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Nutritional/Muscle Response Testing and CFS, My Story

Just wanted to introduce myself. I am a 51 year old male that has struggled with fatigue for 14 years, with the past seven years often being practically immobilizing. For the past two years, I have not been working but in recovery/healing using the constantly revising protocol provided by Nutrition Response Testing. Now after two years, today is the fifth day in a row that I have biked more than five miles. No post exertional fatigue! My brain is "feeling" like it is approaching normal. My body actually desires exercise!

Five years ago after hearing doctors say there was nothing wrong with me except severe hypertension in spite of being barely capable of functioning, I made an appointment with a national "chain" that specializes in CFS. There I was diagnosed with CFS, and found to have multiple latent infections, including fungal, viral, and bacterial. Was placed on antibiotics, an antifungal, antivirals, as well as thyroid and other hormones and B vitamin and glutathione injections and multiple other medications (mostly for neural/"depression" conditions) as well as getting Myers Cocktails etc . The process to "get" better felt with that protocol like going through chemo, as my body seemed to resist and experienced a month of intense perspiration and total discomfort. Although I was checked for heavy metals in urine and blood prior to being placed on those protocols, those metal tests were negative.

Although technically I was more capable of functioning, internally and especially my brain felt worse. It was if my body was a car that was not getting any oil for lubrication, yet the hormones and vitamins were revving my body up to a state it just wasn't capable of sustaining. My brain felt like it had become mummified, as my short term memory had just about become non-existent and my ability to sleep and be properly emotionally healthy were severely degraded. Knew that almost every organ in my body was severely limited in function, including my heart, liver, kidneys, intestinal track, bladder, pancreas etc. For a number of years, had taken all kinds of supplements to help those organs and my brain function and found many that worked. Had found that certain amino acids combinations and omega-3s were a god send to my brain. But none of that was working anymore. Merely existed for work, sleep, and ensuring that I had my supplements to function. Weekends were entirely for recovery: perhaps by Sunday evening I would have the energy to get ready for Monday morning.

Two years ago, I took a lay off from work because I knew the only way I could possibly get better was to devote full time attention to getting better. (My work performance also wasn't anything that I wanted my name associated with either. What used to take 5 minutes was now much longer just due to mental fatigue.) Miraculously, immediately after quitting work, was put in touch with a local chiropractor that performs Nutritional Response Testing. (also called muscle response testing).

Nutrition Response Testing tests the whole body as well as a specific organ, tissue, or function, and indicates the effect that energy, or the lack of energy, is having on the body. Using accupunture points, as well as standards for heavy metals, chemicals, bacteria, fungals, viruses, and parasites, Nutrition Response can detect what is stressing each organ. Nutrition Response also matches the stressors with the natural antidote or nutrition that will correct the condition.

Upon my first visit, for the first time I was diagnosed with mercury and nickel poisoning as the primary condition that was causing my illness. An herbal concoction of 8 different liquid herbals as well as a stabilizer (to prevent free mercury release in my digestive track) began my protocol. I was also given specific supplementation for my liver, kidney, heart, and there was also indication of bacteria in my sinuses.

It took several months for the mercury and nickel to be removed from my body, but new layers of infection and stressors then began to show that my body could deal with properly (with help from supplements). The beauty of the Nutrition Response Testing is that only those stressors that the body can naturally eradicate with its own immune system or detoxification systems are done at any one time. The Nutritional Response Testing also reveals the proper dosing at any one time. Every person is different. No single CFS case is ever alike.

After the "first layer" of mercury and nickel were found and removed, my body indicated that it could begin working to eradicate the bad bacteria and fungal groups within my intestinal tract. With a number of different probiotic strains (and some signficant dosing) over several months, my intestinal track was recolonized with good strains. It is very likely that my CFS resulted from my doctor prescribing tetracyline for acne for over one year while I was 17. The bad flora bioaccumulated any mercury and nickel coming into my body. My immune system could never fully function again with such bad actors in my gut as well as an increasing presence of mercury and nickel. Over the next 30+ years, sicknness and infections seem to come on with increasing regularity. Even in my 20's, I wondered why I couldn't recover "normally" like other people. Bu with the nickel and mercury gone, my immune system began to increasingly function normally.

