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functional medicine in the UK?

Hi everyone,

I've just joined this forum after spending the last few months researching so many different health problems. I have realised that I need to look at a more holistic way of getting myself well and I'm interested in finding a doctor who practices functional medicine. I've googled a few sites including the institute of functional medicine but I couldn't find one near to where I live. Does anyone know of one in the north west of England?

I was diagnosed with ME/CFS in 1999, a year after being diagnosed with hypothyroidism which was caused by hashimotos disease and it has led, I think, too my deficiencies in vitamin b12 and vitamin D, folate and ferritin. I take the supplements and thyroid meds and self inject with b12. I've worsened over the years and now they say it's not ME but fibromyalgia. I'm not sure if it's either! My kidneys, liver and pancreas is now showing damage and apparently I now have an adrenal problem. My GP doesn't really care and at my insistence has now referred me to an endocrinologist and a dietician as I'm told I'm borderline diabetic and have high cholesterol. I've stopped taking my statins after reading all the information and believe that the side effects of taking them are responsible for a worsening of so many symptoms. B12 deficiency has caused a lot but statins I believe has led to my walking on crutches and neurological problems. This has only got to this stage since I began the statins in 2014. The book the cholesterol con by Dr McKendrick has been an eye opener.

I believe I need to look at myself holistically and find the root causes of all this. My research on functional medicine says I need to look at diet as well. So if anyone can let me know of any doctor of functional medicine in the north west I would be very grateful.

Sorry for such a long post! :)


Senior Member
they say it's not ME but fibromyalgia. I'm not sure if it's either!

Why don't you check to see if you have ME/CFS using the standard diagnostic criteria documents that experts use, such as the CDC 1994 Fukuda definition, or the more exacting Canadian consensus criteria (see the 7 point checklist on page 2).

Any doctor knowledgable about ME/CFS would have checked your symptoms against the symptom ticklists in these documents, as that is the proper way to diagnose or rule out ME/CFS.

I would start with the CDC document, as that is the easiest (you only have to satisfy 3 ticklist points to get a diagnosis of ME/CFS).

Do you know what post-exertional malaise (PEM) is, by the way? That is an important symptom to understand when diagnosing of ME/CFS.
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Why don't you check to see if you have ME/CFS using the standard diagnostic criteria documents that experts use, such as the CDC 1994 Fukuda definition, or the more exacting Canadian consensus criteria (see the 7 point checklist on page 2).

Any doctor knowledgable about ME/CFS would have checked your symptoms against the symptom ticklists in these documents, as that is the proper way to diagnose or rule out ME/CFS.

I would start with the CDC document, as that is the easiest (you only have to satisfy 3 ticklist points to get a diagnosis of ME/CFS).

Do you know what post-exertional malaise (PEM) is, by the way? That is an important symptom to understand when diagnosing of ME/CFS.

Hi hip, yes I've seen these two sets of information and I have had these symptoms, plus others for 20 years. In 2000 I was diagnosed with ME but not given any meds, support or referral. Over the years other doctors have disputed it putting it down to hypothyroidism and of course that old favorite, depression! Now they say fibromyalgia, which of course has a lot of the same symptoms.

I've decided to try and look at my diet to treat symptoms and not a diagnosis. If that makes sense! Thank you for your reply. :)