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Is there anyone else on here trying this for their adrenal issues?


Senior Member
I have only just come back to PR after a break. I have had ME/CFS plus hypothyroidism for some years (8 the first, and 18 the latter).

On thyroid forums they talk of adrenal issues that often need to be explored, so I started researching for help last year. I stumbled on Paul Robinson's book Recovering with T3 which I used when I started using T3/liothyronine instead of the T4/thyroxine I had been on for years. I have done a search on PR but cannot find any reference to him on the forum, and yet he has a unique insight into adrenal healing.

He first began to heal himself (was on T4 only and not getting better and got ME/CFS label), using T3 only, but then feeling that he was still not as well as he could be, he evolved a novel method for improving his adrenal function that uses no supplements, glandulars of any kind. The only snag is that you have to be diagnosed hypothyroid and using either T3 OR Natural Dessicated Thyroid. It taps into the Circadian rhythms of cortisol production by taking a dose at a time when you are normally asleep. You have to wake yourself and then go back to sleep.

He has a website if you google his name along with T3, (am I allowed to post websites on here?) and has now written 2 books on the subject. I am not here to sell his books but wondered if anyone else had tried it as I have just had a mini breakthrough. I did try his method in the summer but was unsure about if it was working and was not getting consistent results then.

However I just had a bit of a setback definitely due to being overstressed. My BP started to plummet, along with my temperature that got very erratic. I got back on his regime again, and within 4 days my BP is improved, and my temperature gradually normalising. So there is definitely something to this that is worth exploring for anyone who is also hypothyroid.

Happy to share experiences with anyone else on here as I am now on it again for the long term to see if it will bring further healing along with all else I am doing (quite a bit re diet and getting rid of environmental toxins where possible).


Senior Member
Midwest USA
For the most part, people seem to be backing away from this method as it doesn't seem to work well for most in practice especially over the long term.

I personally would not use it or recommend it to others unfortunately.


Senior Member
Thanks Ema. That's disappointing to hear. I will give it a go and see how I do.

I did read somewhere a little while back (on STTM I think) that some had not done so well. Just googled that site to check and I see that yes, there were mixed results, and maybe only helpful for those with low morning cortisol rather than all the time. My overall cortisol improved a bit this year, (and is not REALLY low), so maybe it will give me some support at least over this blip I have had, and will need to carefully monitor it long term.

I understand that it has helped some people though, and I guess like all methods it is not going to be right for everyone. So far at least over the 4 days it has dramatically improved things for me. I forgot to mention that I had started to suffer from bad muscle pain, which is unusual for me, and since trying this technique that has virtually gone.

The other thing that is stressed on the STTM site is that it like many things is not a stand alone treatment. I have spent a lot of time this year really working on getting 'all my ducks in a row' as they like to say! Maybe this is also part of it then too.

Just surprised not to see anyone mention it here though, as PR seems to be a mine of info on all kinds of treatments and people exchanging opinions and ideas.


Senior Member
@mermaid l am interested to try this. I have been taking selenium hoping that would fix things but its not and l am sick of hypo symptoms. I took 6mcg t3 this am and have more energy today but must find a source with no lactose. I darent take it every day as l an low cortisol.


Senior Member
Yes, I think that the lactose possibly has a slight effect on me unfortunately, Brenda.

I usually take it with food and am OK, but for the circadian dose I just shove it in quickly and go back to sleep. When I wake I have some slight stomach issues, so I am suspecting the lactose, but it's not too bad for me in small amounts.

I hope you can find a lactose free source online then.


Senior Member
Book is out of Amazon stock. I tried and tried in the past to get a lactose free source. I haven't got many left and am taking TriEnza digestive enzymes with them.



Senior Member
I only just ordered the CT3M handbook yesterday from Amazon and it says it's sending, though of course that may just be machine generated. Did not say out of stock though and says it still has 4 there. i think Book Depository has it OK though may be a little dearer. I have the T3 book already though.

That is really annoying re the T3 re lactose - why do they put it in when they must know there are many people with lactose issues?!


Senior Member
Don't get me started on conspiracies :)

;) Ha ha!! Well of course in the UK we are not given a lot of choice anyway re our NHS T3 supply (if that's what you get) and I understand that some health authorities are now saying they won't even fund it.

Just had an email to say my book has been dispatched.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I am taking T3 and am using the circadian method. My labs have improved, but I do not feel much better.