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Does Anyone Have Experience Of Using Lugol's Iodine Solution? For Deficiency/Methylation/Other


Senior Member
Hi everyone,

Following some super-interesting info @Wayne re Iodine, and knowing that I react horribly to anything above 225mcg of Iodine from kelp, or potassium iodide, I'm interested in possibly tryingbLugol's solution to see if this helps with allergies, sinusitis, T4 to T3 conversion, methylation, and a host of other things.

Does anyone here have any experiences of using either Lugol's or something similar? (I think the elemental Iodine component seems to be critical in this.)

Thanks :)

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Senior Member
Hi @keenly,

Rushing to Drs, so just quickly, Why?

Jigsaw X

Pure and much easier for your body to absorb and use. The thyroid converts iodine back to mono-elemental iodine and immediately recombines it as an essential mineral element with protein configurations to form the thyroid hormones T3 and T4. Simply put, nascent iodine supports the thyroid and hormone function!


Senior Member
Following some super-interesting info @Wayne re Iodine, and knowing that I react horribly to anything above 225mcg of Iodine from kelp, or potassium iodide, I'm interested in possibly tryingbLugol's solution to see if this helps with allergies, sinusitis, T3 to T3 conversion, methylation, and a host of other things.
The Holy Grail you are looking for I found in estrogen :cautious: :eek:


Senior Member
I have used optimox Iodoral and Terry naturally tri-iodine and potassium iodide. Iodoral is lugols in tablet form. Tri-iodine is iodoral with a bit of kelp.

I took the iodine after reading a lot about, much of which I have forgotten. I started here http://drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/Iodine followed the links and read on.

I found no difference save price between tri-iodine and iodoral.

What I found was that it significantly improved my sore throat. And have fallen into a pattern of taking it with cofactors for a while then stopping when I no longer feel like it. Varying my dose based on how I feel.

After some months off the iodoral I start to feel like eating a lot of nori and wakame and a week or less later my throat is sore, with a familiar pain low down in the adams apple and around the throat.

The iodoral takes a few weeks to resolve this and then I keep taking the pills till I want half doses, then half dose till I want none etc. I am not sure exactly how long this is usually for. The first time I went through more than one bottle but most of the time feeling is that I will usually a little under half a bottle of 90 x 50mg tablets.

At the moment I am using potassium iodide, just because I could not afford the iodoral, and it does something but I have gone through 50mg iodine a day for over 60 days and have not resolved that pain. Or that strong hunger for iodine.

On the iodoral, when I start smelling the iodine in my urine the pain in my throat has resolved or will soon. On the KI this is not so.

I suspect that if I reread all the stuff on iodine I would understand why, for a week or so.

Anyway my vote would be for iodoral.


Senior Member
Pure and much easier for your body to absorb and use. The thyroid converts iodine back to mono-elemental iodine and immediately recombines it as an essential mineral element with protein configurations to form the thyroid hormones T3 and T4. Simply put, nascent iodine supports the thyroid and hormone function!
Hi @keenly

Just that the first nascent I looked at had alcohol in it, which I don't tolerate at all. I've seen others since with no alcohol, but they are ludicrously expensive here in UK :( Epigenetics do one, but it's £30 a bottle.

What makes it more bioavailable? Also, you've said that the thyroid converts nascent iodine back to elemental iodine.....My conversion enzymes are monumentally screwed, so would I be better off taking elemental iodine instead?




Senior Member
The Holy Grail you are looking for I found in estrogen :cautious: :eek:
Hi @Gondwanaland

Lol, not for me! I go oestrogen dominant very quickly, even now, post-menopause from chemo etc 10 years ago.

My Holy Grail will be finding how to get all my conversion and neutralising enzymes working efficiently again :)


Senior Member
I have used optimox Iodoral and Terry naturally tri-iodine and potassium iodide. Iodoral is lugols in tablet form. Tri-iodine is iodoral with a bit of kelp.

I took the iodine after reading a lot about, much of which I have forgotten. I started here http://drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/Iodine followed the links and read on.

I found no difference save price between tri-iodine and iodoral.

What I found was that it significantly improved my sore throat. And have fallen into a pattern of taking it with cofactors for a while then stopping when I no longer feel like it. Varying my dose based on how I feel.

After some months off the iodoral I start to feel like eating a lot of nori and wakame and a week or less later my throat is sore, with a familiar pain low down in the adams apple and around the throat.

