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Rosmarinic Acid and T Cells.


Senior Member
Midwest USA
I thought this article was interesting on rosmarinic acid and T cells and autoimmune disease.

I've taken rosmarinic acid before, but only short term during allergy season. I think I might give it another try!

The whole article is pretty interesting...



Rosmarinic acid has been shown to selectively induce T cell apoptosis in aberrant lymphocytes, but not normal/quiescent T cells. Rosmarinic acid also reduces gamma interferon driven T cell responses and reduces interleukin production following T-cell stimulation. Furthermore, rosmarinic acid affects signal transduction inside T cells by affecting specific tyrosine kinase enzymes inside the cell.

By direct effects on T cells as well as other anti- inflammatory and antioxidant effects, rosmarinic acid may be a safe and valuable tool for reducing autoimmune inflammation. It may also be safe and advantageous to use in tandem with pharmaceutical treatment of autoimmune diseases.


Senior Member
Midwest USA
Interesting ... what product did you use for this?
I have had a few over the years...but they all seem to be discontinued now!

The most recent was Restorative Formulations but they no longer have the plain Rosmarinic Acid. It's now called T cell Balance. I actually think that looks pretty good though so I will probably get that one when my bottle runs out.

Life Extension used to make one as well but it seems to be DCd too. Weird.