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Can't eat, everything tastes bad & makes me nauseous, past 14 days -- any advice?


Senior Member
I don't know what is going on. I have not changed my supps, other than a decrease in RS because I thought it might be the problem. I have been eating about 1/3 of the calories I need to preserve my weight. I hate everything except juice, and sometimes cheese or sunflower butter.

Part of the problem is that I have been exhausted, traveling for medical purposes, and making food is too much trouble. But when I force myself to make and eat something, the nausea is terrible.

Do any of you folks have suggestions of thing I can look into? This is getting dangerous, I think.


Senior Member
Current supps:
4 capsules Thorne III mutivitamin/multimineral
2 grams calcium (deficiency, includes Ca in multi)
1 gram magnesium (deficiency, includes Mg in multi)
18mg iron
4mg copper
6mg zinc (plus some in multi)
1-2 mcg B12, sublingual drops (not mg, my tolerance is very low)
Vit D as needed
0-5 grams vit C as needed (currently none)
Fish oil
4g Lecithin
100mcg vit K
400mg vit E / tocopherols, gamma-heavy blend
Trace mineral drops


Senior Member
@NilaJones Since Christmas I had problems with nausea and vomiting every now and then. By chance I discovered that it was due to a (total) lack of salt in my diet. Since re-introducing a substantial amount of (rock) salt I've haven't had nausea or vomiting since. There's a good chance this is not your problem, but I thought I suggest it just if.

I hope and pray that you are soon well!


Patient in training
Hi @NilaJones you are saying it is getting dangerous.

I would suggest you pay a visit to your GP to make sure nothing is being missed. A general electrolyte and hematology screen would not hurt either.

Best wishes,


Senior Member
That is a lot of iron and copper. You could be getting nauseus b/c they are clogging your liver. I would stop them and take some B complex with additional B2.

Let's hope someone more knowledgeable chimes in.


Tired of being sick

Senior Member
Western PA USA
Have you ever been on Gabapentin?

Gabapentin does wonders for nausea..

In fact, nausea is the only symptom that Gabapentin significantly helps me with, to the best of my knowledge.

However I'm grateful that it only helps my nausea because without Gabapentin, I would have nausea 24/7/365 days a year .


Senior Member
Thank you so much, everyone! It was wonderful to come back and see all the responses :).

@NilaJones Since re-introducing a substantial amount of (rock) salt I've haven't had nausea or vomiting since.

I hope and pray that you are soon well!

Thank you :).

I thought this was a good idea, as methylation makes me need more salt than usual, and my pretty-much juice only diet doesn't have much. Just now I tried about 1/16 teasp salt, via my favorite method of pouring it into my hand and licking it up. This was a small dose for me -- I have taken nearly a teaspoon this way before, over an hour or two.

Surprise! I immediately, like 10 seconds later, vomited up all I have eaten today (mostly juice.) Vomiting is not normal for me; it has probably been 5-10 years since I last threw up.

I don't know how to interpret this new data point.


Senior Member
Thank you so much, everyone! It was wonderful to come back and see all the responses :).

Thank you :).

I thought this was a good idea, as methylation makes me need more salt than usual, and my pretty-much juice only diet doesn't have much. Just now I tried about 1/16 teasp salt, via my favorite method of pouring it into my hand and licking it up. This was a small dose for me -- I have taken nearly a teaspoon this way before, over an hour or two.

Surprise! I immediately, like 10 seconds later, vomited up all I have eaten today (mostly juice.) Vomiting is not normal for me; it has probably been 5-10 years since I last threw up.

I don't know how to interpret this new data point.

So sorry about that... :(


Senior Member
Hi @NilaJones
I would suggest you pay a visit to your GP to make sure nothing is being missed. A general electrolyte and hematology screen would not hurt either.

I am on the road, to see KDM and specialists for another issue, so I am 600 miles form my PCP. I understand that I should not expect to see test results from the specialists for 4 months or so. I could try to find one of those pay as you go testing places.

That is a lot of iron and copper. You could be getting nauseous b/c they are clogging your liver. I would stop them and take some B complex with additional B2.

I get strong symptoms if I reduce the dosages. I have been reducing the zinc and copper lately, because the copper is not really takeable without food, but that's been causing me problems -- sleep paralysis, etc.


I would stop all supplements for a while then reintroduce them one at a time.
I thought about doing that, but the severe symptoms from reducing the doses, or stopping things altogether, would mask any improvement. Each of these supps I take because I am worse without them. The minerals help with different kinds of leg cramps, the multi and B`12 with disabling .inflammation, etc.

Freshly squeezed ginger root will help nausea. I take it in apple juice for inflammation.

Ginger causes terrible inflammation, for me! I am allergic/sensitive to it. Frustrating :(.


Senior Member
Have you ever been on Gabapentin?

Gabapentin does wonders for nausea..

In fact, nausea is the only symptom that Gabapentin significantly helps me with, to the best of my knowledge.

However I'm grateful that it only helps my nausea because without Gabapentin, I would have nausea 24/7/365 days a year .

That's the prescription pain reliever, right? My doc said it was contraindicated for me, I can't remember why. Is it maybe sedating?

I have some GABA supplement with me, on the road. It didn't do much for me when I tried it for other stuff, but I could try it for the nausea. Do you think it's closely enough related?


