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My internet hand is malfunctioning

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I can do basic stuff with my left hand, but it makes my brain cramp if I try to use it in the same way I can use my right hand.
Do you switch the mouse button functions when you switch hands? I find it much easier to switch hands on the mouse if I also switch the 'handedness' of the mouse.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I dont like using mouse much.. Ive found too that my hand parts start spasming if Im using a mouse too much. Instead I use the touch pad.. often at in a diaganal kind of way with my hand resting on on the computer and will use any finger to press the other parts.

brain cramp :) .. I think I know what you mean. I get that too if Im having to focus too hard on something.. it makes my head quite uncomfortable (its not a headache as such but something else.. it can actuallly hurt thou with the pressure of it)... I end up having to stop and rest my brain.