The iodoral takes a few weeks to resolve this and then I keep taking the pills till I want half doses, then half dose till I want none etc. I am not sure exactly how long this is usually for. The first time I went through more than one bottle but most of the time feeling is that I will usually a little under half a bottle of 90 x 50mg tablets.

At the moment I am using potassium iodide, just because I could not afford the iodoral, and it does something but I have gone through 50mg iodine a day for over 60 days and have not resolved that pain. Or that strong hunger for iodine.

On the iodoral, when I start smelling the iodine in my urine the pain in my throat has resolved or will soon. On the KI this is not so.

I suspect that if I reread all the stuff on iodine I would understand why, for a week or so.

Anyway my vote would be for iodoral.
Hi @Richard7

Thanks for your reply :)

Will read more thoroughly in a bit, plus the Myhill link. My faith in Sarah Myhill went down the tubes when she started promoting methylation as almost her own discovery, and selling products she recommends to support methylation that contain ingredients completely unsuitable for anyone with basic conversion difficulties.

I'd have to go and look at her site again, but I know one of my clients was about to buy her Mineral Mix (or whatever it's called, the big tub of powder you mix with water) and I looked at the ingredients list and laughed at the discrepancies between her recommendations and the ingredients.

I took her mitochondria paper to my then-GP about 7 years ago. He teaches at one of the big hospitals. He was great, really interested in natural health solutions, really supportive. He even arranged a muscle biopsy to check my mitochondria because I was convinced at the time that that was the cause of my near-zero energy levels.

He duly read it and said it had holes in it big enough to drive a coach and horses through, and that he'd be using it to demonstrate to his students how NOT to write a paper :thumbdown:

Right, been off-board for a few days, trying to catch up, will read and respond more fully later. Thanks again for your reply :)
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Senior Member
Pure and much easier for your body to absorb and use. The thyroid converts iodine back to mono-elemental iodine and immediately recombines it as an essential mineral element with protein configurations to form the thyroid hormones T3 and T4. Simply put, nascent iodine supports the thyroid and hormone function!
-Why would elemental iodine be harder to absorb, if nascent iodine has to convert to elemental iodine to be absorbed? What am I not understanding here? :)


Senior Member
Hi @Gondwanaland

Lol, not for me! I go oestrogen dominant very quickly, even now, post-menopause from chemo etc 10 years ago.

My Holy Grail will be finding how to get all my conversion and neutralising enzymes working efficiently again :)
I just found something that broke down my meager replaced estrogen very quickly: Carcinine (analogue of Carnosine and Beta-Alanine). It also increases the need for thyroid hormones which I can't seem to be able to produce though :grumpy:
Choline (from egg yolks) seems to do the same. B6 does that too.
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Senior Member
I just found something that broke down my meager replaced estrogen very quickly: Carcinine (analogue of Carnosine and Beta-Alanine). It also increases the need for thyroid hormones which I can't seem to be able to produce though :grumpy:
Choline (from egg yolks) seems to do the same. B6 does that too.
What, B6 and choline break down oestrogen and increase need for T4 and T3, do you mean? X


Senior Member
What, B6 and choline break down oestrogen and increase need for T4 and T3, do you mean? X
B6 itself increases T4 production, and choline is fuel for B2 which activates B6. At least I got hyperthyroid and then hypo from taking B6...


Senior Member

So I'm wary of starting off too high and having massive bromide/ fluoride / other halides detox nastiness. I get enough nausea and migraines as it is.

I ordered a 2% Lugol's Iodine Solution by a German company called Heiltropfen. It has 2% Iodine and 4% potassium iodide.

I'm a bit perturbed that it doesn't specify "elemental Iodine".

I'm emailed the company (got this from Amazon, but the company website is all in German) for clarification re type of Iodine and also dose per drop.

My Lugol's chart lists 2% solution having 1mg Iodine and 1.5mg potassium iodide. This obv would be 2mg pot iodide, I think.

Also has no directions!

Put one drop in water. Drank. Headache within 20 mins (my standard toxic response). Had already taken c.1/2 tsp sea salt earlier, took more another hour after the iodine, improved a bit.

Thoughts, anyone?

J. X


Senior Member
B6 itself increases T4 production, and choline is fuel for B2 which activates B6. At least I got hyperthyroid and then hypo from taking B6...
B6 itself increases T4 production
Didn't know that. More familiar with pyridoxine and pyridoxal-5-phosphate increasing serotonin and thus saving B3 via tryptophan pathway.....


