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Twelve cell salts (minerals)


Senior Member
I thought I would post this link. http://schuessler-cell-salts.com/list/index.htm

It's a different way to give your body the minerals that it might need. There is also a facial diagnosis that Schuessler used to determine which cell salt you need at any particular time. At one point I felt that I needed so many that I just took the Bioplasma, which is a combination of all 12. It's more economical that way, but not as precise.


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
Hi Violetaer,
How long have you been using those salts? which sort of improvement have you noticed?
I was prescribed some Schuessler salts long ago by a naturopath and havn't tried them because I havn't met anyone with ME who had some experiment with them...


Senior Member
Do you remember which ones your naturopath prescribed?

I was having some good results from Bioplasma, and when it ran out I decided to buy them separately. I didn't stick with it because I made it too complicated. I'm just getting back into it now as I see I have a definite silica lack, and I take the homeopathic silica6C for symptoms, and it helps. I am fairly sure part of my potassium deficiency is relative to too much sodium intake over the years, so I'm going to focus on Nat mur and Nat Phos to balance out the sodium excess in my body. It balances out overage or underage, if I'm not mistaken.

If I think of something specific with respect to improvement during the day while I'm at work I'll get back to you.


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
I have the info somewhere at home... but don't recall which one it was :( and too exhausted to search for the moment, I am sorry). Balancing the minerals has been a tough thing that I havn't succeeded in. I seem to have potassium deficiency symptoms (taking methylation supps) but have also bottom line results for plasma sodium (and sodium deficiency runs in the family) so, I feel a little lost.


Senior Member
I have the info somewhere at home... but don't recall which one it was :( and too exhausted to search for the moment, I am sorry). Balancing the minerals has been a tough thing that I havn't succeeded in. I seem to have potassium deficiency symptoms (taking methylation supps) but have also bottom line results for plasma sodium (and sodium deficiency runs in the family) so, I feel a little lost.

One thing that I read recently about sodium and potassium is that if they aren't where they're supposed to be, the tests may not show what you're looking for. For example, if the sodium is inside the cell instead of the potassium, it could mess up results. I'll have to look for where I read that. That happens with calcium and magnesium, too; they're not where they're supposed to be, causing major problems.

I don't know how to correct the problem of the minerals being in the wrong place. The only thing that I thought so far is to make sure I get more potassium and less sodium. If you can switch the location of the potassium and sodium, it will change the acidity/alkalinity of the cell, and then calcium is supposed to come out and magnesium enter. Well, the other thing that might pertain is cleaning out the area surrounding the cells, the lymphatics. I don't know much about this, just learning.

One pretty sure sign of sodium in the cells is edema.


Senior Member
I have the info somewhere at home... but don't recall which one it was :( and too exhausted to search for the moment, I am sorry). Balancing the minerals has been a tough thing that I havn't succeeded in. I seem to have potassium deficiency symptoms (taking methylation supps) but have also bottom line results for plasma sodium (and sodium deficiency runs in the family) so, I feel a little lost.

Do you have low blood pressure and seem to be dehydrated no matter how much water you drink?


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
You're right Violeta, getting the mineral to the cell is one big problem (for example, my plasma magnesium is in the range, but inside the cell it was found very very low - tested on Dr Myhill's request in the UK). So I am supplementing it on a daily basis, but I doubt that the ion pump is OK and the Mag is getting to where it is needed.

As I see no oedema, so I could perhaps conclude that I have no sodium retention (and I pee more than 3 liters a day, with moderate signs of dehydration). My BP tends to be a bit low too.


Senior Member
I have the same thing with low magnesium inside the cell. I thought I remembered reading that thyroid hormone is responsible for getting magnesium inside the cell, and that calcium inside the cell is responsible for cell death. (Ray Peat) I thought I would google magnesium + carbon dioxide, because Ray Peat also frequently talked about the value of carbon dioxide. I found an article by Danny Roddy, who rewrites and retwists Ray Peat information. I was surprised to find him writing about magnesium because when I used to look at his articles he was recommending excessive amounts of calcium. Anyway, I can't take thyroid hormone, I think any hypothyroid I have is because of toxicity, and so the hormone only makes it worse. But maybe taking extra magnesium, or eating more foods containing magnesium, might help. I don't know. As for the carbon dioxide, coca cola makes me feel better; I buy the kind sweetened with real sugar. Glucose makes me feel better, too. I don't know if that helps get the magnesium (and potassium) inside the cell, too???? Link: http://www.dannyroddy.com/main/2013/13/3/is-supplemental-magnesium-a-surrogate-for-thyroid-hormone

The reason I asked about the low BP and dehydration is that at times I have the same situation. There is an antidiuretic hormone called vasopressin, and it's antagonist, aldosterone, that affect sodium and potassium levels. I think I have always been deficient for some reason in vasopressin. Started peeing constantly since I was very young. Anyway, one of these, maybe the aldosterone, in some way can cause excessive fatigue. As usual, I have to say I don't know a whole lot, but maybe you would be interested in looking that up.


Senior Member
My Osteopath in London sold me some of these years ago but I didn't notice any improvement in taking them. From looking at the list I'd guess that they were the basic salts but it was a while ago now.


Senior Member
My Osteopath in London sold me some of these years ago but I didn't notice any improvement in taking them. From looking at the list I'd guess that they were the basic salts but it was a while ago now.

Is that your picture in your avatar? Or maybe just what you feel like with respect to doctors?:)