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Can you have mold issues with no respiratory symptoms?


Senior Member
I visited Dr. Rind today (the famous thyroid/adrenal doc), and after going through my lab work, he actually thinks I have a mold problem. He said my sinus' look red, just above my eyes. The thing is, I don't have any issues breathing, coughing, sneezing, congestion, etc. I do have itchy / red eyes however, which antihistamines seem to help with.

In any case, he suspects I may have a mold issue that is taxing my adrenals / and or thyroid.


Senior Member
Ventura, CA
I visited Dr. Rind today (the famous thyroid/adrenal doc), and after going through my lab work, he actually thinks I have a mold problem. He said my sinus' look red, just above my eyes. The thing is, I don't have any issues breathing, coughing, sneezing, congestion, etc. I do have itchy / red eyes however, which antihistamines seem to help with.

In any case, he suspects I may have a mold issue that is taxing my adrenals / and or thyroid.

Certainly possible, especially if its from an environment you are no longer in, yet still have not cleared out the toxins from your system.


Senior Member
I wonder if I'm herxing when I take iodine.

When I first started, iodine seemed to be the solution, however I eventually began to feel worse on it.

I do have some mold in the bathroom, and I think I identified one species as chaetomium globosum. It says this species can cause onychomycosis, which I have on one toenail, but I thought it was going away. Apparently not. So there's no doubt I have something going on with mold, but whether it's causing all my symptoms... besides the fact I identified MTHFR and pyroluria...


Senior Member
Great Plains, US
It is possible to overdose on iodine. Even though it is technically a perfectly safe dose, it may be too much for you, personally. I had to cut back eventually on iodine to find my optimum dose. Perhaps you could try a smaller dose of it?


Senior Member
It is possible to overdose on iodine. Even though it is technically a perfectly safe dose, it may be too much for you, personally. I had to cut back eventually on iodine to find my optimum dose. Perhaps you could try a smaller dose of it?

That's what I thought, but I seem to get hairloss now from eating eggs, like 4 whole eggs.


Senior Member
Iodine is not a panacea. Your thyroid needs some to function properly, but then too much can make you go hyperthyroid (and then hypo). There is research that shows that even one or two CT (or similar) scans that use iodinated contrast can cause thyroid problems.


Senior Member
I realize that now, but it seems as though I developed an immediate hypo reaction to iodine now.


Senior Member
Getting back to the mold, I realize now that I have brown mucus in my mouth in the morning. Could that be from mold?


Senior Member
Certainly possible, especially if its from an environment you are no longer in, yet still have not cleared out the toxins from your system.

I'm in the same environment, and I do have mold in my house.


Senior Member
Great Plains, US
I wish I knew something helpful to say, drob31. It's hard when none of us know your whole situation.
I do know that mold toxins are really hard on my thyroid. It's one of the first effects that I notice.

Recently I started taking some vanadium and it seems to be helping my thyroid function. I've been taking other minerals for years and perhaps there was some kind of imbalance. A guy in a health food store told me he liked vanadium for thyroid support, so I looked into it.

Wishing you better health!


Senior Member
Great Plains, US
Oh yeah, YES, you can have mold issues without having any issues with breathing, coughing, sneezing, congestion. I didn't have any of those things either.

And another oh yeah, don't forget that if you rev up your thyroid function, it can tax your adrenal glands because they have to keep up. It seems to be something that happens to ME/CFS patients a lot. Every time I increase thyroid function I have to take more DHEA, at least for a while, to avoid getting super tired.


Senior Member
I wish I knew something helpful to say, drob31. It's hard when none of us know your whole situation.
I do know that mold toxins are really hard on my thyroid. It's one of the first effects that I notice.

Recently I started taking some vanadium and it seems to be helping my thyroid function. I've been taking other minerals for years and perhaps there was some kind of imbalance. A guy in a health food store told me he liked vanadium for thyroid support, so I looked into it.

Wishing you better health!

Thanks for the feedback. I saw Dr. Rind, the thyroid/adrenal guru. He saw all my lab work, did muscle testing, and everything and thinks I have an issue with mold that's stressing my adrenals to some degree. I did have mold in my shower, which I'm in the process of cleaning out. I also just found out my work place has mold. So in order to figure out what species I have, I guess I will be doing some tests, such as:



Senior Member
Great Plains, US
Oh, I haven't used that particular mold test.
I did send a tape sample and a carpet fiber sample to Mouldworks. It's owned by a retired professor who used to study mold. He looks at your samples under a microscope and tells you which species you have. It seemed good and reasonably priced.

I hope your remediation process goes well.


Senior Member
Dallas, TX

I would recommend, depending on where you live and how good the regulations are, that you have someone come and do an air quality test. Just because you don't see mold anywhere besides the bathroom does not mean it's only in there.

I can provide more information on that if you'd like.

Also just a tidbit of information depending on how you plan on cleaning your bathroom. Bleach DOES NOT kill mold, but Hydrogen Peroxide does.


Senior Member
I had issues in a moldy environment. Nothing respiratory. Just crippling fatigue. I would go to my dorm room and I would just flop on the bed it was so bad I couldn't even lift my limbs. Air test revealed mold levels off of the chart (I could smell it, BTW). The college ordered me out of that room and upgraded my housing hah (I had a private company come in to do the test).

If anyone is interested I can send over PM the private labs (separate from the mold inspection company) numbers over, and their reference range, and levels outside.