Senior Member
So sorry about that... :(

Hee, is not your fault! I still wonder if it might help.... in even smaller amounts. But I am going to rest my tum a bit before trying.

If this were the first day, the feeling horrible and then abrupt vomiting would make me think food poisoning. But I've been nauseous without vomiting or other FP symptoms for two weeks, so I guess probably not. Today is worse, tho.... I don't know!
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Tired of being sick

Senior Member
Western PA USA

Gabapentin was initially synthesized to prevent or treat seizures and yes they can prescribe it for "CNS" pain.
It was orignally prescribed to me for all of my CFS/ME symptoms..

However we CFS/ME sufferers can react very differently to medications from one patient to the next.

For example:
Gabapentin acts as more of a stimulant on me instead of a depressant.This is uncommon or azz backwards.

So the best thing to do in my opinion,is to take what Gabapentin is prescribed for with a grain of salt.

IMO Gabapentin can alter Vagus nerve function which is the controller or manager of what is absolutely haywire in CFS/ME sufferers and the entire digestive system is one of the many things the Vagus nerve is responsible for regulating.
And yes, Vagus nerve dysfunction can cause chronic nausea among bloating, IBS, lower abdominal pain,ETC.

So you never know if Gabapentin can help or hurt your CFS/ME symptoms unless you try it,IMO of course..

As far as GABA & Gabapentin being related.
Not exactly,
Maybe this link can help you understand their similarities a little better.

Is There Any Difference Between GABA and Gabapentin ...


Senior Member
Thank you very much, @Tired of being sick !

Do you think it could be gastritis or GORD?
Have you tried over the counter antacids?

I don't know. There is no pain. I thought about trying some DGL, which is more effective for me than antacids.

Can I know what your diet is like?

Well, it is not much, lately, because food makes me so nauseous. Juices (apple, carrot, coconut water), mineral water, cheese (feta or cheddar), sometimes sunflower butter or applesauce, rarely potatoes, eggs. That's about it for the last two weeks. Oh, I think I drank some milk once.

The potatoes and eggs (cooked in coconut oil) gave me the worst nausea. I feel like I am going to barf just thinking of them.

New as of last night: Fever. I have not had the energy to dig out a thermometer, but I would guess about 100F.

Also, very weirdly, I woke up in night with my chest and nipples burning. And now have itchiness on my chest.

I don't know what is happening to me. I am trying to find out how to see a primary care doc when I am on the road and don't have local insurance.

I made some homemade rehydration drink with water, agave, and salt (not much salt!) and am sipping little bits. So far, so good.
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Senior Member
Yep, fever is 37.7C / 100F.

I have gone cold turkey on the supps after all, @brenda, as of last night, because I figure they will just make me throw up.


Senior Member
Hi Nils

I don't think that cold turkey is a good idea though but if you can't tolerate them now so be it, but l would have reduced them cutting out the most likely culprit's first but it sound to me like your liver is struggling. Supplements cause it a lot of work.


Senior Member
So I found a local doc and she ran some tests. Liver is ok. Calcium is high, sodium is ok, potassium is slightly low but not very. She gave me a scrip for nausea.

Said she has no idea what is going on, but she hopes I get better, and if nausea gets worse I should go to ER and get 'scans' (unspecified) and/or to a GI specialist.

Medical science is so scientific. It was cheap, though. The whole biz cost under $200.
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Thank you very much, @Tired of being sick !

I don't know. There is no pain. I thought about trying some DGL, which is more effective for me than antacids.

Well, it is not much, lately, because food makes me so nauseous. Juices (apple, carrot, coconut water), mineral water, cheese (feta or cheddar), sometimes sunflower butter or applesauce, rarely potatoes, eggs. That's about it for the last two weeks. Oh, I think I drank some milk once.

The potatoes and eggs (cooked in coconut oil) gave me the worst nausea. I feel like I am going to barf just thinking of them.

New as of last night: Fever. I have not had the energy to dig out a thermometer, but I would guess about 100F.

Also, very weirdly, I woke up in night with my chest and nipples burning. And now have itchiness on my chest.

I don't know what is happening to me. I am trying to find out how to see a primary care doc when I am on the road and don't have local insurance.

I made some homemade rehydration drink with water, agave, and salt (not much salt!) and am sipping little bits. So far, so good.

Skip the eggs, surprised to hear potatoes gave you nausea.... I have had a lot of these episodes and mashed potato helped. Sounds like your gut may be inflamed... do you have any abdominal spasms or cramping?

You're very wise to feast on juice right now, I would skip the milk as well... get as much coconut water as you can though. If you can muster the strength, make some homemade healing broth from chicken, fish...any meat really. I can give you the recipe if you want. It is very soothing for the stomach and you may want eat just that for a few days + juices.

Making a herbal tea of fennel seeds and mint might help as well, with some lemon squeezed in there.

The last time I had this sort of nausea, feasting on watermelon juice (with black pepper) for 3 days cleared it up... I don't know why this is happening to you exactly. Perhaps you are going through a healing crisis where your body is using all its energy for healing hence the loss of appetite?

You might want to try drinking a tsp of aluminum free baking soda in water as well.

BIG HUGS! Stay strong, hang in there and keep us updated.