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Organic acids test useful?

I have been thinking about doing the "metabolic analysis profile" test from Genova. I have already decided to get the GI effects stool test done for minor gut issues.

From what I can gather it seems the organic acids test can identify potential deficiencies relating to the kreb's cycle. And also might serve as a bio marker for cfs/me. So what are others opinion of this test?

At the moment I don't have any diagnosis so it might also be useful to have some evidence of whats wrong with me. I know there are some other tests that relate to cfs/me such as the mitochondrial profile, leaky gut and methylation panel.

Thanks for replies
I have not had any genetic testing done. I don't actually know much about 23andMe, in what way is it useful?

I am assuming it will highlight potential issues but not indicate what actually is going on.
I have not had any genetic testing done. I don't actually know much about 23andMe, in what way is it useful?

I am assuming it will highlight potential issues but not indicate what actually is going on.

Mostly to know which methylation supplements to take, because it says which SNPs you have problems with. There is a forum for genetic testing: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?forums/genetic-testing-and-snps.12/

If you view caledonia's signature she has good links for learning about methylation. Under information or open one of her posts. http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?members/caledonia.90/