Senior Member
Maybe I should change my user name to
Jigsaw-In-A-Maze-Wrapped-Up-In-A-Riddle !


Senior Member

Gondy, I don't tolerate T4. Even tiny amounts of tyrosine, T4 precursor, send me rapidly toxic.

I'm fine on p5p, straight pyridoxine more problematic, so I thought I wasn't converting pyridoxine to p-5-p properly. Pyridoxine isn't active until it's converted to p-5-p, as far as I know.......Why would I be good on p-5-p if it stimulated T4 production when I can't tolerate T4? :confused:


Senior Member
Didn't know that. More familiar with pyridoxine and pyridoxal-5-phosphate increasing serotonin and thus saving B3 via tryptophan pathway.....
B6 breaks protein down making B12, folate and amino acids readily available for energy production. It also has a role in insulin sensitivity together with vit D. Once I listened to a Chris MAsterjohn's podcast wherehe explained how hypothyroidism and insulin resistance go hand in hand.
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Senior Member

Gondy, I don't tolerate T4. Even tiny amounts of tyrosine, T4 precursor, send me rapidly toxic.

I'm fine on p5p, straight pyridoxine more problematic, so I thought I wasn't converting pyridoxine to p-5-p properly. Pyridoxine isn't active until it's converted to p-5-p, as far as I know.......Why would I be good on p-5-p if it stimulated T4 production when I can't tolerate T4? :confused:
A-ha BECAUSE in my personal experience there is no T4 => T3 conversion without serotonin! Additionally,

Estrogen => serotonin => T3 o_O


Forum Support Assistant
Useful documents:
* This document from grizz on CureZone has some interesting info and sub-links.
* Stephanie Buist's Iodine Supplementation guide. This is an updated version (Rev.2a).

When I started taking iodine (J.Crow Lugol's 2%), with the cofactors, I experienced lower back pain, heart palpitations, mild head pounding at times, and pallor for a few hours after taking a drop of 2% iodine. Apparently these were signs that the kidneys and liver were having difficulty getting rid of toxins (bromide detox).

Pulsing the iodine (taking every two days), taking milk thistle for liver support, and the salt loading protocol as described by Stephanie Buist ND (in her useful and informative Iodine Supplementation guide) was useful. From her guide:
Perform the salt loading protocol when you are experiencing detoxification symptoms with iodine supplementation. **Note that you should not need to do this for more than 3 days. If you do then you need to reduce your dosing of iodine.
1/2 tsp celtic (or other unrefined) salt in 1/2 cup of warm water.
Follow the above with a glass of 12 oz filtered water.
** Repeat every 30-45 minutes as needed until urination begins.

Salt - containing chloride - binds to the bromide in the blood stream and carries it out through the kidneys.

After the initial symptoms I then developed arm pimples and skin rash, runny nose, cold body and extremities (cold only for a few days).

At one point I started having kidney pain again and realized that I was detoxing bromide that was in some trace mineral drops I had started a couple of days before. I stopped taking the trace mineral drops and the kidney pain disappeared within a day or two.

After a drop or two of 2% every day or two for a few weeks I increased to 3-8 drops depending on how I felt. Then within a few weeks went up to 24 drops (~72mg/day). I took 100mg/day (split into 3-4 doses per day) for roughly a month and then noticed extreme fatigue after each dose so I dropped down to 50, then 25, then 15 before the fatigue resolved. The fatigue may have been a good sign. or a sign of low iron, or something else.

I spent several months at 12mg/day, then eventually dropped down to 1 drop per day (~3mg).

I'm going to increase again and see what happens.

Benefits at various times included:
* Increased libido (which decreased at very high doses)
* More energy
* Deeper, more sustained sleep
* Eyes no longer bulging (this varied, I think I bounced between hypo- and hyper-thyroid at various times as my body adjusted to the extra iodine)
* Baby soft skin

There is a lot of information in SB's document but this is especially interesting:
"Over and over people come to the Iodine group claiming that they can’t possibly be toxic in bromide because they are gluten free, eat a clean diet, etc. Guess what? It isn’t diet related in most cases. Bromide is a flame retardant that is used in and on many items around you. These include carpeting, furniture, mattresses, clothing, computers, iPhones, and automobiles – just to name a few. Food sources can include items like baked goods that contain brominated flour or vegetable oil as well as soft drinks like Mountain Dew and other citrus based sodas. It can also be found in some Gatorade products. For many years it was used in the form of Methyl Bromide as a pesticide on strawberries."
(Good table of Bromide detox symptoms in SB's document)