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Significant improvement on Boluoke (due to sticky blood)


Senior Member
I have significantly more energy when I take 6x Boluoke capsules a day. For those who don't know, Boluoke is a trademarked form of lumbrokinase, an enzyme which breaks down fibrin and fibrinogen. These are found to be elevated in the blood of people with chronic diseases, causing the blood to be thicker. Unfortunately, the cheaper brands of lumbrokinase do not work for me.

I was surprised there's no thread on sticky blood already, and since this is the only thing I've ever taken which has improved my energy levels thought it was worth starting one.


ps. It is believed to help in 2 ways: (1) it breaks down biofilms caused by bacteria (2) by thinning the blood again, blood can get to parts of the body it couldn't do. Since my response was very quick (within about 24hrs) I assume it's the bllod thinning quality which has helped me.

pps. It has also bizarrely helped my stomach bloating, when nothing else has made any difference. This can't be down to biofilm breakdown because the effect was far too quick. So again my bloating must have been related to a lack of supply of blood...


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I have significantly more energy when I take 6x Boluoke capsules a day. For those who don't know, Boluoke is a trademarked form of lumbrokinase, an enzyme which breaks down fibrin and fibrinogen. These are found to be elevated in the blood of people with chronic diseases, causing the blood to be thicker. Unfortunately, the cheaper brands of lumbrokinase do not work for me.

I was surprised there's no thread on sticky blood already, and since this is the only thing I've ever taken which has improved my energy levels thought it was worth starting one.


ps. It is believed to help in 2 ways: (1) it breaks down biofilms caused by bacteria (2) by thinning the blood again, blood can get to parts of the body it couldn't do. Since my response was very quick (within about 24hrs) I assume it's the bllod thinning quality which has helped me.

pps. It has also bizarrely helped my stomach bloating, when nothing else has made any difference. This can't be down to biofilm breakdown because the effect was far too quick. So again my bloating must have been related to a lack of supply of blood...


I haven't tried lumbrokinase because of the cost, but I had a lot of improvement from 7 months of heparin injections followed by high doses of nattokinase.

Here is another thread on hypercoagulation: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/hypercoagulation.3634/

I think many of us have it and probably many have treated it in different ways.


tyson oberle

Senior Member
tampa, florida
I have tried regular forms of lumbrokinase (but not the buluoke type), nattokinase, and also heparin injections and I never noticed a difference. That was about 5 years ago but maybe I wasn't taking high enough doses and maybe I need to try the buluoke type because even when it's 75-80 degrees F inside or outside with no sun my hands and feet are very cold.

tyson oberle

Senior Member
tampa, florida
I have significantly more energy when I take 6x Boluoke capsules a day. For those who don't know, Boluoke is a trademarked form of lumbrokinase, an enzyme which breaks down fibrin and fibrinogen. These are found to be elevated in the blood of people with chronic diseases, causing the blood to be thicker. Unfortunately, the cheaper brands of lumbrokinase do not work for me.

I was surprised there's no thread on sticky blood already, and since this is the only thing I've ever taken which has improved my energy levels thought it was worth starting one.


ps. It is believed to help in 2 ways: (1) it breaks down biofilms caused by bacteria (2) by thinning the blood again, blood can get to parts of the body it couldn't do. Since my response was very quick (within about 24hrs) I assume it's the bllod thinning quality which has helped me.

pps. It has also bizarrely helped my stomach bloating, when nothing else has made any difference. This can't be down to biofilm breakdown because the effect was far too quick. So again my bloating must have been related to a lack of supply of blood...
Hi Cigana,
Did you have elevated fibrin and/or fibrinogen confirmed by a test? And if so what is the name of the test? Did you also have very cold hands and feet and cold intolerance before taking the boluoke? What kind of response did you get within 24 hours? I had a blood test done that included a fibrinogen test and my results were within the normal range (normal range 180-425 and my result was 325). But yet it feels as though I have thick and/or sticky blood especially because of my very cold hands/feet. I don't know, maybe my cold hands/feet and cold intolerance are due to low blood volume or congested muscle knots or inflammation in the blood vessels/capillaries.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi Cigana,
Did you have elevated fibrin and/or fibrinogen confirmed by a test? And if so what is the name of the test? Did you also have very cold hands and feet and cold intolerance before taking the boluoke? What kind of response did you get within 24 hours? I had a blood test done that included a fibrinogen test and my results were within the normal range (normal range 180-425 and my result was 325). But yet it feels as though I have thick and/or sticky blood especially because of my very cold hands/feet. I don't know, maybe my cold hands/feet and cold intolerance are due to low blood volume or congested muscle knots or inflammation in the blood vessels/capillaries.