Over the course of the past two years, Nutrition Response Teast has diagnosed with at least 10 different bacterial infection areas (including the brain, and multiple problems in the kidneys, eyes, sinuses, intestinal track, bladder, pancreas, and ears), parasites in the intestinal track, liver, brain (probably T Gondii), eyes, ears, retroviruses, viruses, and fungal issues. In addition, subsequent layers of mercury was found in my lower back (explained a horrible sciatica incident from my 30's), in my kidneys (explained why my kidneys were "shrunk" and why I had horrible hypertension), in my eyes, and in my brain (found last - believe Hg ingress into my brain occurred while I was being treated with B12 and bioidentical thyroid hormones.) In addition, cadmium was found in my kidneys, antimony in my thyroid, and nickel, tin, palladium, and aluminum in my brain. All of those metals touch multiple months to be removed from my system, and the removal could not have been acheived simultaneously.

In addition to the metals and immune challenges, Nutrition Response Testing also determined that wheat, corn, soy, dairy, and eggs were all causing major immulogical challenges. I had known for some time that wheat and dairy nearly incapacitated me (my brain felt like it became badly inflamed after eating those foods), the rest of those were somewhat a surprise. Just a small amount of wheat still incapacitates me - especially my brain - and Nutritional Response Testing indicates that even a minute level of wheat will temporarily block healing . What apparently also has happened is that my body stored the offending gluten peptides in my fat cells, and releases them later when less stressed. Currently, am on a variety of different enzymes at high doses (on an empty stomach) to cleanse my body of these stored "toxics".

Perhaps the issue that surprised me most was the degree to which parasites were a problem with not only me, but with many people. With a suppressed immune system from mercury and iron, I was much more vulnerable than most to becoming infected with unwashed fruits and vegetables, or pets, or meat. Any person owning a pet likely has multiple parasites. We deworm dogs and cats, but we don't deworm ourselves. There are single cell parasites that can almost behave as bacteria. In my case, Ipil-Ipil, black walnut, wormwood, dates were all used to eradicate parasites, but the natural alternatives were only functional with the immune system gave it a window to begin the fight. Using natural anti-parasitical agents while the immune system could not launch an immune response would not have cause eradication.


"Hence the French, according to Flegr, with their love of steak preparedsaignant—literally, “bleeding”—can have (T gondii ) infection rates as high as 55 percent. (Americans will be happy to hear that the parasite resides in far fewer of them, though a still substantial portion: 10 to 20 percent.) "

Finally, there were a number of chemicals, fragrances, and pesticides that were stored in my body and inhibiting my wellness. I formerly worked in chemical and pesticide plants, so for nearly two months earlier this year while my body was strong enough to begin pesticide detoxification, neurologically I felt like I was going through a crisis almost every week, as every type of pesticide needed a separate protocol to help it safely maneuver through the liver, kidney, and colon. For a number of years, I have felt major effects from using non-natural personal products. Using conventional sun tan lotion would send me into a sick and delusional state for nearly two days. Those type chemicals had to come out and I believe some of them actually were resident in my brain, as after exposure my brain would be on fire and when they were being released went through the same experience.

Typically, I get evaluated twice a week during a chemical detoxification period and once a week during a metal removal period. Typically am placed on a couple of new supplements each visit, and then every two weeks tested to determine what supplements can be removed. Typically, am on 20 to 30 supplements at any one time. If a condition is new (say a sinus condition has erupted), the effects of the supplementation is felt almost immediately. Typically, I need more sleep and rest after starting a new supplement, as the body is using all its energy to regenerate an organ to a higher energy condition. Many of the aches/discomforts I may be feeling simultaneously are all from the same condition. For example, the day before I was diagnosed with chromium and mercury in my brain, the left fingers in my hand were feeling numb, my right foot arch was very sore, my right shoulder was sore, and my upper back was in excruciating pain. All of those were found to be related to the chromium and mercury and began to disappear once the supplement was taken.

