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Isoprinosine/immunovir source


Senior Member
I came across pharm5.com before. As far as I can work out, they do not stock pharmaceuticals themselves, but source them elsewhere (see here). I emailed them asking for some clarification, but they did not reply (so their communications don't seem that good).

I believe some of the ME/CFS doctors that use Imunovir think that the supplement inosine is just as good. Imunovir contains inosine in its molecular complex.


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I came across pharm5.com before. As far as I can work out, they do not stock pharmaceuticals themselves, but source them elsewhere (see here). I emailed them asking for some clarification, but they did not reply (so their communications don't seem that good).

I believe some of the ME/CFS doctors that use Imunovir think that the supplement inosine is just as good. Imunovir contains inosine in its molecular complex.

Ive tried both immunovir and inosine, i think theres a difference. But immunovir from there is cheap anyway so its worth using it again.