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B12 and irregular body temperature


I have now been on b12 for 2 months or so. The biggest issue now seems to be irregular body temp, going up and down. Before b12 it had been 35.5 -36.1 for years. Basic temp 36.1 , when stressed it drops.

There are people saying low body temp is normal, for some it might be, but for me it causes the biggest issues. I know the moment my body temp drops. I feel super ill and nauseous and for example eating is impossible before it rises a bit.

Now my b12 dosage is 1000mcg solgar sublingual nuggets, before BetterYou b12 spray 1250 mcg. Since I started b12 my body temp rose immediately to 36.5 , which was not a bad thing, since I got rid of my back pain, stiff neck, stiff muscles etc. I had complained about that for years but doctors always say your body temp is normal.

I can only take b12 3 or 4 days in a row and then I start to have issues, body temp rises to 37.0 and I start to feel uncomfortable and react to things, i.e sip of coffee makes me sneeze. I used to take 2-3 days break from B12 and that seemed to work ok. For few times now I have been without any vitamins for 4 too 5 days and I get all my old symptoms back, I can barely stay awake, I start gasping for air even walking for few meters etc and my body temp can drop down to 35.5 and then I feel super ill, nauseous etc. Then my body temp goes up and down and then sets to 36.3 , which is improvement to 36.1.

When I take my next b12 it takes 2 days to get better again. On third day I usually have almost normal day, I feel really good and much healthier. On fourth day I start to get other symptoms.

I have been struggling with poor digestion all the time I have had low body temp. Now I have linked these two, low body temp causes most of my digestive issues, not all, but most since I feel my system just shuts down. I have to force myself to eat otherwise I will be nauseous different way. Dont have empty stomach nauseousness with normal body temp!

But, I also can have rt3 issues. 6 months ago I got tested and my rt3 levels were normal, but t3 was so low that I dropped into worst t3-rt3 ratio. 3 months ago I got tested again, this time my t3 had rose to normal, but rt3 was not tested. Over here you cannot get treatment for rt3 issues. Doctors sue each other for prescribing lio.
Most doctors say t3 is dangerous even though a patient would have benefit from it.

I also have vitamin spray with all B, C, D, E, K , A , iodine and selenium and folic acid and I also feel I have benefit from that too. Have not yet bought the iodine drops since doctors over here are not very keen to help with it, but I guess I could try that with bigger dosages.

I also take glutamine. I do feel b12 has changed my life big time and the way I feel without it, is horrible. I finally sleep better without peeing all night. No more brain frog. No more back pain which I had for 15 years. I think the normal body temp does what it is supposed to do, my body can fight and heal better and recover better. I wonder if the irregular body temp with b12 is die off symptoms or something else? Should I just push with it?

I just cannot write short... :eek:


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
My question is whether you're using something up and it becomes a limiting factor after a few days of B12. Do you take a methylfolate (and not just folic acid)? Do you have enough dietary protein, particularly methionine? Do you have enough B6 (P5P form)? I'm not recommending anything, but if you look at the chemical reactions and something nearby becomes in short supply, it can prevent the thing you're supplementing from working right.

I'm guessing you probably have the same homozygous MTRR as I do, but if you also have MTHFR C677T, the methylfolate can get low, even if you take folic acid, because you use it up faster when you're not short on B12. There are probably 100 other things it could be, but if you start to questions like that, you may get to something. Just a thought. And how it ties in to body temp I don't know - sorry.


Senior Member
I agree with @Critterina that when you start healing, you start using up other nutrients faster which then stops your healing. The most typical induced deficiencies when using B12 would be potassium, folate (not folic acid), magnesium, zinc - for starters. And various others of the Bs. You might want to start trying very low doses of the most likely culprits, potassium and folate.

For me, it was folate. Taking extra got rid of those symptoms. For most people it seems to be potassium though.


Senior Member
@M79 I agree with Crit and Helen, plus your story is so similar to mine
Finding a dr willing to prescribe compounded T4/T3 was a life saver! I called a couple of compounding pharmacies and asked for names of drs who prescribe T3.

Taking high doses of MB12 (500 - 1,500) put a lot of burden on my thyroid and adrenals. At some point I stopped benefitting from MB12 altogether. Mineral replenishment - esp. magnesium and zinc - helped, as did a customized Bcomplex.

Presently I am not taking vitamins since my gut is out of order, and the bugs make a feast out of everything I take. SO I am trying t ofix the gut.

I wish I had read the supplementation guides the PR members compiled before I started supplementing though (link in my signature under "Freddd's protocol").


Thanks, it is so much to learn! Before b12 my gut was irritated all the time, like I woke up having nasty feeling. When starting b12 after 2 days my stomach felt so much better, I never imagined it could feel like this! Not bloated anymore, nor full after every meal. Heaven!

At the moment I dont take methylfolate yet. I use magnesium as lotion , 1 pump 10 mg. Here is what my multivitamin spray has eaten :
vitamin A 600 iu
vitamin B1 1,1 mg
vitamin B2 1,4 mg
vitamin B3 8 mg
vitamin B5 6 mg
vitamin B6 1.2 mg
vitamin B12 6 mg
vitamin B7 50 mcg
vitamin C 20 mg
vitamin D3 400 iu
vitamin K1 75 mcg
folic acid 400 mcg
Iodine 150 mcg
selenium 75 mcg

I also take cod liver oil capsules , but I have to balance between these since everything contains A and D.
Zinc I have in one spray with vitamin C, D, E and l-lysin, but not taking that often. I could buy zinc drops.

Nutritionally I try also take a lot from food, not sure if it works because poor digestion but I eat nuts,seeds and finnish berries which are healthy.

Methionine? Dietary protein as in form of food, not supplement? Sorry new thing again. I do eat protein at least the 55 grams , 1 g/1 kg. I have been following Schwarzbeins protocol to heal my adrenal glands and gain weight. It is really hard for me to maintain healthy weight, I lose it easily even without doing anything.

I do take 3 g glutamine every morning.

Should I have the methylation panel done or the test to figure out the mutations?

I have had a persistent flu for 10 days now and waiting for it to pass to book another appointment with a doctor. I have to demand her to take me seriously. I know doctors over here dont believe in such a stuff like adrenal fatigue, but this doctor did look at the papers I had from saliva tests before, all of them have not looked good, but the latest from last december was actually good. She also copied the papers from my thyroid panel wanting to learn how it is done in other countries. I had ordered my test from Denmark, similar to Genovas panel. So she could be willing to work with me or to seek alternative treatments, except the t3. For that I have to travel other country, which at the moment is impossible :(
It might take years before they resolve the on going disagreements with t3 only, you cannot even get Armour. 2 doctors have been sued for prescribing lethal medication... yeah right, these patients were healed!

So I could lower the dosage of b12, take potassium, zinc and methylfolate? And keep fixing my gut.

And thanks again, I find this forum really helpful and great place to search for information. I have learned so much and still long way to go. Anything to help my life quality is welcome, I think in a way I am pretty close to get to level where my life turns tolerable.


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
You can take methionine as a supplement, but look up the food sources too, because it might just be an easy tweak to your diet.


You can take methionine as a supplement, but look up the food sources too, because it might just be an easy tweak to your diet.
Thanks :) did some googling, i think i am on the safe side since I eat chicken, red meat, fish, brazil nuts, cashew nuts, pumpkin seeds, sun flower seeds and eggs every day.