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Is cyano B12 better than nothing?


Senior Member
I'm using a mineral spray which The Uk doc Dr M (lives in wales) makes. I like it but the only problem is the B12 is cyano b12

Even though I know hydro or methyl would be better, is cyano b12 better than nothing?

Would it be possible to take the mineral spray, including the cyano b12, and then hydroxy b12 on top, or would it be too much? The cyano b12 in the mineral spray is quite high, 5000mcg

Many thanks


Senior Member
I'm using a mineral spray which The Uk doc Dr M (lives in wales) makes. I like it but the only problem is the B12 is cyano b12

Even though I know hydro or methyl would be better, is cyano b12 better than nothing?

Would it be possible to take the mineral spray, including the cyano b12, and then hydroxy b12 on top, or would it be too much? The cyano b12 in the mineral spray is quite high, 5000mcg

Many thanks

Not really. If you have methylation issues, cyanob12 will do pretty much nothing at all.

Cyanob12 combined with methylfolate **MIGHT** help if you body is effectively converting the cyanob12 to it's active forms, otherwise even that won't do much.
It's worse than nothing according to what I've heard, because of the cyanide molecule causing problems for people with methylation issues.


Senior Member
Thanks for these replied. Yes, I've heard the cyano molecule could be a problem. However, if it isn't, am I right in understanding that if my body is not really using it I could take hydroxy b12 on top of it? The problem is I like the mineral spray apart from the b12. The dr's office said they included cyano b12 to keep the price down. I would have preferred to have paid a bit more and got the methyl or hydro b12


Senior Member
Thanks for these replied. Yes, I've heard the cyano molecule could be a problem. However, if it isn't, am I right in understanding that if my body is not really using it I could take hydroxy b12 on top of it? The problem is I like the mineral spray apart from the b12. The dr's office said they included cyano b12 to keep the price down. I would have preferred to have paid a bit more and got the methyl or hydro b12

Hi, anniekim.

The problem with cyanocobalamin at high dosages is that your body has to dispose of the cyanide. It has four mechanisms for doing that. One is to bind it to hydroxocobalamin, if there is enough available. Another is to react it with thiosulfate to make thiocyanate, if there is enough thiosulfate available. There are other reactions with pyruvate and alpha ketoglutarate.

I have encountered one case in which all four mechanisms could not function because of deficiencies. The person became very ill from cyanide poisoning and was getting worse. I advised him and his physician to stop the cyanocobalamin, take hydroxocobalamin, and apply oxygen by mask. This pulled him out of it. I am not a fan of using high-dose cyanocobalamin in ME/CFS. I will write to Dr. M. about this.

Best regards,



Senior Member
Hi, anniekim.

The problem with cyanocobalamin at high dosages is that your body has to dispose of the cyanide. It has four mechanisms for doing that. One is to bind it to hydroxocobalamin, if there is enough available. Another is to react it with thiosulfate to make thiocyanate, if there is enough thiosulfate available. There are other reactions with pyruvate and alpha ketoglutarate.

I have encountered one case in which all four mechanisms could not function because of deficiencies. The person became very ill from cyanide poisoning and was getting worse. I advised him and his physician to stop the cyanocobalamin, take hydroxocobalamin, and apply oxygen by mask. This pulled him out of it. I am not a fan of using high-dose cyanocobalamin in ME/CFS. I will write to Dr. M. about this.

Best regards,


Thanks Rich, if you could write to Dr M about this it would be great. I'd love dr m to change the b12 in the mineral spray into the methyl or hydro form :)


Senior Member
Big thank you. Hope she follows your advice :)

Hi, anniekim.

I think she is going to change to another product that costs a little more, but doesn't have the cyanoB12 in it. She appreciated the "heads-up." Thanks for raising this issue.

Best regards,