Fatigue is the way our bodies tell us it absolutely must slow down and listen to it. In my view, artificially injecting hormones and vitamins into our bodies to speed it up may seem prudent, but it is the very opposite that our bodies our asking of us. Our organs and lifeblood are practically yelling that something is seriously amiss. The autonomic nervous system was created in part to be each person's diagnostic system for health. Interaction of our body with the foods of creation can provide the wisdom to restore our health. Step by step using the wisdom of the body, I believe full healing can occur - not just to me, but all those suffering from this horrible CFS condition.

He restores my strength.
He leads me on right paths to show that he is good.
4 Even if I walk through a valley as dark as the grave,
I will not be afraid of any danger, because you are with me.
Your rod and staff comfort me.
5 You prepared a meal for me in front of my enemies.
You welcomed me as an honored guest.
My cup is full and spilling over.
6 Your goodness and mercy will be with me all my life,
and I will live in the LORD’S house a long, long time.


Senior Member
Eastten, welcome!
It's always nice to hear from somebody who had a positive healing experience.
I just looked NRT up, as I wasn't sure what that was, and I assume you were referring to as demonstrated in this video? I found it fascinating.
I saw a kinesiologist who worked in a similar way. She was great and could pick up things from tests she hadn't seen.
But from there to actually getting better on supplements was a wholly different thing. I followed the programme for about three months but could not see much change and being quite impatient I changed direction. I found Naet more helpful as support treatment.
I did some mercury detox but could not see results. I got better instead with the Cutler chelation protocol.
I agree with your view on parasites, and I would add that they are smarter, more evolved and possibly damaging than bacteria or viruses. However, I haven't found natural remedies effective at all. I got results only with antiparasitic meds.
Eastten, welcome!
It's always nice to hear from somebody who had a positive healing experience.
I just looked NRT up, as I wasn't sure what that was, and I assume you were referring to as demonstrated in this video? I found it fascinating.
I saw a kinesiologist who worked in a similar way. She was great and could pick up things from tests she hadn't seen.
But from there to actually getting better on supplements was a wholly different thing. I followed the programme for about three months but could not see much change and being quite impatient I changed direction. I found Naet more helpful as support treatment.
I did some mercury detox but could not see results. I got better instead with the Cutler chelation protocol.
I agree with your view on parasites, and I would add that they are smarter, more evolved and possibly damaging than bacteria or viruses. However, I haven't found natural remedies effective at all. I got results only with antiparasitic meds.

The Nutrition Response techniques developed by Ulan shown in that video are much better suited to a comprehensive disease condition than some of the other nutrition/muscle response methods pioneered earlier. The chiropractor where I go has essentially converted his entire practice to Nutrition Response therapies using the Ulan methods. It's now getting very difficult to get an appointment. There are CFS people at the clinic that state they have been healed fully, but they are generally younger than me and were not as severe of a condition when they started.

The general rule of thumb I've been told is that it takes one month of therapy under this method to go back one year in health. Essentially, the roots of my ill health began at 17 with antibiotics, so essentially it will take 35 months to regain my health. I'm currently in the 27th month.

It took four months just to remove the initial layer of mercury and nickel, which was concentrated in my feet and ankles (there were red spots on my ankles and lower feet that were tell-tale signs of mercury poisoning - showed my doctors but every single one dismissed that sympton - had earlier looked googled that sympton, but had typed in pink spots instead of red spots and didn't find the proper hit). After that, the subsequent layers of mercury in the kidneys didn't show up for one year later, mercury in my eyes didn't show up until 20 months later, and mercury in my brain didn't show up until last month. The kidneys, eyes, and brain all have more protection than other organs with membranes, so likely these organs were protected for a long time, but once penetrated, the mercury and nickel are even harder to removed.

