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Don't believe the American Heart Assn. — butter, steak and coconut un likely to kill 7/23/17 LA Time


senior member
Concord, NH
Last month, the American Heart Assn. once again went after butter, steak and especially coconut oil with this familiar warning: The saturated fats in these foods cause heart disease. The organization’s “presidential advisory” was a fresh look at the science and came in response to a growing number of researchers, including myself, who have pored over this same data in recent years and beg to differ. A rigorous review of the evidence shows that when it comes to heart attacks or mortality, saturated fats are not guilty.

To me, the AHA advisory released in June was mystifying. How could its scientists examine the same studies as I had, yet double down on an anti-saturated fat position? With a cardiologist, I went through the nuts and bolts of the AHA paper, and came to this conclusion: It was likely driven less by sound science than by longstanding bias, commercial interests and the AHA’s need to reaffirm nearly 70 years of its “heart healthy” advice.




The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
I thought everyone had agreed that was total nonsense...
Only a few learned professionals, the rest of the medical establishment as well as much of the public has not caught up yet. I personally know someone who has a PhD in a medial specialty who had a heart attack and is now on a low fat diet based on "modern medical research" and will not listen.


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
Only a few learned professionals, the rest of the medical establishment as well as much of the public has not caught up yet. I personally know someone who has a PhD in a medial specialty who had a heart attack and is now on a low fat diet based on "modern medical research" and will not listen.

Whelp. All of my organic chemistry students know it because I've beat it into them with a verbal stick. In the lessons, and if they parroted that old "low saturated fat" nonsense, I corrected them in a note and sent them to an analysis of the Seven Countries Study.

Seven Countries is attacked pretty mercilessly now, so you have to hunt around to find one that does an accurate run-down of the findings and doesn't attack even the aspects of the study that were legit.


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
Whelp. All of my organic chemistry students know it because I've beat it into them with a verbal stick. In the lessons, and if they parroted that old "low saturated fat" nonsense, I corrected them in a note and sent them to an analysis of the Seven Countries Study.

Seven Countries is attacked pretty mercilessly now, so you have to hunt around to find one that does an accurate run-down of the findings and doesn't attack even the aspects of the study that were legit.
Old myths do in fact die hard, and i never forget the saying that half of what you learn in medical school will later be proven wrong. 100 years from now i would expect enough to have happened to revise that.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Last month, the American Heart Assn. once again went after butter, steak and especially coconut oil with this familiar warning: The saturated fats in these foods cause heart disease. The organization’s “presidential advisory” was a fresh look at the science and came in response to a growing number of researchers, including myself, who have pored over this same data in recent years and beg to differ. A rigorous review of the evidence shows that when it comes to heart attacks or mortality, saturated fats are not guilty.

To me, the AHA advisory released in June was mystifying. How could its scientists examine the same studies as I had, yet double down on an anti-saturated fat position? With a cardiologist, I went through the nuts and bolts of the AHA paper, and came to this conclusion: It was likely driven less by sound science than by longstanding bias, commercial interests and the AHA’s need to reaffirm nearly 70 years of its “heart healthy” advice.



They can go and get, um jump off a cliff.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
It seems that the medical establishment is deliberately burying it's head in the sand regarding lots of their health advice.

Many drs knowledge isnt updated since they finished university accept their specific field, maybe. Scary if they graduated in the 1970s. Probably why many dont know much about nk cells??? Or cfsme for that matter.


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
A funny but true take on this:


Probably why many dont know much about nk cells??? Or cfsme for that matter.

Poor immunologists. It was only discovered literally about 10 years ago that NK cells have 'memory', just like T and B cells, clonally expand like T cells, and aren't solely part of the innate immune system. Willing to bet there are folks who got their PhD in immunology, or MDs with a specialty who were educated 5 years ago who'd swear this isn't true.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)

Poor immunologists. It was only discovered literally about 10 years ago that NK cells have 'memory', just like T and B cells, clonally expand like T cells, and aren't solely part of the innate immune system. Willing to bet there are folks who got their PhD in immunology, or MDs with a specialty who were educated 5 years ago who'd swear this isn't true.

Well only a couple of years ago i saw an immunologist. I showed him my nk function results from griffith university cfs research. Then he looked at the tests he did on me and said by my tests show your nk cells are normal. Then i was trying to explain his test was an nk numbers test and the university test was measuring the nk function and my nk cells dont work. He didnt get it. He looked at me like i was a quack. As soon as i saw the look i just shut up. He waffled for awhile i guess to make himself sound intellectual. I knew he was of no help them. Plus a couple of other tests he did were actually abnormal and highlighted by the lab and he didnt even mention them. Hopeless.


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
Plus a couple of other tests he did were actually abnormal and highlighted by the lab and he didnt even mention them
I hate when this happens, i now get a copy of all results for my own analysis, i discovered i have an arnold chiari malformation, no doc has caught it though the abnormality is mentioned in the MRI report, just not the condition name..


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I hate when this happens, i now get a copy of all results for my own analysis, i discovered i have an arnold chiari malformation, no doc has caught it though the abnormality is mentioned in the MRI report, just not the condition name..

I really wonder if they ignore it and hope you dont recognize it you will just go away as its something they dont know much about or what to do about it. Or a usual technique is to wave you away and say oh its not important. Why the hell do they have these tests if they arent important???


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
I really wonder if they ignore it and hope you dont recognize it you will just go away as its something they dont know much about or what to do about it.
Or a usual technique is to wave you away and say oh its not important. Why the hell do they have these tests if they arent important???
I think doctors often see what they want to see or interpret things a certain way and reality sometimes doesn't fit into nice shoe boxes.
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