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Methylation/ anaphylaxis

Moorhead, Minnesota
I have been sick for two years with lymes/ mold exposure, and started having allergic reactions on and off two yrs ago around my periods. I am getting familiar with methylation and took genetic test and have one MTHFR gene mutation and both COMT ++ genes. I started having anaphylaxis reactions in last two months around my periods, I am recognizing this as histamine/ progesterone issues. I am gf, dairy free, organic, low histamine diet. I started B- minus through ben lynch, and hydroxy B12 as I don't process frolic acid. I am also on vit D3 coq10, I am wondering if my reactions could be due to high doses of b12 and not methyl groups or if my histamine bucket just got to full or both? I see a ton of different approaches to methylation and honestly they all freak me out and they all seem to be confusing, can someone direct me or help me? I am scared to have another reaction?


Senior Member
I am experiencing the same thing and am also on methylation supplements and b12. My reactions are becoming very scary.


Senior Member
Ventura, CA
Yup I am on protocol for mast cell, wante

d to support methylation since I have gene mutation etc.

just in my opinion but if you haven't already been using Neuro protek for it then I would highly suggest it, can be a tad expensive but will be enough on its own alongside a good diet.. Lyme causes all kinds of issues though and some unfortunately don't subside until treatment is further and the load of bacteria is reduced, toxins reduced, etc...

I have chronic lyme too.

Anyways what mutations you have? You definitely need to supplement for it if there are mutations, at least use a methyl guard with methyl folate and methyl b12, you will not de tox correctly without fixing it, if that is an issue for you.

edit* sorry just saw

you need methyl folate and to avoid all synthetic forms of b12 and folic acid. Generally de tox symptoms can hit hard so useful to have niacin on hand and curcimun for inflammation.. Also you should look into getting tested for pyroluria as many with lyme temporarily can have it, this puts you in deficiency in b6 and zinc which is problematic if starting methylation support without treating for it.

@caledonia has awesome methylation protocol info on her sig but here is a direct link to my personal favorite.

Moorhead, Minnesota
Do you follow any methyl science guru's? I am just curious because I am so unsure of what B brands to be on, I am on ben lynch brand. I saw a doctor who translated my 23andme and put me on them but I haven't started any methyl folate. I wasn't sure how to go about them. I am scared of more reactions, but I know I need to. I just bought ben lynch vitamins with methyl folate in it.


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
@Ddanya, I have been experiencing anaphylactic like reactions around my periods too, and especially the first day of periods (was several times at emergency units for that). I was following methylation support at the moment - among the supplements took 5000 mcg Mb12. Since I have reduced significantly my dose to 1000 mcg, reactions have diminished. I can't say it is linked, but it has occured simultaneously.


Senior Member
Are they around your periods? Did it happen before you started supplements?

i'm a guy so no. it did not happen before methylation supplements but I have been on them quite a while and this seemed to happen out of the blue. although i was taking high amounts of methylcobalamin leading up to when this happened. but taking more b12 seemed to lessen the reaction at the time...strange