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Cytokines study at St Jude's is similar to Dr Mark Davis


Honestly I'd like someone to really spell out the links between this and Davis, M. They're both interesting and about t cells and that's where my ability to see the connection fades out.


Senior Member
That actually is a really interesting article.

Mice who have a protein (LKB1) knocked out (ty Capecchi) developed exhausted regulatory t-cells which means they stop doing their job particularly well. I think this means the regulatory t-cells lose their ability to downregulate the TH-2 immune system.

Deletion of LKB1 in regulatory T cells disrupted metabolic pathways that support the health and function of the mitochondria. Mitochondria produce energy to power cells. "LKB1 connects immunological signals and cell metabolic programs, especially those related to mitochondrion function," said first author Kai Yang, Ph.D., a staff scientist in Chi's laboratory.
Interesting tidbit linking the mitochondria to immune function. We have so much to learn!