Here is the test that measures coagulation problems typically found in ME/CFS patients:


320027 ISAC Panel (Fibrinogen Activity, Prothrombin Fragment 1+2, Thrombin/Antithrombin Complex, PA by Flow)

Here is a link to more information:


      • 80% of infections unresponsive to medical treatment are attributable to biofilm colonies
        - National Institutes of Health
      • 20% of your patients may have a genetic defect leading to hypercoagulation and biofilm development
        - David Berg, founder of HEMEX Labs
      • 90% of Lyme, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Patients are hyper-coaguable (thick blood)
        - David Berg, founder HEMEX Labs
      • Biofilms are the rule in nature, not the exception
        - Stephen Fry, MD, founder of Fry Labs
      • Interstitial cystitis may be caused by Lyme coinfections
        - Ruth Kriz, Washington DC practitioner



Senior Member
Hi Cigana,
Did you have elevated fibrin and/or fibrinogen confirmed by a test? And if so what is the name of the test? Did you also have very cold hands and feet and cold intolerance before taking the boluoke? What kind of response did you get within 24 hours? I had a blood test done that included a fibrinogen test and my results were within the normal range (normal range 180-425 and my result was 325). But yet it feels as though I have thick and/or sticky blood especially because of my very cold hands/feet. I don't know, maybe my cold hands/feet and cold intolerance are due to low blood volume or congested muscle knots or inflammation in the blood vessels/capillaries.
Hi tyson,
I did not have a fibrin test or anything that measures hypercoagulation.
Yes my hands are always very cold (feet not too bad), but that did not change after taking the boluoke.
The response I felt was noticing I had more stamina than usual while walking (just a short walk). I have stopped the boluoke for a week and lost the stamina, but regained it again once I restarted the boluoke.


Senior Member
Midwest USA
I use lumbrokinase (not the Boluke brand) and definitely noticed an improvement in blood flow. It used to be a real struggle to have blood drawn for labs etc and now my blood flows smoothly and nicely.

I noticed some typical "herx-like" symptoms when I first started the lumbrokinase similar (but less intense) as to when I started various antibiotics for Lyme. That wore off in the first few weeks (mainly muscle soreness) but the benefits have persisted.

I did not have cold hands/feet or a particularly elevated fibrin test. I just figured biofilms were a given considering the Lyme infection.

Austin, Texas

I haven't tried lumbrokinase because of the cost, but I had a lot of improvement from 7 months of heparin injections followed by high doses of nattokinase.

Here is another thread on hypercoagulation: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/hypercoagulation.3634/

I think many of us have it and probably many have treated it in different ways.


Hello Cigana,

Have you tried this brand-- which gets good reviews?
thanks for the info.


Senior Member
Interesting. I have not heard about lumbrokinase. I did some sort of test a number of years ago with my doctor and was told my blood is thicker + also I have low O2/CO2 ratio + poor brain blood flow (spec scan). He mentioned heparin, but thought it was too risky. I do get benefit from taking ginkgo biloba which I believe has blood thinning properties. I have also taken bromelain capsules for its blood thinning benefits after reading about a guy who took it + heparin at various times while on antibiotics, with the theory being that it allowed the Abx to get deeper into tissues (he recovered from CFS). The only reason why I am not on it now is I ran out a number of months ago and have spent $ on other supps. I did have a good spell while on it last year but it was not a direct 'wow this is great stuff for sure' thing.

I have been on vitamin K for a few months now, and I believe that actually thickens blood (correct me if I am wrong), which had me worried from that aspect (my nails are growing faster and are much stronger + smoother on it). I am going to look into this stuff.


Senior Member
I have been on vitamin K for a few months now, and I believe that actually thickens blood (correct me if I am wrong), which had me worried from that aspect (my nails are growing faster and are much stronger + smoother on it). I am going to look into this stuff.

I know this thread is old, but it's my understanding the vitamin K doesn't increase clotting, it regulates it.

More info about 1/3rd the way down this page:



Senior Member


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I'm just about to buy this as it's meant to be great as a preventative for covid infection. As covid thickens the blood.

Also I have real trouble getting my bloods taken too even if I drink a lot of water. Although NHS nurses never seem to have an issue. So not sure if there's a technique issue.

Hope this improved my blood flow to the brain a bit.