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Anyone know of any negative experiences with Choline ...?


Senior Member
I was prescribed Choline-DHA by a doctor to help with brain function.

I remember seeing a thread on this forum from someone who blamed an increase in physical pain on taking Choline. And its still bugging him even after he stopped taking it.

Has anyone here got any cautions and advice about taking Choline, and some of the warning signs of any potential side effects?

(ps: is this the right subforum to be posting this on?)
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Senior Member
Choline is the only B-vitamin I feel a slight side-effect if going too high with the dose (well, except B3 with it's strong flushing). Got sort of tension in my chaw and clenching of teeth above 500 mg some years ago, then already above 300 mg, now tolerance is increasing again. However, I do also get some choline from diet (2 eggs daily).

Everyone can react differently to individual nutrients. Therefore it's always good to start with lowest possible doses. For example, by opening capsules and taking only a fraction for the first days, then increase gradually over months and years. Adverse reaction can also be caused through any of the fillers one is sensitive too.



Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
From Wikipedia :
  • Choline can antagonize dopamine directly or interfere with receptor function
I found this interesting. A few minutes ago I was searching a list of dopamine blockers and depletors drugs to verify if a drug that I have to begin tonight is NOT among them. Those may result in bucco facial dyskinesia (I got it after three days of Torecan a few years ago and was hospitalized in toxicology department).

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
I take both Meriva and Longvida, both of which are formulated with phosphatidylcholine for absorption. If I try to take any additional supplement with phosphatidylcholine, I get insomnia.

I haven't heard of a prescription Choline-DHA. Is this one product or two?

I take DHA by itself because it helps my mood.


Senior Member
I take both Meriva and Longvida, both of which are formulated with phosphatidylcholine for absorption. If I try to take any additional supplement with phosphatidylcholine, I get insomnia.
I haven't heard of a prescription Choline-DHA. Is this one product or two?
I take DHA by itself because it helps my mood.
Choline-DHA is a supplement which combines both elements in one capsule. I bought it in Holland.

Per capsule:

Choline bitartrate 203mg
Uridine 102mg
DHA powder 100mg


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
Has anyone here got any cautions and advice about taking Choline, and some of the warning signs of any potential side effects?

Choline in any form makes me feel awful, digestive upsets, fatigue, terrible brain fog, aches and pains,etc. So i would just say to be very aware of any negative changes you feel.

Some people find it very helpful. I didn't ever have any lasting effects from it though and I have tried to take it several times.



Senior Member
Choline in any form makes me feel awful, digestive upsets, fatigue, terrible brain fog, aches and pains,etc. So i would just say to be very aware of any negative changes you feel.
It was prescribed to me detox some of the neurotoxins that Lyme has built up.


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
It was prescribed to me detox some of the neurotoxins that Lyme has built up.

I still don't know what causes my side effects from it. I didn't take it for any type of detoxing. It could have been detox symptoms though, I really don't know.

I did take lecithin every day for 2-3 years and all that time I had extra fatigue, aches and pains etc but never connected it to the lecithin.

It doesn't seem like detox symptoms would last that long but who knows, we are talking about CFS.:confused:;)



Senior Member
Grrr I get a lot of benefits from taking Choline Bitartrate, but I had to stop taking it because of the diarrhea.
I also get Diarrhea after taking phosphatidylcholine.
Goodbye favorite supplement! :(
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Senior Member
I am about to start taking 10-20g a day of choline bitartrate, which is 40% choline, and will switch to choline chloride once I get that as it is 80% choline. The other forms of choline like alpha GPC, and another fancy one break down in the GI tract anyway so they are just expensive forms of choline. Lecithin is 20% PC which is 15% choline so lecithin is 3% choline by weight. I have been having over 100g of it for the past 2 days no problems. 90% of the US population is deficient in choline per one source. Animal organs like heart, kidney, liver are the best sources.