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Improvement on manganese

I've had an improvement in energy, sleep cycle and well being with manganese only supplementation. But I have developed a dry itchy rash on both back hands that starts at the knuckles and finishes 2 inches into the wrist. Is this possibly some kind of detox? Iron or copper maybe?

Oh and I've also broken out with some acne on the forehead which is pretty unusual for me.. I usually only get one zit at a time and I've had 5 pop up...


Senior Member
How much manganese are you taking? I get quite a lot in my diet, I think largely because I eat a lot of wholegrains. I remember you were saying in Chat that you're on a gluten-free diet, so you're missing out on that particular food source for manganese.


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
I've had an improvement in energy, sleep cycle and well being with manganese only supplementation. But I have developed a dry itchy rash on both back hands that starts at the knuckles and finishes 2 inches into the wrist. Is this possibly some kind of detox? Iron or copper maybe?

Oh and I've also broken out with some acne on the forehead which is pretty unusual for me.. I usually only get one zit at a time and I've had 5 pop up...

hi Boost

I had the same reaction as you when I started taking B2. Itching primarily on the back of my hands and also on my forearms. It was worse on the back of my hands though. I'm thinking it's some sort of a detox reaction but I could be wrong.
I was actually taking B2 several weeks ago, which caused me other symptoms(dizzyness, anxiety, terrible sleep)... You might want to consider supplementing with manganese Rand if you havent tried it yet.


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
I was actually taking B2 several weeks ago, which caused me other symptoms(dizzyness, anxiety, terrible sleep)... You might want to consider supplementing with manganese Rand if you havent tried it yet.

hi Boost

Thanks for your reply. After awhile, I did add manganese into the mix along with B2. I was not getting any kind of synergistic effect with it. I was only taking 10mg but I wanted to stay under the upper tolerable limit. Like I said in a previous post..these shotgun approaches I have been using is not working out for me and other than trying some different things to target my depression, I'm going to wait on possibly getting back on the B2 and other cofactors that apply more to my situation when I get a hair test done. The only other thing I am tempted to trial right now are some supps Dufresne suggested when he linked an article about what Chaney said about staying away from certain supps that he thinks are bad and trying the other good ones. I found that article interesting in that I have had the same bad reaction to some of the supps Chaney says are bad. For any of you that haven't already read that thread, its the recent thread about Isocort in the "General" section. I'd be interested to know if more people have had the same bad reactions to those supps as a few others have stated they have had in that thread.