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How to interpret the cd57 panel

Hi All
I was wondering can someone shed some light on how to interpret the CD57 panel? The test was performed by Labcorp.

Test results were CD8-/CD57+ to be 7.2 %( reference range was 2-17)
and absolute CD8-CD57+ lymphs was 151 /uL (reference range being 60-360)

What all can be deduced from this test? Does this give any insight for stealth infections?
What is an optimal result for this test?


Jonathan Edwards

Hi All
I was wondering can someone shed some light on how to interpret the CD57 panel? The test was performed by Labcorp.

Test results were CD8-/CD57+ to be 7.2 %( reference range was 2-17)
and absolute CD8-CD57+ lymphs was 151 /uL (reference range being 60-360)

What all can be deduced from this test? Does this give any insight for stealth infections?
What is an optimal result for this test?


These are normal results. There is no optimal result. People vary a lot for no obvious reason but that is not surprising because these cells are just trafficking through blood. They do not do anything there. Numbers do not tell us anything much unless they are very high or very low. There is little or no evidence for 'stealth infections' in ME.


Senior Member
They said that at one point. I had a PCR, Western blot by igenex and a culture and they were all negative though...weird