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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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New!! Dr. Donnica and Dr. Enlander videos

Not sure if this is where I should post this, but. . .Just wanted to let you know that Dr. Derek Enlander & I just filmed some videos for TheDoctorsChannel.com on CFS. This site provides SHORT educational videos for physicians on a variety of topics.

The intro to CFS video I did is available at http://www.thedoctorschannel.com/video/2807.html?specialty=

The video Dr. Enlander did is available at http://www.thedoctorschannel.com/video/2802.html?specialty=

These were done off the cuff on very short notice (thus my horrible hair!) without much planning (thus the overlap between my content & Dr. Enlander's), but we had an opportunity & we took it. To come: my son Brian Bernard also filmed a short video on the patient experience with CFS & Dr. Enlander did one on XMRV. These are meant to be very elementary by design, but they can still have a positive impact to stimulate doctors to do further reading, etc. (and resources are suggested). It's only been up for a day & already they have a combined total of nearly 900 views.


:DThanks for letting us know about your continued advocacy for us!!

I tried the link to your intro, but it doesn't seem to work. :( Dang! I wanted to check out your assessment of your bad hair day.

Dr. Enlander's video comes up, though...

You're the best!!! :victory:

ETA: I DrDonnica, I edited your post to make the link work. (Your hair looks GOOD!! What the heck are you talking about ?)


Senior Member

Great job! You are the Media Medicine Maven! I am always so impressed at how much totally comprehensible information you manage to deliver in a couple of minutes. You are very skilled!

And, your hair looks great! :D

Very much looking forward to seeing Dr. Enlander's XMRV vid.

All good things to you and yours in 2010!

ETA this may be a better link for Donnica: http://www.thedoctorschannel.com/video/2807.html?specialty=1


work in progress
N. California
Thanks Dr Donnica! :Sign Good Job:

We really need that advocacy now. And we're hoping that you (and everyone else who has the credibility to do so) will take every opportunity available to slam the recent IMPERIAL COLLEGE XMRV study. :Retro mad::Retro mad::Retro mad:

Please let them have it! :thumbsup:


Senior Member
Thanks, Dr. Donnica.... Another great job in a short amount of time.....

This is exciting that this is happening, a chance to educate more people.

We appreciate your commitment to helping get the word out..


Quotes from Dr. Donnica

Quotable lines:

"...and not attributable to any medial OR SOCIAL condition!!"

"...eight associated symptoms of which you must have four, according to the Fukuda criteria.

They include:

Post Exertional Malaise, which is pathognomonic. This is where a patient can do an activity, just about 'fine', but then, anywhere from hours to days later, they feel a severe exacerbation of their fatigue AND their other symptoms."

(Pathognomonic: A sign or symptom that is so characteristic of a disease that it makes the diagnosis)


I also changed the thread title - it deserved a better headline :)


work in progress
N. California
Post Exertional Malaise, which is pathognomonic. This is where a patient can do an activity, just about 'fine', but then, anywhere from hours to days later, they feel a severe exacerbation of their fatigue AND their other symptoms."

(Pathognomonic: A sign or symptom that is so characteristic of a disease that it makes the diagnosis)

NEW VOCAB for me: pa-tho-no-MON-ick... pa-tho-no-MON-ick


Senior Member
Quotable lines:

"...and not attributable to any medial OR SOCIAL condition!!"

"...eight associated symptoms of which you must have four, according to the Fukuda criteria.

They include:

Post Exertional Malaise, which is pathognomonic. This is where a patient can do an activity, just about 'fine', but then, anywhere from hours to days later, they feel a severe exacerbation of their fatigue AND their other symptoms."

(Pathognomonic: A sign or symptom that is so characteristic of a disease that it makes the diagnosis)

Dr. Donnica, thank you so much. It takes a lot of dedication to go on camera when you're not feeling like your hair is quite right, but it looked fantastic to me.

Kim - thank you for the pathognomonic definition. I had already forgotten that I wondered what it meant and it sounds like a really good word.


Ha!! I missed this part. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and check out what paper Dr. D. cited first!! Slick!!!

Maes M, Twisk FN. Why myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) may kill you: disorders in the inflammatory and oxidative and nitrosative stress (IO&NS) pathways may explain cardiovascular disorders in ME/CFS. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2009 Dec 30;30(6).
Wiborg JF, Knoop H, Stulemeijer M, Prins JB, Bleijenberg G. How does cognitive behaviour therapy reduce fatigue in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome? The role of physical activity. Psychol Med. 2010 Jan 5:1-7
Cockshell SJ, Mathias JL. Cognitive functioning in chronic fatigue syndrome: a meta-analysis. Psychol Med. 2010 Jan 5:1-15.


Senior Member
Near St Louis, MO
Thank you, Dr Donnica. As for your hair, it looks fine, but around here no-one needs apologise for how they perceive their own appearance. Since getting ME/CFS, I've had a bad hair life.:D


Senior Member
YAY!! Dr Donnica - infinite gratitude for getting the MCS in there!!

And, (Billy Crystal voice) You Look Mahvelous!



4 paws up!

That was wonderful. Thank you and Dr. Enlander for keeping CFS in the minds of Doctors!


Senior Member
Thanks, Dr. Donnica (and Dr. Enlander) for doing your bit to EDUCATE DOCTORS, one of the most-needed things for us. Well, after an actual cure...but it's hard to get that when most MDs don't even believe we've got a disease. I was just on a thread where someone said they were starting with AZT instead of interferon. When another writer mentioned that the AZT might further complicate the mitochondria issue, the reply was, I'm going ahead with the AZT, I can't afford the interferon, it's either AZT or kill myself. We're all going to die sometime, but I can't help feeling we should not be in the position where medicine makes it more of a torture and not less.


Senior Member
And now having just seen the videos...I do find this so encouraging, and agree with what's been said about getting a lot of info into a couple of minutes. (And I know we all have our own personal things about hair, but yours looked just fine to me as well.)

I don't think overlap of info on these videos is a problem. At this point, I think we need the message pounded home with as many reps as possible.


All shall be well . . .
Santa Rosa, CA
love Dr. Donnica's new video

Just excellent!

And two more words I didn't know before:

A person with cervical lymphadenopathy has swollen lymph glands in the neck. Lymph nodes most often swell in response to infection or inflammation. Less commonly, lymph gland swelling can be a sign of cancer.

Dyscalculia is a broad term for severe difficulties in math. It includes all types of math problems ranging from inability to understand the meaning of numbers to inability to apply math principles to solve problems.