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sinus and head pressure

London, UK
@ahmo a blood test I had about 7 months ago now, when I was beginning the Yasko protocol, revealed slightly high levels of blood magnesium. I'm presuming this is because of the magnesium stearate in the supplements. The urine test I had recently, however, indicated a magnesium deficiency. I've done zero research into this, but I'm wondering if that means the detrimental magnesium gets absorbed and retained, whereas the beneficial one doesn't (perhaps because the stearate form counteracts the beneficial magnesium, preventing it from reaching the cells, and/or causing it to be excreted immediately...I should try to read up on it).

How do you make the oil, btw? Just mix one drop of each one, then rub the mixture into the soles of your feet following a bath/shower?


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
oh_noes, i wish I knew about the mg metabolism. For mg oil, equal parts mg chloride and water, bring to just under boiling, and it'll have dissolved.

For the biofilm oil, I started out putting a drop of each, then got an empty bottle and mixed a couple droppers full of each, clove, lemongrass, oregano oil. When I came across my notes the other day, I saw instructions to also put the oil on palms, as well as feet, to relate to the upper half of the body. I do it when I first wake up and before sleep. Now that I'm doing big detox, also midday.

And re sinuses, my husband has a chronic ear infection. He uses some rx, as well as vinegar. He's now mixing oregano oil w/ colloidal silver. His morning nose-blowing has radically decreased, and he says he's much more comfortable. The silver is partly to dilute the oregano oil, andis something we already have on hand. The oil and water don't mix, however, so first he shakes the bottle, then he shakes the dropper before squirting.

I just saw on iherb grapefruit seed oil nasal spray. I ordered one for my husband, but will probably make it myself in the future. And, you can open some probiotics onto the back of your tongue, especially when you go to bed, to get some good bacteria to migrate into the area. OK, bye for now. :balloons:ahmo
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Senior Member
Have you heard that the condition of the sinuses reflects the condition of the gut? I think the stuff gets up into the sinuses through the lymphatic system.


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
@oh_noes, either your detox or your diet could be contributing histamines. lowhistaminechef.com has a lot of info re histamines, tho not a great food list. Here's a food list. http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?attachments/allowed-restricted-foods-pdf.6229/

Try eliminating all suspicious foods. In any case, whether food, detox, methylation...calcium and Vit C help mobilize histamines out of the system. I get mine via footbaths. When I've done a coffee enema, I self-test for increased amounts of these, indicating an increased histamine activity. There are a range of supps that help: quercetin, rutin, royal jelly. Have you tried taking extra potassium? good luck getting to the bottom of this. ahmo
How do you self-test for histamines? Quercetin didn't do me any good, but I could increase my Vit C (only taking 2g/day now).


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
Hi Critterina. It's actually self-testing for the supps which counteract histamines. I've been fascinated this week to understand that one of the results of my near-daily coffee enemas over the past 2 weeks has been testing + for all my histamine supps after I finish the procedure. Quercetin is the one that tests for the least extra. But my body's wanted extra royal jelly and rutin , as well as Vit C and Ca. Today I felt in a really altered state after the enemas, and I tested + for all my sulfur/ammonia removing elements as well. Took 3 footbaths, including with clay and charcoal, + showering with bicarb to feel better. I'm assuming (!) I've really tapped into something deep here. GAPS folks always remind each other we're not running a sprint, but a marathon. These couple weeks of enemas have felt like a daily marathon.:aghhh:
Oxfordshire, UK
Hi Ahmo,
Just wondering what you mean by feeling in a really altered state after your enemas.....I tried coffeee enemas for a few months with great results then it suddenly all went horribly pear shaped and now I cannot tolerate them.Had terrible mood flattening effects and made my urine dark. Such a shame as I used to feel so detoxed after doing them. In my simple way of thinking I put it down to my liver having been pushed into making glutathione, and with my methylation problems this was all too much for me. But what do I know?! Also, how long have you taken Royal Jelly for and what benefits do you get from it? Thank you. Mels


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Hi Critterina. It's actually self-testing for the supps which counteract histamines. I've been fascinated this week to understand that one of the results of my near-daily coffee enemas over the past 2 weeks has been testing + for all my histamine supps after I finish the procedure. Quercetin is the one that tests for the least extra. But my body's wanted extra royal jelly and rutin , as well as Vit C and Ca. Today I felt in a really altered state after the enemas, and I tested + for all my sulfur/ammonia removing elements as well. Took 3 footbaths, including with clay and charcoal, + showering with bicarb to feel better. I'm assuming (!) I've really tapped into something deep here. GAPS folks always remind each other we're not running a sprint, but a marathon. These couple weeks of enemas have felt like a daily marathon.:aghhh:

Lack of active b12 and methylfolate causes vast increase in histamine reactions. Methyltrap causes it severely and rapidly. One can hit allergies, asthma and MCS in a couple of weeks of onset of Methyltrap. It takes a little longer with partial methylation block.
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Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@Mels, Altered state...weird. spacey. irritable. possibly sl breathless, tho maybe not. Not exactly brain fog. I guess mainly mental state related. Something like what, in the past, would have signalled some kind of impending crisis. I'm continuing on with my 4 days on, 2 days off enemas for the present. It seems to be doing good things. I've just received my order of S A Wilson's enema blend/roast, will be starting w/ it in a few hours.

I learned of royal jelly on either a Masto site or from lowhistaminechef. I started with it about 2 months ago. My body seems to respond v positively to it. I now understand that my MAO status predisposes to histamine problems. I've been able to keep myself free of any overt histamine responses, like urticaria, for longer than I have for over a decade. And, as Freddd notes, I'm also now steadily increasing my B12/folate.

@Freddd, Yes. Since you suggested increasing by 1-200mcg daily or every other day, I've been doing that very successfully. I'm now up to 7.4 mg MTHF, 9mg B12, about 7.5 mg AdB12. This titrating up is working beautifully. I have a v simple monitor: a few pimples at the back of my neck, a few on my face. They come and go as I change the dose. cheers, ahmo