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Scientists discover the 'adrenaline' of the immune system


Very interesting. Seems to be the first proof that some white blood cells are directly controlled by neurons (the peripheral bits of the central nervous system). It seems like fundamental research rather than something with direct clinical application to us. But a link from brain to immune may be necessary to explain our disease and this is more evidence of such a link.


Senior Member
Very interesting. Seems to be the first proof that some white blood cells are directly controlled by neurons (the peripheral bits of the central nervous system). It seems like fundamental research rather than something with direct clinical application to us. But a link from brain to immune may be necessary to explain our disease and this is more evidence of such a link.

I have been saying for a long time in my case it is at least partly perifere. Something like this could explain it.


Senior Member
Northants UK
Interesting, it makes sense that the nervous system plays a part in skin immune responses, just as it coordinates vasoconstriction to stop bleeding from blood vessels damage due to injury sensed via pain receptors.


Senior Member
Northants UK
I think it very early days with this. We need to be very careful about carts and horses (causes and effects) here.

In particular the idea that neurological mediation of immune response helps explain ME is not something I would say at this juncture. Not least because it plays to the psychologists contention that changing ideation i.e. CBT can treat ME.

I have tried the psychological route prior to diagnosis and it failed with very destructive consequences. Personally I would have said it was a mystery how my immune system messes up my brain so badly rather than the other way round, because I know my illness is linked with a visible recurring virus which has been rediagnosed by PCR multiple times. So I believe it is primarily an immune dysfunction with a neurological impact like say MS or Guillain-Barré.


Senior Member
it makes sense that the nervous system plays a part in skin immune responses,

Not just the skin - all barrier sites such as gut and lungs.

As well as providing new information about how the nervous system "coordinates, commands and controls" the immune response throughout the body, the studies introduced (to me at least) the recently discovered "innate immune cells" which are just as interesting.

These cells appear to regulate things like metabolic homeostasis and inflammation.