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T.V. Doctor exposes bogus gay 'cures'


Senior Member

Unfortunately I missed this programme.

Its terrible abuse of the gay community.

Couldnt help but notice the parallels of the abuse of M.E. People and thought it would be good if Dr.Christian knew the facts of these CBT centres. People being left with no benefits, possibly sectioned and death due to these outmoded psychological 'treatments'.

My friend brough me a book a few months ago. I was needing a bit of support.

I was nearly in tears. I cant believe after all this time he would bring me such a book!

It was full of Christian mysogony, demons, and taking responsibility for making and keeping yourself ill. And worse.

Edit: dug the book out. Its called:

A More Excellent Way
Be In Health
Spiritual Roots of Disease
Pathways To Wholeness
By Henry W. Wright

MCS/Environmental illness he says are 85% womans problem - and so its an anxiety disorder!

(and not submitting to your husband properly - or the nearest male in your environment :( )

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PR activist


"...Residential ex-gay treatment centers like LIA was in the 1990s are still rare. There are currently just three in America — one in northern California, one in Kansas and one in Kentucky. But ex-gay "ministries" like Refuge are numerous. There are at least 200 such programs among the country's churches, religious counseling centers and religious college campuses. Smid serves on the board of Exodus International, an umbrella group representing 150 ex-gay ministries in 17 different countries...

Exodus has over 150 evangelical ministries throughout the U.S. and in Australia, Canada, China, Europe, Japan, Latin America, the Philippines and Singapore. Most of the ministries are locally run but remain under the Exodus umbrella. A few of them target Latinos and African Americans, as well as the deaf. In the U.S., coordinators for 14 different geographic regions make sure that local ministries have Exodus accreditation and trained staff..."

Though I only skimmed the Mail article, my only beef would be that greater geographic (beyond the Bible Belt) and religious contexts (beyond Christan protestants) weren't included.



The following Einstein quote comes to mind: "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."

Golden - I'm sorry someone gave you a stupid book. I've been given stupid literature in the past (regarding a different issue), and it doesn't feel nice at all. Keep your chin up. ;)
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Senior Member
I watched this last night and I thought it was a pretty good programme. It's amazing to think that up until the 1980s the "vomiting therapy" was actually an NHS standard, why anyone would willingly put themselves through it in hopes of a ''cure'' is beyond me and it is beyond belief that some academics of the thought it was a fitting treatment. The whole "homosexuality is a curable disease" idea is completely ludicrous in my opinion, only yesterday was I reading a few interesting theories as to why it may provide evolutionary advantages specifically at a group rather than individual level.


Senior Member
I Immediately thought of writing to him as soon as he said he was devastated to realise some folk thought he was possessed by demons which "made him" gay.

It's just how we feel when doctors (like him) deny our disease.

But I couldn't tell what made certain clothes "gay" or "straight"... weird notion.


Senior Member
Mother took me to see that when I was 11. I thought it was quite fun.:wide-eyed:
She had some strange ideas about what was or wasn't suitable for children.
It was X-rated - over 18s only.

These so-called christian groups give me the creeps. The weird closed-shop sort of evangelical american ones, and they are to be found on the streets here, in Scotland, preaching!
They have infiltrated schools and started handing out creationist rubbish in the name of "helping out" at the schools.
They have had to be banned from the schools where they have been discovered doing this; :thumbsup:they have been arrested for disturbance of the peace. :thumbsup:
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WOW (since I cannot curse here) :bang-head::bang-head::bang-head::bang-head::bang-head::bang-head::bang-head::bang-head::bang-head::bang-head::bang-head::bang-head::bang-head::bang-head::bang-head::bang-head::bang-head::bang-head::bang-head::bang-head::bang-head::bang-head:

Can you sue somebody on the basis of being stupid? Or creating false believe without proper sience???

They do it all the time wiht supplements and stuff like that, I imagine something must apply to false proclaimed therapies. Books....


Senior Member
Now I wish I was a gay man - he's hot! And that close-up of his nipples is almost too much to take :jaw-drop:

He is a sweetie ...

He is from a TV show called:

Embarrasing bodies... (which is another discussion entirely!!!!)

But the respect, listening skills and solutions offered to patients is really good. I watch it to remind myself of what good doctoring - should look like...


Senior Member
I watched this last night and I thought it was a pretty good programme. It's amazing to think that up until the 1980s the "vomiting therapy" was actually an NHS standard, why anyone would willingly put themselves through it in hopes of a ''cure'' is beyond me and it is beyond belief that some academics of the thought it was a fitting treatment.

And the absence of accountability for this quackery is really disturbing too.


Senior Member
Try googling "gimp mask" under an images search. @golden ;)
It's an S/M bondage sort of thing...

Showing my age here, I'd far rather have Dr. Michael Mosely. He's really good at experimenting on himself and debunking loads of myths.
He also has a more lived-in and interesting face than this young chap.
Besides - this youngster obviously works out in a gym (and probably uses a sun-bed)
so, he's far, far too vain for me.:p
And what a waste of time and effort in a gym - you could be doing something far more interesting, outside.