For the first two years of this therapy, honestly, I did not feel better and actually needed to rest much more than I even did before. But some of the immediate responses are what sold me: scalp conditions would see practically immediate relief, gall bladder no longer blocking bile, change in bowel movements, the list would go on and on. After the main pool of mercury was gone, it took many months of probiotic supplementation (as well as other intestinal supplements like choline, minerals, okra pepsin, and a host of other products) to get my intestinal track to no longer test for fungal overgrowth. If the candida hadn't been removed from my gut, then the mercury and other heavy metals would have just continued to bioaccummulate.

What I especially like about this method is that our body can tell us when to use a supplement, how much is needed, and when to stop using it. For example, for the past two months was on four omega-3 / day, but just recently my body "said" it was no longer necessary. Now it really desires traces minerals and brain rebuilding aminos. There have been other waves where it needed massive amounts of chlorides, general minerals, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D, B6, sesame seed oil, etc, but right now my body is saying my diet provides those in the quantities needed.

Although this protocol is costing me about $1000-$1500 a month (includes visits and supplementation), I was paying about half of that just on my own supplementation. Plus I was on multiple prescriptions (four for hypertension alone) and now am down to just one hypertension prescription.

Used to believe that there was a "magic bullet" that would cure CFS. After going through this protocol, now believe that CFS is just a terribly complex problem that is different for every individual suffering from it. Our bodies' autonomic nervous system has the knowledge to lead us out of this CFS wilderness, step by step, day by day.
Prior to starting therapy via Nutrition Response Testing, was on approximatley 30 supplements mostly determined by trial and error plus MD prescribe hormones, pharmaceuticals, B12 shots, protein/vitamin powder etc. What was difficult to was the necessary dosing should be and when or if the supplements should be dropped. Nutrition Response answered both quesitons, without any trail and error.

Over two years of Nutrition Response Testing yielded nearly 100 different supplements that that my body needed at different windows healing. Here's a relatively comprehensive list (may be missing a few supplements) of what my body has needed for healing since treatment started by this method. Most of the supplements were needed for a window of time and then no longer found to be useful. Some, particularly anti-bacterial, anti-parasite, liver restoration, and metal/insecticide removal herbals were used multiple times. Was typically on 20-25 supplements plus 3-8 types of liquid drops

Standard Process supplements (whole food supplements)

AC Carbamide (for membrane cleaning of kidneys and eyes)
AF Betaford (for digestive system)
Albaplex (mostly for kidneys)
Antronex (mostly for removal of bacterial toxins, perhaps most commonly used during treatment)
Arginex (mostly for kidney cleanses)
Astralagus Complex (sinuses)
Albizia Complex (sinuses)
Betaine HCl (digestion)
B6-Niacinamide (sleep restoration)
Cardiotrophin (heart)
Cardio Plus (heart)
Calcium Lactate
Cal-Amo (CaCl2)
Cataplex A
Cataplex AC
Cataplex B
Cataplex B12
Cataplex C
Cataplex F
Cataplex GTF
Cataplex G
Chelaco (Nickel removal from eye)
Congaplex (anti-bacterial)
Cruciferous complex (liver)
Cyruta (circulation)
Cyruta Plus (circulation plus anti-viral)
Dermatrophin (skin regeneration)
E-Manganese (restoration of hypothalmus- pineal-adrenal axis)
HiPep (Digestive)
Immuplex (anti-viral and anti-retroviral)
Lactic Acid Yeast (anti-candida)
Magnesium Lactate
Mintran (minerals)
Minchex (minerals to brain)
Okra Pepsin E3 (lining of intestinal track)
Organically Bound Minerals
Prosynbiotic (food for probiotics)
Protefood (brain)
Prostaco (prostate)
Renafood (kidney)
Renatrophin (kidner)
Ribonucleic Acid
Sesame See Oil
Spanish Black Radish (helps clear toxins while immune system fights bacteria)
Spleen Desicated
SP Cleanse (Liver)
St John's Wort 1.8
Trace Minerals-B12
Tuna Oil
Vitanox (brain "cleaner")
Wormwood comlex (anti-parasite)
Wheat Germ Oil (oitment for "healing" scars that interfer with body's external skin energy)
Zymex Wafers (anti-fungal, anti-parasite)
Zymex capsules
Zymex II (anti-parasite)
Zypan (digestive)

