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List of types & sources of probiotics


Senior Member
I'm trying to figure out which probiotics to buy and where to get them. There is good info on here but it is spread out all over various threads and subforums. Perhaps we could consolidate the information in one place.

Which probiotics are you using or have tried? What are the pros and cons of each? What is a specific type supposed to do? Which are best if you have histamine issues? Which brands are soil based? And where do you find them - not just on the internet but in various countries as well.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I'm trying to figure out which probiotics to buy and where to get them. There is good info on here but it is spread out all over various threads and subforums. Perhaps we could consolidate the information in one place.

Which probiotics are you using or have tried? What are the pros and cons of each? What is a specific type supposed to do? Which are best if you have histamine issues? Which brands are soil based? And where do you find them - not just on the internet but in various countries as well.

A lot of this depends on the balance of bacteria in your gut. If you take a probiotic, you want to find one that helps balance your gut profile. The best way to do this is to have it tested, but that also means having a doctor who knows what test to give and how to interpret it--not always easy to find!



Senior Member
Midwest USA
I posted a (partial, incomplete) list of probiotic strains a while ago and meant to get back to looking at them but never did.

I agree with @Sushi, a gut profile is the best way to know what you are lacking. The last thing you want to do is add more of what you don't need.

But if that is not possible, I would suggest rotating around between reputable, high quality brands. I think that's a pretty good idea anyway even if you do have a gut profile done because things can change.

I've used VSL#3 and Xymogen with good luck.

Now I'm playing around a bit more with some other brands but it's too soon to say whether or not I will like them long term.


Senior Member
I posted a (partial, incomplete) list of probiotic strains a while ago and meant to get back to looking at them but never did.
I couldn't find this. If someone does, perhaps we can merge these threads?

I've used VSL#3 and Xymogen with good luck.

I see Xymogen has several on their website here but it is only for health practitioners. Does anyone know how a patient can get any of these products themselves? Is there a Canadian supplier?

What is in VSL#3 and where does one purchase it?


Senior Member
Midwest USA
I couldn't find this. If someone does, perhaps we can merge these threads?

I see Xymogen has several on their website here but it is only for health practitioners. Does anyone know how a patient can get any of these products themselves? Is there a Canadian supplier?

What is in VSL#3 and where does one purchase it?
Here is that thread (though I fear that not all of the info is accurate given further research):


I get VSL #3 at Costco as it is the cheapest source.

You can get a lower strength version at Amazon.


It must come with ice.

The Xymogen is here:



Senior Member
"Prescript Assist" is a probiotic containing homeostatic soil organisms (HSO), aka soil-based organisms (SBO). It can be purchased on their website here. Does anyone know of a reliable Canadian supplier for this? Getting things across the border can be a pain sometimes as well as extra shipping costs. What about suppliers in other countries?

"Primal Defense" is another brand of HSO probiotic.
Anyone have details?


Senior Member
Here is that thread (though I fear that not all of the info is accurate given further research):

Thank you!!! I remember reading that thread and couldn't find it again. Sometimes the search feature is not very helpful. This microbiome stuff is getting very complicated, very fast considering we just barely started to study it. Histamine reducers/producers ... and so this probably occurs with countless other substances too. :aghhh: