever.. others noticed too change in personality.
my fatigue and OI got better that time, but that didnt stay. Only psychiatric and neuropathic improvements did.
At first I couldnt tolerate bactrim, took very small dose.

rifampin didnt hit whatever strain i have

I think I still have bart. But for now staying away from antibioticis. I developed allergy to rifampin -drug-fever response, after taking it for 18 months without issue, now it can kill me. So now I can only try rifabutin
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I want to start off saying I don't have CFS, but have had neurocognitive, sensory, and psychiatric issues for 20 years (and mild POTS), after an unknown infection that sent my liver enzymes through the roof (1200 SGOT - 800 SGPT), but tested negative for all hep viruses. I can exercise and don't get PEM and alcohol helps me.

It appears I just got tested positive for Bartonella, not by a specialized lab ordered by a naturopath, but an actual public health ordinary lab that ordinary doctors send you to.

I would like to know if you dramatically improved (or even was cured) by treating it, not 6 months of antibiotic therapy and you felt a little better at the end, and your left foot was a little less swollen, but are still sick and your gut got a bit worse. I don't see that as improvement because we all feel we improve a little as time goes by; its called adapting, nothing to do with any treatment.

I need some empirical data (which is hard to find on the internet on this matter, just a bunch of advocacy not substantiated by any clinical trials) before I let someone nuke my body with antibiotics for six bloody months or something.


You asked a very smart question, given the very costly and non-productive results of Yolanda Hadid featured in the New York Post.

My answer to your question is Yes, with a "however". However, you'll have to find the cure in alt-medicine, perhaps Chinese, perhaps Edgar Cayce, perhaps a vet's set of meds, perhaps electronic e.g. Doug Coil.

My life experience is that there is an easy, fast, and inexpensive solution to every problem, that is not generally known, i.e. if a problem is "incurable", then the cure is not "mainstream". You may have to search all the forums, especially curezone.org. Most of the forums imo are pro-pharma, censored by "moderators". Also, contact Will Wiegmann PhD directly. He's cured the incurable before. And, he's posted incredibly important information about meds, in LymeNet Europe, if they haven't been deleted yet by the apparently pro-pharma admins.

You may want to look up the potential cures in the book/blog, delusionalinsects
This blog/book is quite an eye-opener on why we really can't depend on Western Medicine, in general.

Below is a search-term that might help you, as it will bring up ( tincture reviews bartonella cured site:amazon.com ) Please share whatever you find, that's a possible Bartonella cure.

https://ca.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=AwrT6VudXzda.MAA1M4v7olQ;_ylc=X1MDMTM1MTIxNjY4NwRfcgMyBGZyA3locy1tb3ppbGxhLTAwMQRncHJpZANaT18wODhCeFJxT3ZZVE93QzVKMXFBBG5fcnNsdAMwBG5fc3VnZwMwBG9yaWdpbgNjYS5zZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMwBHBxc3RyAwRwcXN0cmwDBHFzdHJsAzU5BHF1ZXJ5A3RpbmN0dXJlJTIwcmV2aWV3cyUyMGJhcnRvbmVsbGElMjBjdXJlZCUyMHNpdGUlM0FhbWF6b24uY29tBHRfc3RtcAMxNTEzNTc4NDEx?p=tincture reviews bartonella cured site:amazon.com&fr2=sb-top-ca.search&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-001&csel=1
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