Systemic Formula (supplements)

GOLD (anti-bacterial)
VIVI (anti-viral)
L (Liver)
Lb (bile flow)
K (Kidney)
4- FungDX
5 - Stabilizer (anti-viral, anti-retroviral)
3- Bactrex
P (Pancreas)
Ds (Digestive)
VRM3 (anti-parasytic)
CVRM3 (ear drops)
Gf (Thyroid)

Nestmann Pharma (herbal drops - these did most of the heavy lifting for removal of metals, chemicals, and insecticides)

Scolopendrium (spleen)
Pulmonest (lung)
Hepatica (liver)
Lymphonest (lymph nodes)
Cholenest (gall bladder)

Allegany Nutrition (enzymes)

Natto LP (nattokinaze)
HP90V (digestive and systemic enzymes)
MF90 (")
AL90 (")

energetix (homeopathics)

Bacteria Chord (seemed to remove a "sheet" of bacteria around my brain)

Bodyhealth.com (sprays)

MetalFree (removed mercury and chromium from brain)
Body Detox (removed certain insecticides)

Jarrow Formulas (probiotics)

Jarro Dophilus
Jarro EPS

Natures Balance (herbals)

Chorella (removed mercury from eye)
Cilantro extract drops (ensured mercury at liver was eliminated through colon)

Protexin (probiotic)


HVS Labs (homeopathic)

Detoxoside - chemicals
Detoxoside - bacteria
Detoxoside - organics
Detoxoside - radiation
Bioside Support

Int Nutrition (aminos)

Master Pattern Aminos

Omega-Brite EPA/DHA

Most of these have long been gone from my regimen. Generally, the effects of the organ-specific or bacteria-specific supplements could be felt within a day or two. Homeopathics, herbals, and "trophin" rebuilding supplements generally were in my regimen longer.

The wide variety of supplements, their dosing, and regular suspension of supplements that the body is no longer responsive towards all combine to make Nutrition Response Testing an incredibly dynamic and individualized treatment. Removing metals, viral, retro-viral, fungal, bacterial, and parasite infestations can all be done with natural supplements and with the restoration of the immune system . I really don't understand how conventional medicine could have restored my health to the level I'm experiencing.


Senior Member
Thanks for the awesome story! Great info on metals and toxins. I'm very interested in your Standard Process supplements. I've used them for the endocrine system and immune system which led me to research ME/CFS's effect on the organs. I was shocked to discover how many systems and organs are effected. I recently and a few years ago have had a dramatic response to Immuplex which has PMGs from liver, spleen and thymus. I felt like singing, how much the Immuplex helped. I researched the spleen and see how that is affected by CFS which led me to the other organs which included info from autopsies on people with CFS. I'm excited to try some of the other formulations and will look into the other supplements you listed. It's shocking how many supplements we need for this disease--that has been my experience.
Its been three years since posting, but can honestly say that the last week has seen rapid improvement in energy.

Metals were still an issue, as in the last month metal such as antimony and titanium were removed. Those two were keys, as they seemed to interfere with sleep, thyroid, and mitochondrial energy production. Mercury, nickel, aluminum, arsenic, and cadmium have been gone for years. My kidney, liver, and brain needed years to improve. Also, was placed on Norvasc for a while, and that caused major swelling the the legs. Got off it, but it took nearly a year for my body to heal from Norvasc - an awful hypertension drug.

The biggest issue these last couple of years was the feeling of abandonment. Few could comprehend how little I could accomplish and wouldnt put up with my unreliability. Not sure how to start again, but that's a good problem.

