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why not sublingual methylfolate


Senior Member
I've read so many opposing versions of Freddds protocol at this point that I'm concluding there pretty much is no protocol- it's basically just look out for certain things and proceed on your own terms. However one thing that's consistent is to take methylfolate orally vs sublingualy, even though it's a tablet. Why is this if Freddd preaches that taking things orally is almost invaluable due to the lack of absorption.


Senior Member
I have been taking oral Metafolin in the past year pushing the dose up to 4mg (5x tablets). Now I am experimenting with this sublingual product which seems stronger. I don't need more than 2 tablets.

Note: I originally started taking sublingual mthf, but at the time it was too strong for me so I reverted to Metafolin. Now I can tolerate it much better.

ETA: in general I don't there's a any problem with sublingual mthf, if you have digestive problems the sublingual will help. That is probably why I need half the dose of Metafolin.
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Senior Member
Thanks guys.

I've been taking Seeking Health L-5-MTHF sublingual and it seems to be fine. Do you take methylfolate before or after mb12? I've heard both opinions


Senior Member
@Aerose91 - I vaguely recall that B12 only gets absorbed in small amounts at a time from the gut. So injections could be better in getting a large amount into the body.

If doing it sublingually, tucking it under the upper gum might help because that slows down the dissolving, and accordingly less is getting to the gut at the same time. It's not actually capable of being absorbed under the gum, however, and probably not sublingually either.
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Senior Member
@Aerose91 It's just B12 that needs to be taken sublingually, transdermally or by injection, because as Valentijn mentions, very little gets absorbed from the gut in most people, especially if your digestion is less than great.


Senior Member
B12 does get absorbed thru the gut, but some meds like commonly used proton pump inhibitors for acid reflux (prilosec, nexium etc) can reduce that.
Looking at my labs from a couple years ago when I first followed Freddds B12 recommendations at the time (Jarrow MB12 5000mcg), I was able to raise my B12 about 200 points in 2 months.
That was with about daily 15 minutes sublingually and swallowing the rest.

I currently take Methyl Life's methyl folate 10mg sublingually along with Jarrows MB12 but I have not noticed any response to the folate so I probably will stop once it runs out.
I also now take a liquid methyl B12 sublingually thruout the day, a minute or so at a time.
I have found that Jarrows quatrefolic 400mcg methyl folate helps, I take it 3 to 4 times a day.
If I don't, I notice more pain and irritability.
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Senior Member
So no sublingual b12 is actually absorbed through your membrane? It just slows the entrance down to your gut? Geez, another thing in Freddds protocol dismissed


Senior Member
@Aerose91 What makes you think B12 doesn't get absorbed sublingually? Many people on this forum have had symptoms improve from sublingual B12 plus myself, my son and 2 friends.


Senior Member
@Aerose91 What makes you think B12 doesn't get absorbed sublingually? Many people on this forum have had symptoms improve from sublingual B12 plus myself, my son and 2 friends.
MethylB12 molecules are too big. To be absorbed under the tongue, they have to be quite tiny, and to be absorbed under the gum they have to be even smaller.

Sublingual B12 helps because it's being swallowed, very slowly, as it dissolves. And doing it slowly might very well be helpful.


Senior Member
MethylB12 molecules are too big. To be absorbed under the tongue, they have to be quite tiny, and to be absorbed under the gum they have to be even smaller.

Sublingual B12 helps because it's being swallowed, very slowly, as it dissolves. And doing it slowly might very well be helpful.

Interesting, thank you. Is methylfolate the same thing? Can't actually be absorbed sublingually?


Senior Member
I don't think I've ever heard of there really being a need to take it in any manner except orally.
Is there a reason mb12 is better taken sublingual and methylfolate doesn't have that benefit? Wouldn't it make sense that more would get absorbed


Senior Member
Is there a reason mb12 is better taken sublingual and methylfolate doesn't have that benefit? Wouldn't it make sense that more would get absorbed
Like I said, I don't think there's a real sublingual component to methylB12. Just slower release due to holding it under the tongue or gum instead of swallowing it all at once.

Methylfolate is taken in much much smaller doses, and presumably has a different absorption method. From what I recall, B12 has a pretty complicated process to go through to get absorbed, and things might be more direct for folate.


Senior Member
That makes more sense to me. I was just referencing if methylfolate was better absorbed if taken slowly like sublingual mb12


Senior Member
What little evidence I could find seems to support @Valentijn on sublingual B12 at this point.

A seemingly well-informed naturopath believes the above study must apply to methyl as well as cyano, & discusses the finding here.

Interesting to see what @Freddd says about it when he's back on deck, as I seem to recall he conducted his own studies into this.

@Valentijn: If the above study reflects reality, sublingual B12 should not have superior absorption by any mechanism, including slowed down gut absorption - yes?


Senior Member
Here is my 2 cents. (probably about what it is worth)

Wiki puts B12 at a mass of 1355.
Wiki puts hCG at a mass of 25719.

EXPERTS say you cannot sublingual hCG.
Well, I and millions of others disagree.

If hCG can get thru, I don't see why B12 can't.
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Senior Member
EXPERTS say you cannot sublingual hCG.
Well, I and millions of others disagree.
It's not just "experts" ... it's also research and mathematics. It's like trying to fit a full-grown elephant through the front door. It's just not possible.

I also doubt you have proof of the "millions" claim ... if it's even a fraction of that, there should be no problem in publishing some proof.

And again, things which are not being absorbed sublingually are going into the GI tract, where they are likely absorbed to varying extents. So it shouldn't be a surprise that "sublingual" tablets which cannot be sublingually absorbed are still effectively absorbed via the oral route.


Senior Member
My point about hCG was those same experts claim that hCG cannot be absorbed sublingually also state that hCG cannot survive stomach acids and will not work if ingested. There is a huge (sorry, hyperbole, more that 2 people) person industry, that sublingual hCG for dietary purposes.

I sublingualed hCG (I'm to chicken to pin) to test its ability to simulate LH. It simulated LH and TSH, and I have multiple blood tests to prove it.

If B12 is an elephant, hCG is a blue whale.