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Which gut test to go for - input please.


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Hi, after many varied problems with my gut, things have got pretty much unbearable. I have tried all sorts of things, but as it is such a huge subject i cant seem to hit on THE thing to help. I currently have another thread where it was suggested to me that i do a comprehensive stool test.

The test recommended was the metametrix DNA stool analysis test, which i can order in the UK


the other option is the Genova diagnostics


The advantage to the Genova test is that it is cheaper, and that i can get Dr Myhill to order it for me. She will also do an analysis of the results and send a copy to my GP.

The metametrix test on the other hand may be difficult to interpret, although it llooks more in depth at first glance, its also about £100 more expensive - and i will be having to borrow the money to do this testing.

I want to know what experience others have had of these tests and wether they were helpful or not. Is one of these labs considered better than the other?

Is there another better test, that i can order from the UK?

Thanks, Justy.


Senior Member
Hi justy,

I've had both and my doc said the metamatrix is superior. It finds parasites, etc that the other doesn't.

Fwiw tho, I'd go for the least expensive less invasive tests you can get first. Like h pylori via breath test. And the sibo.
The celiac panel which looks for damage and antibodies. Celiac genetic tests in case you don't test positive
for celiac now, you'll know to avoid it anyways.

Since you know you have a candida and parasite problem, treating those should help. You can expect to feel bad
while treating. I spent 3 weeks tied to the throne while treating h pylori and parasites. Not fun .. For pain, ask
your doc for an anti spasmotic. Darn it .. I knew it but now I can't remember it. It's a green liquid and an opiod

If you've not had an endoscopy or colonoscopy you may want to get these. Fwiw, these are invasive.

Tc .. X


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi, after many varied problems with my gut, things have got pretty much unbearable. I have tried all sorts of things, but as it is such a huge subject i cant seem to hit on THE thing to help. I currently have another thread where it was suggested to me that i do a comprehensive stool test.

The test recommended was the metametrix DNA stool analysis test, which i can order in the UK


the other option is the Genova diagnostics


The advantage to the Genova test is that it is cheaper, and that i can get Dr Myhill to order it for me. She will also do an analysis of the results and send a copy to my GP.

The metametrix test on the other hand may be difficult to interpret, although it llooks more in depth at first glance, its also about £100 more expensive - and i will be having to borrow the money to do this testing.

I want to know what experience others have had of these tests and wether they were helpful or not. Is one of these labs considered better than the other?

Is there another better test, that i can order from the UK?

Thanks, Justy.

Hi Justy,

There is another option that also uses DNA: the metagenomics stool test from Redlabs. http://www.redlabs.be/red-labs/our-tests/intestinal-dysfunction-assays.php. It is apparently 287 euros. From what I know, only the metametrix and the metagenomics tests are anaerobic--which is important in detecting some of the critical values. I have had the Genova test and it missed some things that anaerobic tests picked up.

Hi, Justy -

Did you find a solution in the end? I, too, am weighing up the tests. I think Megamatrix or Redlabs are the ones to go for. Megamatrix needs a doctor, and I don't seem to be able to find a way around this (which is significant because I've moved house and don't have a new doctor yet!).

Hope your stomach is feeling better.