Still cannot ingest a spec of gluten. Parasites and another retrovirus this winter really took their toll.

All this was caused by taking antibiotics for acne nearly 40 years ago. Fungal growth in the intestines resulted, the fungii absorbed toxic metals in food, especially in seafood, to arm themselves against my immune system. Twenty years later, retroviruses could infect my body as it had no defense. Do not eat sushi, both from a metal standpoint, but also because sushi infects your body with parasites.
The last month has been interesting. When the titanium finally got out of my system, in rapid succession arsenic, mercury, and nickel were found in my hypothalamus. In a relatively short time, they were removed using Metal Free, a mouth spray. Apparently, metal removal from the hypothalamus won't occur until all other toxic metals are removed from the entire body. I felt the sickest in years for the week these metals were being removed.

Then, for about two weeks, my body said it needed a supplement called Hypothalmex from Standard Process. This didn't seem to do much, but then my body called for Prolamine Iodine, also from Standard Process. The prolamine iodine helps to sync the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis back together. Years ago I was put on Standard Process supplement for my pituitary and adrenals, but never for the hypothalamus. Seems that is the gland/tissue hardest to heal, probably because it's behind two barriers. The hypothalamus was the last portion of the H-A-P axis to be treated. My naturopath says it will likely take months to be fully restored.

My strength seem to be slowing improving.

Right now, on six different enzymes formulas with dosing at a record, according to my naturopath, 38 capsules a day of these enzymes. Several of his patients have seen major breakthroughs after being in this enzymes phase for a month or two. I haven't eaten gluten for what seems like years, but my fat cells have stores of gluten and need the enzymes to safely release the gluten. My body has called for enzymes almost continually for five years, but just a couple capsules a day.

Most of the people that come to this Nutrition Response Center are healed in three months, but their conditions are much less severe than CFS (allergies, arthritis, infertility, etc). CFS patients like me have taken 5+ years, because our bodies just had so many layers wrong with us that it is impossible to have any solve with any sort of guessing game, which is what established medicine is about.
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After finishing the 38 capsule a day digestive/body enzyme treatment in a week (my body said the gluten in the fat cells was gone), my body the said I needed some Nattokinase to clear my circulatory system. The next three visits showed aresenic, then titanium, and finally mercury. The day before mercury was found, I felt the worst I've been for years. My brain and nervous system just felt totally out of whack and I didn't have any strength. But it cleared after just one dose of Metals Free homeopathic solution. The nattokinase must have cleared out plaque metallic deposits.

After the metals, another retro virus showed up in the urinary_kidney_genitals with VIVI for that, and the nattokinase dose went up even more. Hard to believe a retro virus showed up again, but have been very tired again after taking the VIVI, so somethinks is healing. Normally for the past couple months, have been biking a couple miles, but the mercury and now this, I just feel too week and tired to do much. But whenever a new virus had treatment started, just had to sleep the first day so it's actually better than before.


Senior Member
Hi there and thanks for posting.

When I was struck down with this disease in the 80's there was not much in the way of conventional medical treatment. Your program sounds very much like the things I tried back then. Went through a couple of years of testing and treatment with supplements. Sadly for me I didn't make any progress.

Now, my stomach has packed up and I can only take a small amount of any vitamin or drug (this was due to a bad bout of food poisoning and nothing to do with this treatment).

One of the differences in our responses may be that treatment has moved on using this method since the 80's. Maybe you just had a better practitioner. For me sadly it was a waste of my time and money. I can't see the device closely on the video but similar things were used back then.

It's great you have been able to find something that helped you.
Hi there and thanks for posting.

When I was struck down with this disease in the 80's there was not much in the way of conventional medical treatment. Your program sounds very much like the things I tried back then. Went through a couple of years of testing and treatment with supplements. Sadly for me I didn't make any progress.

Now, my stomach has packed up and I can only take a small amount of any vitamin or drug (this was due to a bad bout of food poisoning and nothing to do with this treatment).

