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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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Australia: Workcover-compatible supported accommodation

Hi everyone,
I'm posting here as an advocate for a friend with ME/CFS - she's no longer able to use electronic media. At the moment she is in urgent need of either (or both) of hospitalisation or to be moved to supported accommodation. At 61 she has been expected to care for her elderly parents over the last 20 years of her illness with no support, but their demands (and an increasingly volatile and unhygienic home environment) have escalated beyond the point she can cope with. As a desperate measure she has retreated to a hotel and is in a very fragile mental state. Her GP and I are trying to find something suitable but it's complicated by the fact that she's on WorkCover, so they have to approve anything along the lines of personal/medical care. If you have ANY suggestions/experience please let me know. Any recommendations of sympathetic or WorkCover-tolerant admitting doctors or suitable supported residential services in Melbourne, Victoria would be much appreciated.
Many, many thanks for your time and effort in reading this, and wishing you strength and success in your own battles,
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Making the most of it
I don't have any recommendations to offer but it would be helpful if you say where your friend is located in Australia so others might be able to assist.

Best wishes Andy
I don't have any recommendations to offer but it would be helpful if you say where your friend is located in Australia so others might be able to assist.

Best wishes Andy
Of course, my apologies! Melbourne is not, after all, the centre of the universe. Thankyou for the prompt.