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OMF- New Resources To Make Back to School A Success

Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent
Hi guys,

Some interesting information from OMF. Please share with those that it will be applicable to.


ME/CFS in School Age Children
Tools To Help Them Succeed

Back to school time brings many challenges to parents' of children with ME/CFS. We know that when a child has ME/CFS their lives are very different from their siblings and friends.

Under the leadership of Mary Dimmock, OMF's Education Committee has been working to create tools to help increase your child's success in school.
Dr. Faith Newton of Delaware State University, an avid advocate for children with ME/CFS and member of our committee, has created three new exemplary tools to help parents and educators help children with ME/CFS succeed in school.

OMF has created a Pediatric ME/CFS section with resources to help parents.

The section includes three ME/CFS School Fact Sheets:

Educational Implications - How ME/CFS impacts a student's ability to attend school and learn.

Classroom Accommodations & Instructional Strategies - A tool to help guide parents and administrators to meet a child's needs through his/her IEP or 504 Plan (individualized plans to help a child succeed in learning.)

School Fact Sheet for Parent, Educators & School Nurses - An overview of ME/CFS and the symptoms.

We encourage parents to print these materials and take them into your child's school. We also encourage you to share these with friends whose children are dealing with the consequences of ME/CFS. We want all of our children to succeed.



@Janet Dafoe (Rose49) @AshleyHalcyoneH


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
These are great resources - thanks for making them available.
I know when my daughter was very sick and off school for nearly a year that we could have done with something like this. We had to fight really hard to get a home tutor, and even then she only did a couple of subjects for a couple of months because it took so long to get one.

We also had a lot of trouble with exams as I was too ill to take her and she was too ill for a long day there on the school bus. Nobody offered any help so she subsequently missed out a lot.

Just a note to say the 'Educational implications' leaflet has a mistake near the beginning, where it says:

A child appearing
fine one day may wake up the next unable to go to school, sometimes for
weeks or even months or weeks.

Should probably read 'or even months or years.'

Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent
These are great resources - thanks for making them available.
I know when my daughter was very sick and off school for nearly a year that we could have done with something like this. We had to fight really hard to get a home tutor, and even then she only did a couple of subjects for a couple of months because it took so long to get one.

We also had a lot of trouble with exams as I was too ill to take her and she was too ill for a long day there on the school bus. Nobody offered any help so she subsequently missed out a lot.

Just a note to say the 'Educational implications' leaflet has a mistake near the beginning, where it says:

Should probably read 'or even months or years.'

Hi @justy

I'm sorry about your daughter, though can empathise being in the UK! I can't imagine they have any protocol to deal with it due to the narrative of CBT and GET here etc. Hopefully these resources will be of some help and if you can share them with your friends eho have families, that would be great.

Thanks for the catch-I will pass it on and it should get changed.

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mum to ME daughter
Excellent info. I have previously provided school with Tymes Tryst info and they are pulling together a general info pack to be available to all teachers - this will definately help.


Senior Member
East Coast USA
Dr. Faith Newton of Delaware State University, an avid advocate for children with ME/CFS... has created three new exemplary tools to help parents and educators help children with ME/CFS succeed in school.

OMF has created a Pediatric ME/CFS section with resources to help parents.

The section includes three ME/CFS School Fact Sheets:

These "Fact Sheets" are clear and concise, well-organized and written!

Outstanding work!:thumbsup:
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