One of the differences in our responses may be that treatment has moved on using this method since the 80's. Maybe you just had a better practitioner. For me sadly it was a waste of my time and money. I can't see the device closely on the video but similar things were used back then.

It's great you have been able to find something that helped you.
The device is standards of different immune challenges (like bacteria, virus, retrovirus, fungus, metals, food, chemicals, insecticides, radiation, ...) that cause our body harm and to be blocked or switched from healing. The practice has changed some since I've been going, as they have more supplements now (especially enzymes and homeopathic solutions). How they make those immune challenge standards I have no idea, but the body recognizes different resonances and with supplements, tells what it wants and how much of a dose. The practitioners have gotten much better at diagnosing the problems after getting hard patients like me. Bone marrow can often be infected with pathogens and the body often stores stuff like toxic chemicals, insecticides, and allergic food particles there. My bones and marrow werent tested when I first started. Emotions can also be problems, especially psychic traumas, so there even have a way to heal those effects on the body.

So sorry it didn't work out for you. When I started, thought it would be six months, but the layer after layer of issues is truly astounding. To think that my body was battling so many stressor at once is truly remarkable. No wonder I was so fatiqued.
Lately been going in with unusual pains (feels like needles in my legs for a short duration and my back has been very sore). Turns out that vaccinations showed up, specifically Hepatitis B vaccinnation. Was given homeopathics, one called Vaccin-Chord am the other called Viru-Chord. My brain and heart also were effected, but after taking the doses the pain has drastically eased. Was vaccinated 20 years ago at work, as part of my job was to monitor sanitary wastewater, and federal regulations require employees that can be exposed to get vaccinated against Hepatitis B.

When my liver was really bad a couple of years ago, childhood vaccinations showed up as a stressor. Then mostly liver supplements showed that would help, but homeopathics were given too. My naturopath says that people with chronic immune system issues often have immunizations as a secondary source of getting well again.
Think I am finally getting free of chronic fatique symptons. Alleuia!

This past week, my naturopath finally detected that my parathyroid needed some supplement help, and was given CalMA plus and Cat F tablets. It appears the underlying cause of my CFS was hyperparathyroidism, but my parathyroids weren't overgrown, just very overactive. Normally, hyperparathyroidism is caused by benign tumor growth of the different parathyroid nodules, and surgery to remove the growths are required. My parathyroid are normal size. Hyperparathyroidism normally causes:

- high calcium in the blood
- brain fog because of that calcium inference with neural action
- severe hypertension
- loss of calcium from bones or even osteoporosis
- kidney stones
- calcium plaque in arteries
- severe risks of stroke and heart attack

Been on phosfood liquid and KDIR for some time, which softened stones in the kidneys, which were many, so they could leave pass with no pain through the urinary tract. Phosfood liquid also served to remove calcium plaque from the arteries. Just went to my MD this week and she said I can be in real trouble because she doesn't have alternatives for hypertension because I'm maxed out on the doses. There are alternatives, but I'd have to be taken off those and put on others, which could be a problem.

Fortunately, the next day the naturopath found the parathyroid will finally respond to supplements. I started taking them on Friday, and my brain feels much better and my blood pressure has dropped. Guess the parathyroid was trying to compensate for the heavy metals in the body, which are now gone, by flooding the body with calcium. My calcium numbers haven't been that high, but taking phosfood liquid kept it lower at 9.5. Have had bone loss and calcium deposits at different places, so hyperparathyroidism seems to be an effect that causes the worst symptoms.

The last couple stressor seemed to be mostly located in my kidneys and scars on the legs from my Norvasc episode. Viruses, gluten, and mercury were still taking refuge in those scars and my kidneys were inflamed because of gluten too. Only after those stressor were gone, plus another round of parasite supplements, did my body finally reveal that the parathyroids were the key. Don't have a recent PTH, but it was measured years ago at a CFS center.

