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whats shaking? Effexor withdrawals.


Senior Member
ha ha. So im currently experiencing those as i cut my dose out completely. Man, my nightmares are psycho. My mood is fine though, even though im getting chills. What interests me is emdr helps process stress, yet if i move my eyes to access my database of information, my brain does a jolt. I relate it to filter of ssri has gone from tiny to medium so more serotonin is coming out and its usual effects are happening through a collapsed wall. Im not taking any extra b6 until after the symptoms slow or cease.

If someone has a low amount of serotonin stored, as in an undermethylator, it makes sense that suicidal thoughts would ensue. As well as crazy nightmares.
Id say an important way to deal with it is to stay looking straight ahead to reduce the jolts until the body regulates the flow. Six years on this stuff, im glad to be coming off it.


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Many just swap to a longer acting ssri like prozac and then slowly taper off the prozac. This helps avoid alot of side effects from effexor.


Senior Member
ha ha. So im currently experiencing those as i cut my dose out completely. Man, my nightmares are psycho. My mood is fine though, even though im getting chills. What interests me is emdr helps process stress, yet if i move my eyes to access my database of information, my brain does a jolt. I relate it to filter of ssri has gone from tiny to medium so more serotonin is coming out and its usual effects are happening through a collapsed wall. Im not taking any extra b6 until after the symptoms slow or cease.

If someone has a low amount of serotonin stored, as in an undermethylator, it makes sense that suicidal thoughts would ensue. As well as crazy nightmares.
Id say an important way to deal with it is to stay looking straight ahead to reduce the jolts until the body regulates the flow. Six years on this stuff, im glad to be coming off it.

Those jolts when you move/turn your head are so much fun. I don't envy you your side-effexor withdrawals. Been there, done that!


Senior Member
I keep forgetting how long these problems last, in the past i think two days has stopped most issues.


PR activist
Like heaps pointed out, just take a single dose of fluoxetine. Since its half life is about one week, it will provide an automatic taper.


Senior Member
I've been there too... Hate those jolts.

My jolts and nausea/vomiting finally got so bad that I had to take another dose. I really hope yours get better rather than worse.

I did the switch to Prozac thing. Still had an awful time trying to get clear of the meds, but not as intense as from the Effexor.

Good luck, and much sympathy.