Patients that have had a parathyroid tumor removed return to normal in only two weeks, as their brain fogs lifts. Hope that happens to me!
Was put on Simplex-M last week, and it's dose has been increasing. Supposed to get pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, and male hormones to strenghthen and work together in harmony. Still have bad hypertension, but there is occasional drops where it is normal with medication. Seems my body wants to heel, but it's very slow.

My supplements are down to seven, as CardioPlus, ManganeseB12, Cataplex E, CoQ, choline and one other.

Still not much energy, but I actually travelled some in September. Have to be very careful on diet, as gluten and even brown rice now will cause major problem solving with my heart and brain. Tested for high chlorine lately by my naturopath which messed up my digestion. Also, can't walk in a store with a nursery section as my body is very sensitive to insecticides. Both caused a a couple a days of different homeopathic treatments.

My medical doctor is so perplexed at why my blood pressure is so high. Had echo grams of kidneys and lungs and other blood tests are in the normal ranges.

Don't have brain fog anymore except when I had pesticide exposure.


Senior Member
With all due respect, I think your doctor is taking you for a ride. I say that with sympathy because I went through the same thing with similar testing from 2008-2010. Am still paying the price.

Just consider the timetable the doc said it would take to heal. And all the hundreds of different supplements the 'testing' said you needed. And the mention that after all those years your doctor said your hyperparathyroidism was the underlying cause of your CFS.

Shouldn't this testing have turned that up years ago?
Hyperparathyroidism caused by heavy metals was a problem, but only a small part of answer. Had major calcium deposits/stones in my kidneys, and that had to disappear before I could get better.

Last November, checked my blood pressure and it had gone up over 60 points in two days. Had been on several enzymes, as the naturopath said my hypothalmus needed to clear gluten. Was at 220/120, so went to the emergency room and they couldn't get it down but by IV. Had to stay in the hospital for a couple days, but they released me without giving more hypertension medication because I was already on their maximum doses. Needless to say, my BP was rapidly again rising without an IV available. My naturopath gave me some large doses of rauwolfia, which brought down the BP to about 160/90 with medication Also was put on Hypothalmuspath, an Energetix brand homeopathic solution and several brain supplements for my pituitary and hypothalmus. Took about three months for my blood pressure to get back to under 160/100 without rauwolfia. Apparently, after clearing metal and gluten from my hypothalmus, it was ready to truly heal but needed major supplement help, like Calamari oil, which I had been on before for the rest of my brain. My hypothalmus was the last part of my brain the heal.

After my hypothalmus didn't test as deficient under the muscle response techniques that my naturopath uses, my body began to rapidly respond to existing viral, bacterial, parasitic, and fungal existing infections. Went three times a week, and always there was an infection that my body could now fight with supplements. Slept a tremendous amount after taking a different supplement for each of those critters. This went on for another three months.

In June, my body responded to the muscle testing that GMO corn was a major problem. Went on many different enzymes during most of the month, maybe up to 20 capsules a day. When the muscle testing said the corn was gone, I felt like my glands and muscles had a major impediment of health removed.

Now, my body is calling for different oils, and supplements for my thyroid and testicles. Been losing weight just by sleeping, as the weight just seems to melt off. Hopefully another month of following my Naturopath's muscle testing will get me vibrant again.

Through all this time have been on various probiotics, depending upon what my body said it needed. Fungal issues often seem to return to my guts, so it needs to be carefully monitored by my muscle testing.
Since my last post have been muscled tested several more times and all were corn related causing inflammation. Each different location had a different enzyme combination to rid me of the corn. My heart needed MF90, my liver needed D Digest, my stomach and intestines needed Zypan, and my brain needed Catalyst 7, which is enzyme formulation with herbals.

Lately that clinic has seen a number of people battling GMO corn, including many of the CFS patients, and their symptoms have been simlar to mine. My arms and legs are neuropathic, as they don't have much feeling due to inflammation caused by the corn and my muscles are more painful too.

I have not avoided corn in these latest years. Wished someone told me about the problems it can cause as they are significant. Understand that corn can linger for years, so it was part of the problem with my gut to begin with.